
For my eyes longing to see her, is there no rest?

أما لعيني طليح الشوق تغميض

1. For my eyes longing to see her, is there no rest?
Or are tears forbidden to flow from their lids?

١. أَما لِعَينَي طَليحِ الشَوقِ تَغميضُ
أَمِ الكَرى عَن جُفونِ الصَبِّ مَرحوضُ

2. Her phantom came and awakened us,
Announcing itself with its fragrance -

٢. طَيفُ البَخيلَةِ وافانا فَنَبَّهَنا
بِعَرفِهِ أَم خِتامِ المِسكُ مَفضوضُ

3. Was it the seal of musk broken and scattered?
She has a coquetry full of allure,

٣. لَها غَرائِبُ دَلٍّ مايَزالُ لَها
عَلى الغَرامِ بِنا بَثٌّ وَتَحريضُ

4. That ceaselessly excites our passion for her.
Her rosy cheek when it blushes red,

٤. تُفّاحُ خَدٍّ إِذا اِحمَرَّت مَحاسِنُهُ
مُقَبَّلٌ بِخَفِيِّ اللَحظِ مَعضوضُ

5. Is kissed by her glance, stealthy and desirous.
And she has charms that show you strung pearls,

٥. وَواضِحاتٌ تُريكَ الدُرَّ مُتَّسِقاً
كَأَنَّهُنَّ إِذا اِستَغرَبنَ إِغريضُ

6. As if they were, whenever she displayed surprise, a necklace shattered.
If knowing something were enough to make you ignorant of it,

٦. لَو كانَ يَكفيكَ عِلمُ الشَيءِ تَجهَلُهُ
لَقَد كَفاكَ مِنَ التَصريحِ تَعريضُ

7. Your hints would have sufficed instead of open declaration.
Why did I approach my adversary and make a pact with him

٧. مالي دَنَوتُ عَلى خَصمي وَأَعهَدُني
يُنَكِّبُ الخَصمُ عَنّي وَهوَ عِرّيضُ

8. When he turns away from me disdainfully?
And strange things were fabricated for me which I chafed at -

٨. وَاِستُحدِثَت لِيَ أَبدالٌ بَرِمتُ بِها
بِالكَورِ حَورٌ وَبِالبُنيانِ تَقويضُ

9. Maidens in place of vineyards, and demolition instead of buildings.
Until I chose matters which I used to reject,

٩. حَتّى اِصطَفَيتُ أُموراً كُنتُ أَرفُضُها
وَيُصطَفى الأَمرُ يَوماً وَهوَ مَرفوضُ

10. For a thing once rejected may one day be chosen.
And my years have gone back on undoing their knot,

١٠. وَالسِنُّ قَد رَجَعَت في نَقضِ مُبرَمِها
وَكُلُّ ما أَبرَمَتهُ السِنُّ مَنقوضُ

11. And all that my years have tied is now undone.
Will the length of Ibn Nasr's life ever yield,

١١. هَل يُثمِرَن في اِبنِ نَصرٍ مِن تَطَوُّلِهِ
قَولٌ عَلى أَلسُنِ الراوينَ مَقروضُ

12. Words repeated from the tongues of narrators?
Like the golden scabbard, the hand of its craftsman

١٢. مِثلَ الحُلِيِّ جَلَتهُ كَفُّ صانِعِهِ
فيهِ خَليطانِ تَذهيبٌ وَتَفضيضُ

13. Has adorned it with a blend of gilt and engraving.
Misfortunes and events pass away, but rhymes

١٣. تَبلى الخُطوبُ وَأَحداثُ الزَمانِ وَلا
تَبلى القَوافي مُثولاً وَالأَعاريضُ

14. Neither disappear nor do the technical styles of verse.
When a loyal follower tries to count his favors,

١٤. إِذا أَرادَ مُريدٌ عَدَّ أَنعُمِهِ
أَبى نَوالٌ عَلى العافينَ مَفضوضُ

15. Bounty refuses to be heaped on the thankful.
He gave generously but no one rose to receive it,

١٥. أَعطى الجَزيلَ وَلَم يَنهَض بِهِ أَحَدٌ
كَالفَحلِ يَحمي حِماهُ وَهوَ مَأبوضُ

16. Like a stallion guarding his herd, neighing loudly.
His ransom is one whose nature is gloomy,

١٦. فِداؤُهُ قاتِمُ الأَخلاقِ مُظلِمُها
مُغَمَّرٌ عَن بُلوغِ المَجدِ مَغضوضُ

17. Immersed in the dark, barred from attaining glory.
Indeed, I will thank you, for gratitude is a duty

١٧. لَأَشكُرَنَّكَ إِنَّ الشُكرَ مِن أَمَمٍ
حَقٌّ عَلى حامِلِ المَعروفِ مَفروضُ

18. Binding on the bearer of a benefit.
Which constellation of your gifts has not blossomed?

١٨. أَيُّ نَوالَيكَ لَم تُزهِر كَواكِبُهُ
بِغالُكَ الشُهبُ أَم أَوراقُكَ البيضُ