
Who are you, if you were born, oh son of concubines

من أنت إن حصلت يابن استها

1. Who are you, if you were born, oh son of concubines
And who is your rooster in the patch of land

١. مَن أَنتَ إِن حُصِّلتَ ياِبنَ اِستِها
وَمَن أَبو ديكِكَ في الرُقعَه

2. Your fortune has separated you from brothers
When your mother married you for pleasure

٢. قَد وَفَّرَت حَظَّكَ مِن إِخوَةٍ
أُمُّكَ إِذ زَوَّجتَها مُتعَه

3. You seek God's help against a master
Who removed the two hundred slaps from you

٣. تَستَنصِرُ اللَهَ عَلى سَيِّدٍ
أَزالَ عَنكَ المائَتي صَفعَه