1. Your palm redeems a people who could not
Accomplish your deeds that cannot be accomplished
١. فَدَتكَ أَكُفُّ قَومٍ ما اِستَطاعوا
مَساعيكَ الَّتي لا تُستَطاعُ
2. You surpassed them by bringing together what they desired
And preserving what they lost
٢. عَلَوتَهُمُ بِجَمعِكَ ما أَشَتّوا
مِنَ العَليا وَحِفظِكَ ما أَضاعوا
3. You are generous and distinguished
While you are glory shared
٣. تَعُمُّ تَفَضُّلاً وَتَبينُ فَضلاً
وَأَنتَ المَجدُ مَقسومٌ مُشاعُ
4. And you granted us care after it was
Sold for naught by other peoples
٤. وَهَبتَ لَنا العِنايَةَ بَعدَما قَد
نَزاها عِندَ أَقوامٍ تُباعُ
5. You did not forbid us from glory until
Transgressions and squandering flowed from it
٥. وَلَم تَحظُر عَلَينا الجاهَ حَتّى
جَرَت عَنهُ المَذانِبُ وَالتِلاعُ
6. So your action if we asked is obedient to us
And your word if we asked is obeyed by us
٦. فَفِعلُكَ إِن سُئِلتَ لَنا مُطيعٌ
وَقَولُكَ إِن سَأَلتَ لَنا مُطاعُ
7. Your virtues if the turns of fate incline to us
Are our fortresses against it
٧. مَكارِمُ مِنكَ إِن دَلَفَت إِلَينا
صُروفُ الدَهرِ فَهيَ لَنا قِلاعُ
8. Morals that never cease to reveal clearly
To the wise a lesson or something heard
٨. خَلائِقُ لايَزالُ يَلوحُ فيها
عِيانٌ لِلمُدَبِّرِ أَو سَماعُ
9. We are safe from you being miserly about generosity
And hopes in your hand being severed
٩. أَمِنّا أَن تَصَرَّعَ عَن سَماحٍ
وَلِلآمالِ في يَدِكَ اِصطِراعُ
10. The shares of eminence among the eminent
Are divided and you unite them
١٠. خِلالُ النَيلِ في أَهلِ المَعالي
مُفَرَّقَةٌ وَأَنتَ لَها جِماعُ
11. You drew near in humility and kept aloof in worth
So your way is descending and ascending
١١. دَنَوتَ تَواضُعاً وَبَعُدتَ قَدراً
فَشَأناكَ اِنحِدارٌ وَاِرتِفاعُ
12. Thus the sun distances to rise high
And its light and rays come near
١٢. كَذاكَ الشَمسُ تَبعُدُ أَن تُسامى
وَيَدنو الضَوءُ مِنها وَالشُعاعُ
13. The world has repeatedly laid out for you
All its degrees, glory heaped up
١٣. وَقَد فَرَشَت لَكَ الدُنيا مِراراً
مَراتِبَ كُلُّها نَجدٌ يَفاعُ
14. So inquiry has not lifted from you an eyelid
Nor have ruinations leaned your cheeks
١٤. فَما رَفَعَ التَصَفُّحُ مِنكَ طَرفاً
وَلا مالَت بِأَخدَعِكَ الضِياعُ