
I ask you, does love gather people like a home,

ุฃุญุงุฌูŠูƒ ู‡ู„ ู„ู„ุญุจ ูƒุงู„ุฏุงุฑ ุชุฌู…ุน

1. I ask you, does love gather people like a home,
And quench the thirst of the yearning like water?

ูก. ุฃูุญุงุฌูŠูƒูŽ ู‡ูŽู„ ู„ูู„ุญูุจู‘ู ูƒูŽุงู„ุฏุงุฑู ุชูŽุฌู…ูŽุนู
ูˆูŽู„ูู„ุญุงุฆูู…ู ุงู„ุธูŽู…ุขู†ู ูƒูŽุงู„ู…ุงุกู ูŠูŽู†ู‚ูŽุนู

2. Did its departure suddenly bid the lovers farewell,
Like a weeping cloud shedding its rain while it weeps?

ูข. ูˆูŽู‡ูŽู„ ุดูŽูŠู‘ูŽุนูŽ ุงู„ุฃูŽุธุนุงู†ูŽ ุจูŽุบุชุงู‹ ููุฑุงู‚ูู‡ูู…
ูƒูŽู…ูู†ู‡ูŽู„ู‘ูŽุฉู ุชูŽุฏู…ู‰ ุฌูŽูˆู‰ู‹ ุญูŠู†ูŽ ุชูŽุฏู…ูŽุนู

3. Does the permissible sustain you after they deserted you
While through separation they became more wondrous to you?

ูฃ. ุฃูŽู…ุง ุฑุงุนูŽูƒูŽ ุงู„ุญูŽูŠู‘ู ุงู„ุญูู„ุงู„ู ุจูู‡ูŽุฌุฑูู‡ูู…
ูˆูŽู‡ูู… ู„ูŽูƒูŽ ุบูŽุฏูˆุงู‹ ุจูุงู„ุชูŽููŽุฑู‘ูู‚ู ุฃูŽุฑูˆูŽุนู

4. Rather, a specter of the one I pine for appears whenever
I moan with passion, instilling hope through temptation.

ูค. ุจูŽู„ู‰ ูˆูŽุฎูŽูŠุงู„ูŒ ู…ูู† ุฃูŽุซูŠู„ูŽุฉูŽ ูƒูู„ู‘ูŽู…ุง
ุชูŽุฃูŽูˆู‘ูŽู‡ุชู ู…ูู† ูˆูŽุฌุฏู ุชูŽุนูŽุฑู‘ูŽุถูŽ ูŠูุทู…ูุนู

5. If an illusion from it is fulfilled along with destiny
I awake from a loss that startles and terrifies me.

ูฅ. ุฅูุฐุง ุฒูŽูˆุฑูŽุฉูŒ ู…ูู†ู‡ู ุชูŽู‚ูŽุถู‘ูŽุช ู…ูŽุนูŽ ุงู„ูƒูŽุฑู‰
ุชูŽู†ูŽุจู‘ูŽู‡ุชู ู…ูู† ููŽู‚ุฏู ู„ูŽู‡ู ุฃูŽุชูŽููŽุฒู‘ูŽุนู

6. My eye sees in meeting him what ear does not hear,
And my ear hears an echo that does not exist.

ูฆ. ุชูŽุฑู‰ ู…ูู‚ู„ูŽุชูŠ ู…ุง ู„ุง ุชูŽุฑู‰ ููŠ ู„ูู‚ุงุฆูู‡ู
ูˆูŽุชูŽุณู…ูŽุนู ุฃูุฐู†ูŠ ุฑูŽุฌุนูŽ ู…ุง ู„ูŽูŠุณูŽ ุชูŽุณู…ูŽุนู

7. It is enough - the right of fanciful imagination -
With it to return the soul of the infatuated so it retreats.

ูง. ูˆูŽูŠูŽูƒููŠูƒูŽ ู…ูู† ุญูŽู‚ู‘ู ุชูŽุฎูŽูŠู‘ูู„ู ุจุงุทูู„ู
ุชูุฑูŽุฏู‘ู ุจูู‡ู ู†ูŽูุณู ุงู„ู„ูŽู‡ูŠูู ููŽุชูŽุฑุฌูŽุนู

8. Is it not a duty that no aspect of life
Can be forgiving, save an aspect that refuses?

ูจ. ุฃูŽุนูŽู† ูˆุงุฌูุจู ุฃูŽู„ุง ูŠูุณุงู…ูุญูŽ ุฌุงู†ูุจูŒ
ู…ูู†ูŽ ุงู„ุนูŽูŠุดู ุฅูู„ู‘ุง ุฌุงู†ูุจูŒ ูŠูŽุชูŽู…ูŽู†ู‘ูŽุนู

9. The harvest of youth is scattered spoils,
While formerly it was collected loot.

ูฉ. ูˆูŽุฑูŽูŠุนู ุงู„ุดูŽุจุงุจู ุขุถูŽ ู†ูŽู‡ุจุงู‹ ู…ูููŽุฑู‘ูŽู‚ุงู‹
ูˆูŽูƒุงู†ูŽ ู‚ูŽุฏูŠู…ุงู‹ ูˆูŽู‡ูˆูŽ ุบูู†ู…ูŒ ู…ูุฌูŽู…ู‘ูŽุนู

10. I regret when I lower my goal,
Becoming content when I am frugal.

ูกู . ุฃูุณููู‘ู ุฅูุฐุง ุฃูŽุณููŽูุชู ุฃูŽุฏู†ูˆ ู„ูู…ูŽุทู„ูŽุจู
ุฎูŽูู ูˆูŽุฃูŽุฑุงู†ูŠ ู…ูุซุฑููŠุงู‹ ุญูŠู†ูŽ ุฃูŽู‚ู†ูŽุนู

11. Your fortune in both abodes -
The young man prevails in generosity and daring.

ูกูก. ู†ูŽุตูŠุจูŽูƒูŽ ููŠ ุงู„ุฃููƒุฑูˆู…ูŽุชูŠู†ูŽ ููŽุฅูู†ู‘ูŽู…ุง
ูŠูŽุณูˆุฏู ุงู„ููŽุชู‰ ู…ูู† ุญูŽูŠุซู ูŠูŽุณุฎูˆ ูˆูŽูŠูŽุดุฌูŽุนู

12. The singing of the bow flows from the spring of its sapling
And the arm of the archer is strengthened by the bow.

ูกูข. ูŠูŽู‚ูู„ู‘ู ุบูŽู†ุงุกู ุงู„ู‚ูŽูˆุณู ู†ูŽุจุนูŒ ู†ูุฌุงุฑูู‡ุง
ูˆูŽุณุงุนูุฏู ู…ูŽู† ูŠูŽุฑู…ูŠ ุนูŽู†ู ุงู„ู‚ูŽูˆุณู ุฎูุฑูˆูŽุนู

13. So do not completely unleash your sword
For it to continue on. Rather, it is the heart that is severed.

ูกูฃ. ููŽู„ุง ุชูุบู„ููŠูŽู† ุจูุงู„ุณูŽูŠูู ูƒูู„ู‘ูŽ ุบูŽู„ุงุฆูู‡ู
ู„ููŠูŽู…ุถูŠ ููŽุฅูู†ู‘ูŽ ุงู„ู‚ูŽู„ุจูŽ ู„ุง ุงู„ุณูŽูŠููŽ ูŠูŽู‚ุทูŽุนู

14. If you wish, good fortune will dodge you while the feeble resist you
And a pretentious slave contends with fate against you.

ูกูค. ุฅูุฐุง ุดูุฆุชูŽ ุญุงุฒูŽ ุงู„ุญูŽุธู‘ูŽ ุฏูˆู†ูŽูƒูŽ ูˆุงู‡ูู†ูŒ
ูˆูŽู†ุงุฒูŽุนูŽูƒูŽ ุงู„ุฃูŽู‚ุณุงู…ูŽ ุนูŽุจุฏูŒ ู…ูุฌูŽุฏู‘ูŽุนู

15. The protection the son of Yalbakh offered me
Was nothing but a slight shielding from poison's sting.

ูกูฅ. ูˆูŽู…ุง ูƒุงู†ูŽ ู…ุง ุฃูŽุณุฏู‰ ุฅูู„ูŽูŠู‘ูŽ ุงูุจู†ู ูŠูŽู„ุจูŽุฎู
ุณููˆู‰ ุญูู…ูŽุฉู ู…ูู† ุฌุงู†ูุจู ุงู„ุณูŽู…ู‘ู ุชูู†ุฒูŽุนู

16. I have found that feared things are just their anticipation,
And I flee from what befalls me and is expected.

ูกูฆ. ุฃูŽุฌูุฏู‘ูŽูƒูŽ ู…ุง ุงู„ู…ูŽูƒุฑูˆู‡ู ุฅูู„ู‘ุง ุงูุฑุชูู‚ุงุจูู‡ู
ูˆูŽุฃูŽุจุฑูŽุญู ู…ูู…ู‘ุง ุญูŽู„ู‘ูŽ ู…ุง ูŠูุชูŽูˆูŽู‚ู‘ูŽุนู

17. The lion keeps away from its prey when satiated
And overwhelms its prey while famished.

ูกูง. ูˆูŽู‚ูŽุฏ ุชูŽุชูŽู†ุงู‡ู‰ ุงู„ุฃูุณุฏู ู…ูู† ุฏูˆู†ู ุตูŽูŠุฏูู‡ุง
ุดูุจุงุนุงู‹ ูˆูŽุชูŽุบุดู‰ ุตูŽูŠุฏูŽู‡ุง ูˆูŽู‡ูŠูŽ ุฌููˆู‘ูŽุนู

18. If an insignificant man obstructs our steeds,
The cheek of the wicked man's son is trampled.

ูกูจ. ุฅูุฐุง ุงูุนุชูŽุฑูŽุถูŽ ุงู„ุฎุงุจูˆุฑู ุฏูˆู†ูŽ ุฌููŠุงุฏูู†ุง
ุฑูุนุงู„ุงู‹ ููŽุฎูŽุฏู‘ู ุงูุจู†ู ุงู„ู„ูŽุฆูŠู…ูŽุฉู ุฃูŽุถุฑูŽุนู

19. In the swiftness of the horses lies the might of my ministry,
A father who defends my women and repels.

ูกูฉ. ูˆูŽููŠ ุณูŽุฑูŽุนุงู†ู ุงู„ุฎูŽูŠู„ู ูŠูู…ู†ู ูˆูุฒุงุฑูŽุชูŠ
ุฃูŽุจููŠู‘ู ูŠูุญุงู…ูŠ ุนูŽู† ุญูŽุฑูŠู…ูŠ ูˆูŽูŠูŽุฏููŽุนู

20. We wrestle with misfortunes when they befall,
With it busied, my arm prevails so I subdue it.

ูขู . ู†ูุตุงุฑูุนู ุนูŽู†ู‘ุง ุงู„ุญุงุฏูุซุงุชู ุฅูุฐุง ุนูŽุฑูŽุช
ุจูู‡ู ูˆูŽู‡ูˆูŽ ู…ูŽุดุบูˆู„ู ุงู„ุฐูุฑุงุนู ููŽู†ูŽุตุฑูŽุนู

21. One who lowers himself from his value while aspiring
And one who is deceived from his fortune while being deceived.

ูขูก. ุจูู…ูู†ุฎูŽููุถู ุนูŽู† ู‚ูŽุฏุฑูู‡ู ูˆูŽู‡ูˆูŽ ูŠูŽุนุชูŽู„ูŠ
ูˆูŽู…ูู†ุฎูŽุฏูุนู ุนูŽู† ุญูŽุธู‘ูู‡ู ูˆูŽู‡ูˆูŽ ูŠูุฎุฏูŽุนู

22. When the weak seek his pardon, the encompassing gloom of doom expands,
Accustomed by his pardon, while upon them

ูขูข. ุฅูุฐุง ุงู„ู†ูŽููŽุฑู ุงู„ุฌุงู†ูˆู†ูŽ ู„ุงุฐูˆุง ุจูุนูŽููˆูู‡ู
ุชูŽุบูŽู…ู‘ูŽุฏูŽ ู…ูŽุบุดููŠู‘ูŽ ุงู„ููู†ุงุกู ู…ููˆูŽุณู‘ูŽุนู

23. Are crimes they committed yesterday and squandered.
Khorasan did not gain from them what

ูขูฃ. ู„ูŽู‡ูู… ุนุงุฏูŽุฉูŒ ู…ูู† ุนูŽููˆูู‡ู ูˆูŽุนูŽู„ูŽูŠู‡ูู…ู
ุฌูŽุฑุงุฆูุฑู ุญุงุจูˆุง ุฃูŽู…ุณู ููŠู‡ุง ูˆูŽุถูŽูŠู‘ูŽุนูˆุง

24. She stood by for a period anticipating.
It is surrounded by the utmost of what is feared and hoped for

ูขูค. ูˆูŽู…ุง ุธูŽููุฑูŽุช ู…ูู†ู‡ูู… ุฎูุฑุงุณุงู†ูŽ ุจูุงู„ู‘ูŽุชูŠ
ุฃูŽู‚ุงู…ูŽุช ุฅูู„ูŽูŠู‡ุง ุจูุฑู‡ูŽุฉู‹ ุชูŽุชูŽุทูŽู„ู‘ูŽุนู

25. In their plots - which of the two will come to pass?
It is true that the exalted, Ala Bin Saeed,

ูขูฅ. ูŠูุญูŠุทู ุจูุฃูŽู‚ุตู‰ ู…ุงูŠูุฎุงูู ูˆูŽูŠูุฑุชูŽุฌู‰
ุชูŽุธูŽู†ู‘ูŠู‡ูู…ู ุฃูŽูŠู‘ูŽ ุงู„ุฃูŽุตุงู†ูŠุนู ูŠูŽุตู†ูŽุนู

26. Ascended an elevation, reaching its extent and towered over it.
He watched over the kingdom from its corners, and a smooth-talker

ูขูฆ. ุจูุฌูŽุฏู‘ู ุงู„ุนูู„ุง ุฃูŽู†ู‘ูŽ ุงู„ุนูŽู„ุงุกูŽ ุจู†ูŽ ุตุงุนูุฏู
ุนูŽู„ุง ุตุงุนูุฏุงู‹ ูŠูŽู‚ุตูˆ ู…ูŽุฏุงู‡ุง ูˆูŽูŠูŽูุฑูŽุนู

27. Curried favor with the kingdom - those deputed by Chosroes and Tobba.
His frown terrifies hearts, and his cheer

ูขูง. ุฑูŽุนู‰ ุงู„ู…ูู„ูƒูŽ ู…ูู† ุฃูŽู‚ุทุงุฑูู‡ู ูˆูŽู…ูุบูŽู„ู‘ูุณูŒ
ุนูŽู„ู‰ ุงู„ู…ูู„ูƒู ู…ูŽู† ูˆูŽูุฏุงู‡ู ูƒูุณุฑู‰ ูˆูŽุชูุจู‘ูŽุนู

28. Is a cool greeting that makes the courier hasten.
A friend whose benefit aids me in my need of him

ูขูจ. ุชูŽุฌูŽู‡ู‘ูู…ูู‡ู ุฑูŽูˆุนู ุงู„ู‚ูู„ูˆุจู ูˆูŽุจูุดุฑูู‡ู
ุจูŽุฑูŠุฏูŒ ุจูุจูุดุฑู‰ ู…ุง ูŠูู†ูŽูˆู‘ูู„ู ู…ูุณุฑูุนู

29. While not all comrades are beneficial.
He intercedes for me in difficult matters

ูขูฉ. ุฎูŽู„ูŠู„ูŒ ุฃูŽุชุงู†ูŠ ู†ูŽูุนูู‡ู ุนูู†ุฏูŽ ุญุงุฌูŽุชูŠ
ุฅูู„ูŽูŠู‡ู ูˆูŽู…ุง ูƒูู„ู‘ู ุงู„ุฃูŽุฎูู„ู‘ุงุกู ูŠูŽู†ููŽุนู

30. And paves the way for me with men, so he intercedes.
The downpour of rain flows, its abundance quenched,

ูฃู . ูŠูุดูŽูู‘ูุนูู†ูŠ ููŠู…ุง ูŠูŽุนูุฒู‘ู ูˆูุฌูˆุฏูู‡ู
ูˆูŽูŠูŽู…ู‡ูŽุฏู ู„ูŠ ุนูู†ุฏูŽ ุงู„ุฑูุฌุงู„ู ููŽูŠูŽุดููŽุนู

31. And its consumers follow it when it departs.
Misfortunes have ceased to pursue you, Abu Eisa,

ูฃูก. ุณูุฑู‰ ุงู„ุบูŽูŠุซู ูŠูุฑูˆู‰ ุบูุฒุฑูู‡ู ุญูŠู†ูŽ ูŠูŽู†ุจูŽุฑูŠ
ูˆูŽุชูŽุชุจูŽุนูู‡ู ุฃูŽูƒู„ุงุคูู‡ู ุญูŠู†ูŽ ูŠูู‚ู„ูุนู

32. And fortune continues to come to you obedient.
I planted hope in your vicinity early on,

ูฃูข. ุนูŽุฏูŽุชูƒูŽ ุฃูŽุจุง ุนูŠุณู‰ ุงู„ุฎูุทูˆุจู ูˆูŽู„ุง ูŠูŽุฒูŽู„
ูŠููˆุงุชูŠูƒูŽ ุฅูู‚ุจุงู„ูŒ ู…ูู†ูŽ ุงู„ุฏูŽู‡ุฑู ุทูŽูŠู‘ูุนู

33. And most of manโ€™s harvest is from where he sows.
My fortune has competed with fortunes and deflected

ูฃูฃ. ุฒูŽุฑูŽุนุชู ุงู„ุฑูŽุฌุงุกูŽ ููŠ ุฐูŽุฑุงูƒูŽ ู…ูุจูŽูƒู‘ูุฑุงู‹
ูˆูŽุฌูู„ู‘ูŽ ุญูŽุตุงุฏู ุงู„ู…ูŽุฑุกู ู…ูู† ุญูŽูŠุซู ูŠูŽุฒุฑูŽุนู

34. Sudden events from it while the course is set.
Extravagance has not wasted my right, and it continues

ูฃูค. ูˆูŽู‚ูŽุฏ ุฒุงุญูŽู…ูŽุช ุญูŽุธู‘ูŠ ุงู„ุญูุธูˆุธู ูˆูŽุฃูŽุฌู„ูŽุจูŽุช
ุทูŽูˆุงุฑูู‚ู ู…ูู†ู‡ุง ุตุงุฏูุฑุงุชูŒ ูˆูŽุดูุฑู‘ูŽุนู

35. Alongside extravagance, a wasted right.
If not for your bestowal that restrained my resolve,

ูฃูฅ. ููŽู…ุง ุถูŽูŠู‘ูŽุนูŽ ุงู„ุชูŽุจุฐูŠุฑู ุญูŽู‚ู‘ูŠ ูˆูŽู„ูŽู… ูŠูŽุฒู„ู
ุฅูู„ู‰ ุฌุงู†ูุจู ุงู„ุชูŽุจุฐูŠุฑู ุญูŽู‚ู‘ูŒ ู…ูุถูŽูŠู‘ูŽุนู

36. There would have been a tear in Abroojird, broadcast.
The vessels would have turned toward Iraq, gorged,

ูฃูฆ. ู„ูŽูˆู„ุง ู†ูŽูˆุงู„ูŒ ู…ูู†ูƒูŽ ู‚ูŽูŠู‘ูŽุฏูŽ ุนูŽุฒู…ูŽุชูŠ
ู„ูŽูƒุงู†ูŽ ุจูุฃูŽุจุฑูˆุฌูุฑุฏูŽ ุฎูุฑู‚ูŒ ุณูŽู…ูŽูŠุฏูŽุนู

37. Their load like a torrentโ€™s downpour amassed.
As if the accumulations of ice under them

ูฃูง. ูˆูŽู„ูŽุงูู†ู‚ูŽู„ูŽุจูŽุช ู†ูŽุญูˆูŽ ุงู„ุนูุฑุงู‚ู ู…ูุบูุฐู‘ูŽุฉู‹
ุญูŽู…ูˆู„ูŽุฉู ุฑููุฏู ู…ูู† ุญูŽู…ูˆู„ูŽุฉูŽ ุชูˆุถูุนู

38. Are mountains - their peaks towering and assembled.
Camel litters traveling the night, the changing of their hue

ูฃูจ. ูƒูŽุฃูŽู†ู‘ูŽ ุฑููƒุงู…ูŽ ุงู„ุซูŽู„ุฌู ุชูŽุญุชูŽ ุตูุฏูˆุฑูู‡ุง
ุฌูุจุงู„ูŒ ุฒูŽุฑูˆุฏู ูƒูุซุจูู‡ุง ุชูŽุชูŽุฑูŽุจู‘ูŽุนู

39. Dyed by a darkening from the night, saturated.
As if the white of old age is an elevated

ูฃูฉ. ู‚ูุจุงุทูŒ ูŠูŽุคูˆุฏู ุงู„ู„ูŽูŠู„ูŽ ุชูŽุญูˆูŠู„ู ู„ูŽูˆู†ูู‡ุง
ูˆูŽู‚ูŽุฏ ู„ุงุญูŽู‡ุง ุตูุจุบูŒ ู…ูู†ูŽ ุงู„ู„ูŽูŠู„ู ู…ูุดุจูŽุนู

40. Young man in the sky, exalted.
The stars rise while it wanes behind them -

ูคู . ูƒูŽุฃูŽู†ู‘ูŽ ุจูŽูŠุงุถูŽ ุงู„ุณูู†ู‘ู ุณูู†ู‘ู ุณูู…ูŽูŠุฑูŽุฉู
ุตูŽุจูŠุฑูŒ ูŠูุนูŽู„ู‘ู‰ ููŠ ุงู„ุณูŽู…ุงุกู ูˆูŽูŠูุฑููŽุนู

41. Rising lights that almost pierce the dusk.
As if the Pleiades is a burdened swimmer

ูคูก. ุชูŽุฑูŽู‚ู‘ู‰ ุงู„ู†ูุฌูˆู…ูŽ ู…ูˆู‡ูู†ุงู‹ ู…ูู† ูˆูŽุฑุงุฆูู‡ุง
ุทูŽู„ุงุฆูุญู ู‚ูŽุฏ ูƒุงุฏูŽุช ู…ูู†ูŽ ุงู„ูˆูŽู†ูŠู ุชูŽุทู„ูุนู

42. Returning from the errand of waters, withdrawing and turning back.
When they shy from visiting a side

ูคูข. ูƒูŽุฃูŽู†ู‘ูŽ ุงู„ุซูุฑูŽูŠู‘ุง ุณุงุจูุญูŒ ู…ูุชูŽูƒูŽุจู‘ูุฏูŒ
ู„ูุฌูŽุฑูŠูŽุฉู ู…ุงุกู ูŠูŽุณุชูŽู‚ูู„ู‘ู ูˆูŽูŠูŽุฑุฌูุนู

43. With their camel litters, terrified, they come hastening.
Roaming with the dark night, following its quenching

ูคูฃ. ุฅูุฐุง ู…ุง ุฃูŽู‡ุงุจูŽุช ุนูŽู† ุชูŽุฒุงูˆูุฑู ุฌุงู†ูุจู
ุจูุนูŽูŠู‘ูˆู‚ูู‡ุง ู…ูุฒู‡ููˆู‘ูŽุฉู‹ ุฌุงุกูŽ ูŠูู‡ุฑูŽุนู

44. And preceding the morning so the darkness follows.
As if Suhail is a parched person leaning

ูคูค. ุชูŽุฃูŽูŠู‘ุง ู…ูŽุนูŽ ุงู„ุฅูู…ุณุงุกู ุชูŽุชุจูŽุนู ุถูŽูˆุฃูŽู‡ู
ูˆูŽุชูŽุณุจูู‚ูู‡ู ููŽูˆุชูŽ ุงู„ุตูŽุจุงุญู ููŽูŠูŽุชุจูŽุนู

45. Toward the horizon, forbidden by the land, drinking.
When the dawn and the dark night are two dissenting parties,

ูคูฅ. ูƒูŽุฃูŽู†ู‘ูŽ ุณูู‡ูŽูŠู„ุงู‹ ุดูŽุฎุตู ุธูŽู…ุขู†ูŽ ุฌุงู†ูุญู
ู…ูŽุนูŽ ุงู„ุฃููู‚ู ููŠ ู†ูŽู‡ูŠู ู…ูู†ูŽ ุงู„ุฃูŽุฑุถู ูŠูŽูƒุฑูŽุนู

46. It tears through its mended cover.
I awake but do not hope with complaint of passion,

ูคูฆ. ุฅูุฐุง ุงู„ููŽุฌุฑู ูˆูŽุงู„ุธูŽู„ู…ุงุกู ุญูุฒุจุง ุชูŽุจุงูŠูู†ู
ูŠูุฎูŽุฑู‘ูู‚ู ู…ูู† ุฌูู„ุจุงุจูู‡ุง ู…ุงุชูุฑูŽู‚ู‘ูŽุนู

47. I awaken but do not slumber or harbor hope.
My days that provoke me with their length pass,

ูคูง. ุฃูŽุตูุญู‘ู ููŽู„ุง ุฃูู…ู†ู‰ ุจูุดูŽูƒูˆู ู…ูู†ูŽ ุงู„ู‡ูŽูˆู‰
ูˆูŽุฃูŽุตุญูˆ ููŽู„ุง ุฃูŽุตุจูˆ ูˆูŽู„ุง ุฃูŽุชูŽูˆูŽู„ู‘ูŽุนู

48. I shall return to God.
Are they garments of forbearance or does my youth wane

ูคูจ. ููŽุชูŽุฐู‡ูŽุจู ุฃูŽูŠู‘ุงู…ูŠ ุงู„ู‘ูŽุชูŠ ุชูŽุณุชูŽููุฒู‘ูู†ูŠ
ุจูุทุงู„ุงุชูู‡ุง ุฅูู†ู‘ูŠ ุฅูู„ู‰ ุงู„ู„ูŽู‡ู ุฃูŽุฑุฌูุนู

49. And pass while gray hair comes in entirety?
No day is better than one in which I deter youth

ูคูฉ. ุฃูŽุซุงุฆูุจู ุญูู„ู…ู ุฃูŽู… ุฃูููˆู„ู ุดูŽุจูŠุจูŽุฉู
ุฎูŽู„ูŽุช ูˆูŽุฃูŽุชู‰ ู…ูู† ุฏูˆู†ูู‡ุง ุงู„ุดูŽูŠุจู ุฃูŽุฌู…ูŽุนู

50. From it, and preoccupy myself with prohibition and pleasure.

ูฅู . ูˆูŽู…ุง ุฎูŽูŠุฑู ูŠูŽูˆู…ูŽูŠู‘ูŽ ุงู„ู‘ูŽุฐูŠ ุฃูŽุฒูŽุนู ุงู„ุตูุจุง
ู„ูŽู‡ู ูˆูŽุฃูุญูŽู„ู‘ู‰ ุจูุงู„ู†ูู‡ู‰ ูˆูŽุฃูู…ูŽุชู‘ูŽุนู