
You darkened when you wore the black,

وأظلمت حين لبست السواد

1. You darkened when you wore the black,
Darkness of night that cannot be traversed.

١. وَأَظلَمتَ حينَ لَبِستَ السَوا
دَ ظَلامَ الدُجى لَم يَسِر راكِبُه

2. And when we came to bid the minister farewell,
The veil was lifted or set aside,

٢. وَلَمّا حَضَرنا لِإِذنِ الوَزيـ
ـرِ وَقَد رُفِعَ السِترُ أَو جانِبُه

3. We lingered, guessing about you -
Were you frowning or raising your eyebrows?

٣. ظَلِلنا نُرَجِّمُ فيكَ الظُنونَ
أَحاجِمُهُ أَنتَ أَم حاجِبُه