
My excuse, from one I did not befriend

عذيري من واش بها لم أواله

1. My excuse, from one I did not befriend
Nor inform her heart of my affection

١. عَذيرِيَ مِن واشٍ بِها لَم أُوالِهِ
عَلَيها وَلَم أُخطِر قِلاها بِبالِهِ

2. And from a secret I confided, then it spread
A trail of pouring, gushing tears in its disclosure

٢. وَمِن كَمَدٍ أَسرَرتُهُ فَأَذاعَهُ
تَرادُفُ دَمعٍ مُسهِبٍ في اِنهِمالِهِ

3. A smouldering ardour in ribs, which when they bend
Over it, are unmoved by the heat of its blaze

٣. جَوىً مُستَطيرٌ في ضُلوعٍ إِذا اِنحَنَت
عَلَيهِ تَجافَت عَن حَرقِ اِشتِعالِهِ

4. The throngs have endured the trials, and hastened
Their calamities, from healer and dunes

٤. تَحَمَّلَ أُلّافُ الخَليطِ وَأَسرَعَت
حَزائِقُهُم مِن عالِجٍ وَرِمالِهِ

5. Among them appeared a blossoming branch, if it shows
An informant abode, about its form and likeness

٥. وَقَد بانَ فيهِم غُصنُ بانٍ إِذا بَدا
ثَوى مُخبِرٌ عَن شَكلِهِ وَمِثالِهِ

6. It grieves you that it does not incline when it sways
And saddens you that it does not straighten when upright

٦. يَسوؤُكَ أَلّا عَطفَ عِندَ اِنعِطافِهِ
وَيُشجيكَ أَلّا عَدلَ عِندَ اِعتِدالِهِ

7. What can an ardent lover do, when estrangement
Prevents his stratagems, blocks his schemes

٧. فَما حيلَةُ المُشتاقِ فيمَن يَشوقُهُ
إِذا حالَ هَذا الهَجرُ دونَ اِحتِيالِهِ

8. A beloved who avoided any mention
Of him, or phantom visiting his imagination

٨. حَبيبٌ نَأى إِلّا تَعَرُّضَ ذُكرَةٍ
لَهُ أَو مُلِمّاً طائِفاً مِن خَيالِهِ

9. Am I forbidden, in his estrangement, from madness
When I was once madly enamoured of his union?

٩. أَأُمنَعُ في هِجرانِهِ مِن صَبابَةٍ
وَقَد كُنتُ صَبّاً مُغرَماً في وِصالِهِ

10. And I'm told to be patient by one who does not feel
My passion, nor does his state match mine

١٠. وَيَأمُرُني بِالصَبرِ مَن لَيسَ وَجدُهُ
كَوَجدي وَلا إِعلانُ حالي كَحالِهِ

11. If I lose the life that passed in ardour and torment
Then truly, I have lost shade at its transition

١١. فَإِن أَفقِدِ العَيشَ الَّذي فاتَ بِاللَوى
فَقِدماً فَقَدتُ الظِلَّ عِندَ انتِقالِهِ

12. I have given up wooing the villain, and instead
My fortune is the glory and wealth of the noble

١٢. تَرَكتُ مُلاحاةَ اللَئيمِ وَإِنَّما
نَصيبِيَ في جاهِ الكَريمِ وَمالِهِ

13. I did not find in the course of fate a spring for me
So I sought the Nile's shore at its flooding

١٣. وَلَم أَرضَ في رَنقِ الصَرى لِيَ مَورِداً
فَحاوَلتُ وِردَ النيلِ عِندَ اِحتِفالِهِ

14. I swear by what the pilgrims recite in Mina
And what they believe of the Prophet and his kin

١٤. حَلَفتُ بِما يَتلو المُصَلّونَ في مِنىً
وَما اعتَقَدوهُ لِلنَبِيِّ وَآلِهِ

15. That the sorrow of one who bids him farewell
Loyally, will assault him, unsettled in his travels

١٥. لَيَعتَسِفَنَّ العيسَ هَمُّ مُشَيَّعٍ
عَنوفٍ بِها في حَلِّهِ وَارتِحالِهِ

16. To the son of Nahik - verily he claimed ancestry
To his uncle, paternal uncle of nobles and maternal relations

١٦. إِلى اِبنِ نَهيكٍ إِنَّهُ اِنتَسَبَ النَدى
إِلى عَمِّهِ عَمِّ الكِرامِ وَخالِهِ

17. Empty of any affair that would discredit him
And if occupied, glory is the sum of his occupation

١٧. إِلى فارِغٍ مِن كُلِّ شَأنٍ يَشينُهُ
وَإِن يَشتَغِل فَالمَجدُ عُظمُ اِشتِغالِهِ

18. Ali bin Yahya - verily he claimed ancestry
To his uncle, paternal uncle of nobles and maternal relations

١٨. عَلِيُّ بنُ يَحيى إِنَّهُ اِنتَسَبَ النَدى
إِلى عَمِّهِ عَمِّ الكِرامِ وَخالِهِ

19. Strange of temperament are our minds
Swaying in the shadows of his mysteries

١٩. غَريبُ السَجايا ماتَزالُ عُقولُنا
مُدَلَّهَةً في خَلَةٍ مِن خِلالِهِ

20. When a group protected lineage, an insane
Ambition encroached to debase it

٢٠. إِذا مَعشَرٌ صانوا التِلادَ تَعَسَّفَت
بِهِ هِمَّةٌ مَجنونَةٌ في اِبتِذالِهِ

He faced it at the height of hardship

٢١. أَقامَ بِهِ في مُنتَهى كُلِّ سُؤدُدٍ
فَعالٌ أَقامَ الناسَ دونَ اِمتِثالِهِ

22. Acting so people fell short of matching him
If his peers fell short of his stature

٢٢. فَإِن قَصَّرَت أَكفاؤُهُ عَن مَحَلِّهِ
فَإِنَّ يَمينَ المَرءِ فَوقَ شِمالِهِ

23. Then a man's right hand is above his left
Concerns marred his youth

٢٣. عَناهُ الحِجى في عُنفُوانِ شَبابِهِ
فَأَقبَلَ كَهلاً قَبلَ حينِ اِكتِهالِهِ

24. So he grew old before his time
It's as if mountains, firm-standing, learned

٢٤. كَأَنَّ الجِبالَ الراسِياتِ تَعَلَّمَت
رَواجِحُها مِن حِلمِهِ وَجَلالِهِ

25. Poise from his forbearance and majesty

٢٥. وَثِقتُ بِنُعماهُ وَلَم تَجتَمِع بِها
يَدي وَرَأَيتُ النُجحَ قَبلَ سُؤالِهِ

26. I trusted his favors and they were not withheld
And saw success before asking

٢٦. وَتَعلَمُ أَنَّ السَيفَ يَكفيكَ حَدُّهُ
مُكاثَرَةَ الأَقرانِ قَبلَ اِستِلالِهِ

27. And you know the sword's edge suffices you
To compete with peers before drawing it

٢٧. أَبا حَسَنٍ أَنشَأتَ في أُفُقِ النَدى
لَنا كَرَماً آمالُنا في ظِلالِهِ

O Abul Hasan, you have created in the horizon of dew

٢٨. مَضى مِنكَ وَسمِيٌّ فَجُد بِوَلِيِّهِ
وَعَوَّدتَ مِن نُعماكَ فَضلاً فَوالِهِ

29. For us, generosity - our hopes in its shade
One auspicious departed from you, so renew through his successor

٢٩. وَإِنَّ خَراجي لَلخَفيفُ وَلَو غَدا
ثَقيلاً لَما استَحسَنتَ غَيرَ احتِمالِهِ