
His heartache and sorrows have returned

عاود القلب بثه وخباله

1. His heartache and sorrows have returned
His beauty is obscured by a gloomy night

١. عاوَدَ القَلبَ بَثُّهُ وَخَبالُه
لِخَليطٍ زُمَّت بِلَيلٍ جِمالُه

2. Ailing, I fear for him, though he shows no weakness
Nor stoops from illness and tribulation

٢. وَسَقيمٍ يُخشى بَلاهُ وَلا يُر
جى مِنَ السُقمِ وَالبِلى إِبلالُه

3. He asks after the meadows, their plants now withered
And empty of companions are their ruins

٣. يسأَلُ الرَبعَ قَد تَعَفَّت رُباهُ
وَخَلَت مِن أَنيسِهِ أَطلالُه

4. About the slender branch he gathers
Its softness and poise as attributes

٤. عَن رَهيفِ القَوامِ يَجمَعُ فيهِ
صِفَةَ الغُصنِ لينُهُ وَاِعتِدالُه

5. His glances and the languor of his eyes
Have exalted my heart and left it tossed

٥. قَد أَعَلَّ الفُؤادَ تَوريدُ خَدَّي
هِ وَتَفتيرُ لَحظِهِ وَاِعتِلالُه

6. A visitor in dreams, shunning waking
Draws near in sleep to bestow his company

٦. زائِرٌ في المَنامِ يَهجُرُ يَقظا
نَ وَيَدنو مَعَ المَنامِ وِصالُه

7. A late night caller, tired from his visits
Perhaps close is his appearance, or still delayed

٧. طارِقٌ أَرهَقَ الزِيارَةَ وَالصُب
حُ مُطِلٌّ أَو قَد دَنا إِطلالُه

8. While you remain in the belly of the sands
At night resting beneath their shadows

٨. وَأَما وَالأَراكِ في بَطنِ مَرٍّ
يَتَفَيَأنَ بِالعَشِيِّ ظِلالُه

9. And the lightning of the clouds calling out
Weighing down the clouds' load when it strays

٩. وَكُراعِ الغَميمِ يَنآدُ فيها
مُرجَحِنّاً أَثلُ الغَميمِ وَضالُه

10. The moaning of the pilgrims when
Their fervor boils over and their passions seethe

١٠. وَاِعتِسافِ الحَجيجِ عُسفانَ إِذ تو
قِدُ رَمضاؤُهُ وَيَخفِقُ آلُه

11. I have found no succor for yearning
Except the phantom of the beloved visiting at night

١١. ما اِستَعَنتُ الكَرى عَلى الشَوقِ إِلّا
باتَ قَيضاً مِنَ الحبيبِ خَيالُه

12. Oh Abu Bakr, frightening are his whims
And fulfilling all hopes is his bestowal

١٢. يا أَبا بَكرٍ المَخوفَ شَذاهُ
وَالمُرَجّى كُلَّ الرَجاءِ نَوالُه

13. None despaired of diminishing the kingdom
Except the bewildered, upon whom his wrath descends

١٣. ما سَعى في نَقيصَةِ المُلكِ إِلّا
حائِرٌ مُرسَلٌ عَلَيهِ نَكالُه

14. Tyrannies unleashed upon the east
Until the east surrendered, its plains and mountains

١٤. سَطَواتٌ بُثَّت عَلى الشَرقِ حَتّى
خَضَعَ الشَرقُ سَهلُهُ وَجِبالُه

15. Kindnesses come together in an honored place
Whose like has seen the accumulation of its equals

١٥. تئلَفُ المَكرُماتُ ساحَةَ خِرقٍ
حائِزٌ ذِكرَ مِثلِها أَمثالُه

16. The man of the age in ambition and endurance
For that which exhausts even the most enduring of men

١٦. رَجُلُ الدَهرِ هِمَّةً وَاِحتِمالاً
لِلَّذي يُعجِزُ الرِجالَ إِحتِمالُه

17. Transformed and overturned, your joy in
His rising with glory and independence

١٧. حُوَّلٌ قُلَّبٌ يَسُرُّكَ مِنهُ
نَهضُهُ بِالجَليلِ وَإِستِقلالُه

18. Arise and consider, are not the virtues
But opportunities for glory that presented themselves and were seized

١٨. قُم تَأَمَّل فَما المَحاسِنُ إِلّا
فُرَصُ المَجدِ عارَضَت وَإِهتِبالُه

19. Where its valleys poured the repelling of aggression
And the hopes of the hopeful were fulfilled

١٩. حَيثُ أَجرَت شِعابَها دُفَعُ الجو
دِ وَحَقَّت لِآمِلٍ آمالُه

20. The envious rival withdrew yellow
Despairing of attaining what he cannot reach

٢٠. نَزَعَ الحاسِدُ المُنافِسُ صِفراً
آيِساً مِن مَنالِ ما لا يَنالُه

21. Resolute, not bending, always striking true
His composure in affairs and lack of haste

٢١. حازِمٌ لا يَني يُلَقّى صَواباً
رَيثُهُ في الأُمورِ وَاِستِعجالُه

22. Good news of him, and the whiffs from him
And the swords have a brilliant polish

٢٢. بِشرُهُ وَالرُواءُ مِنهُ وَلِلسَي
فِ جَمالانِ حَليُهُ وَصِقالُه

23. Yesterday his status was shaking and today
He has gathered for us in the winds all his money

٢٣. راخَنا أَمسِ جاهُهُ وَثَنى اليَو
مَ لَنا بِالرِياشِ أَجمَعَ مالُه

24. Well known was his generosity spoken
Then his words were followed closely by his deeds

٢٤. كانَ مَعروفُهُ المُقَدَّمُ قَولاً
فَقَفا القَولَ مِن قَريبِ فَعالُه