
What joy does old age have in sighs and sorrows?

ما للكبير في الغواني من أرب

1. What joy does old age have in sighs and sorrows?
Love is dead, there is no intimacy or confusion.

١. ما لِلكَبيرِ في الغَواني مِن أَرَب
ماتَ الهوى فَلا جَوىً وَلا طَرَب

2. O beauty with languid eyes, be content and gentle,
If you refuse then destroy me in anger!

٢. يا رَبَّةَ الخِدرِ قَري راضيَةً
فَإِن أَبَيتِ فَاِتلَفي مِنَ الغَضَب

3. Alas! I have no regrets for the loss of youth,
Nor do tears of yearning flow from me.

٣. هَيهاتِ لا آسى عَلى فَقدِ الصِبا
وَلا يُرى دَمعي لِشَوقٍ يَنسَكِبُ

4. Love once seduced me, now I have bid it farewell,
Rarely does something that's gone return.

٤. كانَ الهوى خِدني فَقَد وَدَّعتُهُ
وَقَلَّما يَعودُ شَيءٌ قَد ذَهَب

5. Many are the days my seclusion shortened,
With a languid, sidelong glance from sleepy, made up eyes.

٥. وَرُبَّ يَومٍ قَصَّرَتهُ خَلوَتي
بِفاتِرِ الطَرفِ خَلوبٍ مُختَلَب

6. My mind robbed by the beauty of his face,
While he regards me with wonder like one bewitched.

٦. يَسلُبُني عَقلي بِحُسنِ وَجهِهِ
وَهوَ منَ الإِعجابِ بي كَالمُستَلَب

7. As if Harut's eyes judge, to favor or wrong as he pleases,
Fluttering, quivering in their sockets,

٧. كَأَنَّما هاروتُ في أَجفانِّهِ
يُنصِفُ إِن شاءَ وَإِن شاءَ غَصَب

8. Like the breeze that sways the stalks of cane.
I know not if his glance or wine called daughter of the vine intoxicated me,

٨. مُهَفهَفٌ يَرتَجُّ في أَقطارِهِ
كَمازَفَت ريحٌ بِآجامِ قَصَب

9. As if his face were pearl water and his body finer than liquid gold.
You'd think it a ruby in its cup,

٩. لَم أَدرِ ما أَسكَرَني أَطَرفُهُ
أَم الَّتي يَدعونَها بِنتُ العِنَب

10. Or an ember set aflame with purpose and thus kindled.
This one's that, and Fate is the key to bounty,

١٠. كَأَنَّما الدُرَّةُ ماءُ وَجهِهِ
وَجِسمُهُ أَحسَنُ مِن ماءِ الذَهَب

11. Flower of life, spring of manners.
He is pleased and generously casts favors,

١١. تَحسِبُها في كَأسِها ياقوتَةً
أَو قَبَساً أُلهِبَ عَمداً فَاِلتَهَب

12. Death is angered when Fate is ireful.
Consider his traces with bounty,

١٢. هَذا لِذا وَالفَتحُ مِفتاحُ النَدى
وَزَهرَةُ الدُنيا وَيَنبوعُ الأَدَب

13. Like traces of rain upon grass.
If Glory were told, attach thyself to a man,

١٣. يَرضى فَيَرمي بِاللُهى سَماحَةً
وَيَغضَبُ المَوتُ إِذا الفَتحُ غَضِب

14. None would it seek but him as its origin.
A lion, gallant, generous, glorious,

١٤. أُنظُر إِلى آثارِهِ عِندَ اللُهى
تَنظُر إِلى آثارِ غَيثٍ في عُشُب

15. Wealth suffices him, to grant and gift.
Good fortune to one loyal to Abu Muhammad,

١٥. لَو قيلَ لِلمَجدِ اِنتَسِب إِلى اِمرِئٍ
لَم تُلفِهِ إِلّا إِلَيهِ يَنتَسِب

16. And say to one hostile, prepare for perdition.
His obedience is duty, if you disobey him,

١٦. لَيثٌ وَغَيزٌ وَجَوادٌ ماجِدٌ
كَفّاهُ بِالأَموالِ تَحبو وَتَهَب

17. You'll be firewood for Hell in your disobedience.
O you who praise Fate and hope in it,

١٧. طوبى لِمَن والى أَبو مُحَمَّدٍ
وَقُل لِمَن عادى تأَهَّب لِلعَطَب

18. You are no man who failed or speaker who lied.
When Fate clothes me in robes of wealth,

١٨. طاعاتُهُ فَرضٌ فَإِن عَصَيتَهُ
كُنتَ بِعِصيانِكَ لِلنارِ حَطَب

19. My raiment of it is choice poetry.
Poems that delight those to whom they are gifted,

١٩. يا مادِحَ الفَتحِ وَيا آمِلَهُ
لَستَ اِمرَأً خابَ وَلا مُثنٍ كَذَب

20. And the soul's pleasure in refined living.
I never borrowed their adornments, nor

٢٠. إِذا كَساني الفَتحُ أَثوابَ الغِنى
فَكُسوَتي إياهُ مَدحٌ مُنتَخَب

21. Did I pretend in reciting them in books.
They came like pearls in necklaces of gold,

٢١. قَصائِدٌ يَطرَبُ مَن تُهدى لَهُ
وَلَذَّةُ النَفسِ مِنَ العَيشِ الطَرَب

22. On the neck of a beauty, or like rods of gold.
Sorcery, permitted, I did not string its beads

٢٢. لَم أَستَعِر حِليَتَها يَوماً وَلا
أَغَرتُ حينَ قُلتُها عَلى الكُتُب

23. Save to raise my station above the ranks.
How could one hopeful of you not hope for wealth,

٢٣. جاءَت كَدُرٍّ في سِماطِ لُؤلُؤٍ
في جيدِ خَودٍ أَو كَعِقيانِ الذَهَب

24. When you are the pinnacle of glory while people are the tail?

٢٤. سِحرٌ حَلالٌ لَم أُؤَلِّف عِقدَهُ
إِلّا لِتَعلو رُتبَتي عَلى الرُتَب

٢٥. وَكَيفَ لا يَأمُلُ راجيكَ الغِنى
وَأَنتَ رَأسُ المَجدِ وَالناسُ ذَنَب