
We were confronted so we said, "Patience."

عارضننا أصلا فقلنا الربرب

1. We were confronted so we said, "Patience."
Until the slender ones shone with elegance

١. عارَضنَنا أُصُلاً فَقُلنا الرَبرَبُ
حَتّى أَضاءَ الأُقحُوانُ الأَشنَبُ

2. And the clothing of youth turned green. From them
Shone the brocade of rosy cheeks.

٢. وَاِخضَرَّ مَوشِيُّ البُرودِ وَقَد بَدا
مِنهُنَّ ديباجُ الخُدودِ المُذهَبُ

3. From behind the veils flashed sudden
Lightning, unattainable and elusive.

٣. أَومَضنَ مِن خَلَلِ الخُدورِ فَراعَنا
بَرقانِ خالٌ ما يُنالُ وَخُلَّبُ

4. Had I been just in judging passion
My head would not have turned gray.

٤. وَلَوَ اَنَّني أَنصَفتُ في حُكمِ الهَوى
ماشِمتُ بارِقَةً وَرَأسي أَشيَبُ

5. On the day of parting I forbade my tears
But tears of anguish are uncontrollable.

٥. وَلَقَد نَهَيتُ الدَمعَ يَومَ سُوَيقَةٍ
فَأَبَت غَوالِبُ عَبرَةٍ ماتُغلَبُ

6. Behind the slanderers' corruption is a beauty
That gleams in hearts and torments them.

٦. وَوَراءَ تَسدِيَةِ الوُشاةِ مَلِيَّةٌ
بِالحُسنِ تَملُحُ في القُلوبِ وَتَعذُبُ

7. Like the full moon but it does not appear
And the sun but it does not set.

٧. كَالبَدرِ إِلّا أَنَّها لا تُجتَلى
وَالشَمسِ إِلّا أَنَّها لا تَغرُبُ

8. The winds have fallen ill for your sake
And clouds cry upon your singing voice.

٨. راحَت لِأَربُعِكِ الرِياحُ مَريضَةً
وَأَصابَ مَغناكِ الغَمامُ الصَيِّبُ

9. I will recount what I have experienced, and if you accuse me of lying,
Then ask my tears, for they do not lie.

٩. سَأَعُدُّ ما أَلقى فَإِن كَذَّبتِني
فَسَلي الدُموعَ فَإِنَّها لا تَكذِبُ

10. You were aloof until I thought myself unjust
And you blamed me until I confessed to sin.

١٠. أَعرَضتِ حَتّى خِلتُ أَنّي ظالِمٌ
وَعَتَبتِ حَتّى قُلتُ أَنّي مُذنِبُ

11. Strange that you shunned me before our love faded,
Yet you were faithful though parted.

١١. عَجَباً لِهَجرِكِ قَبلَ تَشتيتِ النَوى
مِنّا وَوَصلُكِ في التَنائي أَعجَبُ

12. How did you find your way when no guide
Could be found in the dark night of trial?

١٢. كَيفَ اِهتَدَيتِ وَما اِهتَدَيتِ لِمُغمَدٍ
في لَيلِ عانَةَ وَالثُرَيّا تُجنَبُ

13. Passion faded though its essence remains
An eternal longing that does not diminish.

١٣. عَفَتِ الرُسومُ وَما عَفَت أَحشاؤُهُ
مِن عَهدِ شَوقٍ ما يَحولُ فَيَذهَبُ

14. You left it tied then sought it
In a vast sea where quests are fruitless.

١٤. أَتَرَكتِهِ بِالحَبلِ ثُمَّ طَلَبتِهِ
بِخَليجِ بارِقَ حَيثُ عَزَّ المَطلَبُ

15. After passion was created and we were kept apart
By a distance that will not come closer.

١٥. مِن بَعدِ ما خَلُقَ الهَوى وَتَعَرَّضَت
دونَ اللِقاءِ مَسافَةٌ ما تَقرُبُ

16. The beauties of Iraq cast at us glances
Of intoxicating eyes with dark lashes.

١٦. وَرَمَت بِنا سَمتَ العِراقِ أَيانِقٌ
سُحمُ الخُدودِ لُغامُهُنَّ الطُحلُبُ

17. Each lovely gazelle has five conquests -
Charms to disturb even the refined.

١٧. مِن كُلِّ طائِرَةٍ بِخَمسِ خَوافِقٍ
دُعجٍ كَما ذُعِرَ الظَليمُ المُهذِبُ

18. Each bearing some charm with pride
Too great for the vast, open space.

١٨. يَحمِلنَ كُلَّ مُفَرَّقٍ في هِمَّةٍ
فُضُلٍ يَضيقُ بِها الفَضاءُ السَبسَبُ

19. They rode the Euphrates to the Euphrates, hoping
For generosity that amazes and impresses.

١٩. رَكِبوا الفُراتَ إِلى الفُراتِ وَأَمَّلوا
جَذلانَ يُبدِعُ في السَماحِ وَيُغرِبُ

20. Seeking a goal none could attain,
As if it could not be sought at all.

٢٠. في غايَةٍ طُلِبَت فَقَصَّرَ دونَها
مَن رامَها فَكَأَنَّها ما تُطلَبُ

21. A generosity hoped for yet unexpected,
Greatness bestowed though undeserved.

٢١. كَرَماً يُرَجّى مِنهُ مالا يُرتَجى
عُظماً وَيوهَبُ فيهِ مالا يوهَبُ

22. He gave so it was said, "Hatim or Khalid?"
He was true so it was said, "Talhah or Musab?"

٢٢. أَعطى فَقيلَ أَحاتِمٌ أَم خالِدٌ
وَوَفى فَقيلَ أَطَلحَةٌ أَم مُصعَبُ

23. Two elders who pledged the caliphate
To the upright Hashimite though it was contested.

٢٣. شَيخانِ قَد عَقَدا لِقائِمِ هاشِمٍ
عَقدَ الخِلافَةِ وَهيَ بِكرٌ تُخطَبُ

24. With their opinion they nullified what
Had gratified the sons of rabid Umayyah.

٢٤. نَقَضا بِرَأيِهِما الَّذي سَدّى بِهِ
لِبَني أُمَيِّةَ ذو الكَلاعِ وَحَوشَبُ

25. Thus if the friend abandons his friend
They support the rule of the Prophet's heirs.

٢٥. فَهُما إِذا خَذَلَ الخَليلُ خَليلَهُ
عَضُدٌ لِمُلكِ بَني الوَلِيِّ وَمَنكِبُ

26. And the Prince Abu al-Husayn is serene
When chaos makes hypocrites tremble in fear.

٢٦. وَعَلى الأَميرِ أَبي الحُسَينِ سَكينَةٌ
في الرَوعِ يَسكُنُها الهِزَبرُ الأَغلَبُ

27. And when the weapon of Islam is shaken
By terror, even traitors are awed.

٢٧. وَلِحَربَةِ الإِسلامِ حينَ يَهُزُّها
هَولٌ يُراعُ لَهُ النِفاقُ وَيَرهَبُ

28. Those reddened ones who scrambled
East and west in their ignorance.

٢٨. تِلكَ المُحَمِّرَةُ الَّذينَ تَهافَتوا
فَمُشَرِّقٌ في غَيِّهِ وَمُغَرِّبُ

29. And the Kharijites when they gathered
Against him in the hills of stony Qarran.

٢٩. وَالخُرَّمِيَّةُ إِذ تَجَمَّعَ مِنهُمُ
بجِبالِ قُرّانَ الحَصى وَالأَثلَبُ

30. They seethed so that their vanguard
Sought refuge while their Najd force took arms.

٣٠. جاشوا فَذاكَ الغَورُ مِنهُم سائِلٌ
دُفَعاً وَذاكَ النَجدُ مِنهُم مُعشِبُ

31. They rushed to the battle as if it were
Plunder in their enemy's land to seize.

٣١. يَتَسَرَّعونَ إِلى الحُتوفِ كَأَنَّها
وَفرٌ بِأَرضِ عَدُوِّهِم يُتَنَهَّبُ

32. Until the lamps of true guidance neared
Extinction and their path grew dark.

٣٢. حَتّى إِذا كادَت مَصابيحُ الهُدى
تَخبو وَكادَ مُمَرُّهُ يُتَقَضَّبُ

33. In his rage he struck the mountains with his view
Stabbing with resolve, striking with wrath.

٣٣. ضَرَبَ الجِبالَ بِمِثلِها مِن رَأيِهِ
غَضبانُ يَطعَنُ بِالحِمامِ وَيَضرِبُ

34. He was true so they thought it was the fate
They had heard of - some believed, some denied.

٣٤. أَوفى فَظَنّوا أَنَّهُ القَدَرُ الَّذي
سَمِعوا بِهِ فَمُصَدِّقٌ وَمُكَذِّبُ

35. You roused them and the flashing swords seemed
Torches blazing in their hands.

٣٥. ناهَضتَهُم وَالبارِقاتُ كَأَنَّها
شُعَلٌ عَلى أَيديهُمُ تَتَلَهَّبُ

36. You stood gratefully in your rightful place
While the white blades floated in the dust then sank.

٣٦. وَوَقَفتَ مَشكورَ المَكانِ كَريمَهُ
وَالبيضُ تَطفو في الغُبارِ وَتَرسُبُ

37. Wherever you look a star seems to blaze
In a comet that hides another star.

٣٧. ما إِن تَرى إِلّا تَوَقُّدَ كَوكَبٍ
في قَونَسٍ قَد غارَ فيهِ كَوكَبُ

38. So bloodstained, muddy, and smeared,
Drenched, smudged, and colored red.

٣٨. فَمُجَدَّلٌ وَمُرَمَّلٌ وَمُوَسَّدٌ
وَمُضَرَّجٌ وَمُضَمَّخٌ وَمُخَضَّبُ

39. They were defeated but the blood shining on them
Made it seem they were not plundered.

٣٩. سُلِبوا وَأَشرَقَتِ الدِماءُ عَلَيهِمُ
مُحمَرَّةً فَكَأَنَّهُم لَم يُسلَبوا

40. Had they mounted the stars, your might
Would have left them no escape.

٤٠. وَلَوَ اَنَّهُم رَكِبوا الكَواكِبَ لَم يَكُن
لِمُجِدِّهِم مِن أَخذِ بَأسِكَ مَهرَبُ

41. You tied two caliphates into one caliphate
After the other though the caliphs were gone.

٤١. وَشَدَدتَ عَقدَ خِلافَتَينِ خِلافَةً
مِن بَعدِ أُخرى وَالخَلائِفُ غُيَّبُ

42. When those matters were distorted and
Those assumptions muddled and that ignorance spread.

٤٢. حينَ التَوَت تِلكَ الأُمورُ وَرُجِّمَت
تِلكَ الظُنونُ وَماجَ ذاكَ الغَيهَبُ

43. Baghdad gathered together then dispersed
In factions led astray by accompanying misguidance.

٤٣. وَتَجَمَّعَت بَغدادُ ثُمَّ تَفَرَّقَت
شِيَعاً يُشَيِّعُها الضَلالُ المُصحِبُ

44. Then you pledged allegiance to the most worthy leader
At the sword point when they rebelled against you.

٤٤. فَأَخَذتَ بَيعَتَهُم لِأَزكى قائِمٍ
بِالسَيفِ إِذ شَغِبوا عَلَيكَ فَأَجلَبوا

45. God supported you and exalted your name
With victory - recited in the heavens and recorded.

٤٥. وَاللَهُ أَيَّدَكُم وَأَعلى ذِكرَكُم
بِالنَصرِ يُقرَأُ في السَماءِ وَيُكتَبُ

46. You are the pillars of the caliphate, whether tomorrow
Departs or a council or procession.

٤٦. وَلَأَنتُمُ عُدَدُ الخِلافَةِ إِن غَدا
أَو راحَ مِنها مَجلِسٌ أَو مَوكِبُ

47. The first to call
To what pleases the Lord of heaven and angers others.

٤٧. وَالسابِقونَ إِلى أَوائِلِ دَعوَةٍ
يَرضى لَها رَبُّ السَماءِ وَيَغضَبُ

48. And the victorious ones when their banner
Independently attains honor it seeks.

٤٨. وَمُظُفَّرونَ إِذا اِستَقَلَّ لِواءُهُم
بِالعِزِّ أَدرَكَ رَبُّهُ ما يَطلُبُ

49. A grandfather who surpasses the winds in the abode of ascension,
Racing when honorable ancestors rest.

٤٩. جَدٌّ يَفوتُ الريحَ في دَرَكِ العُلا
سَبقاً إِذا وَنَتِ الجُدودُ الخُيَّبُ

50. Your banners are not prepared for opponents
Except that their formidable caves collapse.

٥٠. ما جُهِّزَت راياتُكُم لِمُخالِفٍ
إِلّا تَهَدَّمَ كَهفُهُ المُستَصعَبُ

51. And when a dissenter leaps to the side
Your swords hover over him, poised to strike.

٥١. وَإِذا تَوَثَّبَ خالِعٌ في جانِبٍ
ظَلَّت عَلَيهِ سُيوفُكُم تَتَوَثَّبُ

52. When I reflect on time I find it
Turning in your hands, shifting.

٥٢. وَإِذا تَأَمَّلتُ الزَمانَ وَجَدتُهُ
دُوَلاً عَلى أَيديكُمُ تَتَقَلَّبُ