
You expired like a male donkey's fart

نفقت نفوق الحمار الذكر

1. You expired like a male donkey's fart
And your flaws became exposed, like a loose waist wrap

١. نَفَقتَ نُفوقَ الحِمارِ الذَكَر
وَبانَ ضُراطُكَ مِنّا فَمَر

2. The doctor says you're suffering from paralysis
But I said you lied, he's just deficient

٢. يَقولُ الطَبيبُ بِهِ فالِجٌ
فَقُلتُ كَذَبتَ وَلَكِن قَصَر

3. And the death of a donkey is seldom expected
Except through some other donkeys' demises

٣. وَقَد يُتَوَقَّعُ مَوتُ الحِما
رِ إِلّا بِبَعضِ مَنايا الحُمُر

4. So we lost a Jew, Al-Qutrobol
And we didn't lose him through one of the major calamities

٤. فَقَدنا يَهودِيَّ قُطرُبُّلٍ
وَما فَقدُناهُ بِإِحدى الكُبَر

5. Al-Ulaij who professes there's no God
And no ordainment and no destiny

٥. عُلَيجٌ يَدينُ بِأَن لا إِلَ
هَ وَأَن لا قَضاءَ وَأَن لا قَدَر

6. And who insults the Prophet's companions
Yet he's not deterred from that, how strange!

٦. وَشَتّامَةٌ لِصِحابِ النَبِي
يِ يُزجَرُ عَنهُم فَما يَنزَجِر

7. If he denies God and the messengers
How can we blame him for denying a life

٧. إِذا جَحَدَ اللَهَ وَالمُرسَلي
نَ فَكَيفَ نُعاتِبُهُ في عُمَر

8. He flanked the Tigris River, if not for dignity
He would have severed its flow with his penis

٨. وَساوَرَ دِجلَةَ لَولا الحَيا
ءُ لِيَقطَعَ جِريَتَها بِالبِدَر

9. Where is the Caliph regarding what was brewed
And what was gained and what was prepared?

٩. فَأَينَ الخَليفَةَ عَمّا أَعَدَّ
وَعَمّا أَفادَ وَعَمّا اِدَّخَر

10. Will he leave what was done secretly?
How can he with what has been made public?

١٠. أَيَترُكُ ما كانَ مُستَخفِياً
فَكَيفَ بِتَركِ الَّذي قَد ظَهَر

11. They have supporters like desert thorns
Far from any matter of goodness and ease

١١. لَهُ خَلَفٌ مِثلُ غَرزِ الجَرا
دِ بَعيدونَ مِن كُلِّ أَمرٍ يَسُر

12. Will he choose Jacob or Salih,
When neither of them is up to leading a free man

١٢. أَيَعقوبَ أَختارُ أَم صالِحاً
وَما فيهِما مِن خِيارٍ لِحُر

13. But they are closer to mule- and donkey-like men
The little one, whose evil is blatant and apparent

١٣. وَكُنتُ وَكانا كَما قيلَ لِل
عِبادِيِّ أَيُّ حِمارَيكَ شَرّ

14. Is the son of Al-Qumashiyyah today refraining
From sins, or insisting upon them unapologetically?

١٤. عَلى أَنَّ أَدناهُما سَنخَةً
صَغيرُهُما الفاحِشُ المُحتَقَر

15. Does he remember nights of his mother
Through the darkness of her veils in the pre-dawn hours?

١٥. هَلِ اِبنُ القُماشِيَةِ اليَومَ لي
مُقيمٌ عَلى الذَنبِ أَم يَعتَذِر

16. And does he know that I'm a man
Who won't tolerate those who offend him

١٦. وَهَل يَذكُرَنَّ سُرى أُمِّهِ
بِلَيلٍ وَدَلجَتِها في السَحَر

17. A band of immoral men persisted with sin
Baring their asses and stubby penises

١٧. وَهَل يَعلَمَنَّ بِأَنّي اِمرُؤٌ
عَلى ما يَسوؤُهُمُ مُقتَدِر

18. And it doesn't sadden me that they have become
Disgraced in a house of evil and impurity

١٨. عِصابَةُ سوءٍ تَمادى بِها
ضُراطُ الحَميرِ وَخَضمُ البَقَر

19. And indeed the son of Azrah weeps
Over a blemish he himself cloaked

١٩. وَما ساءَني أَنَّهُم أَصبَحوا
مِنَ الخِزيِ في دارِ شَرٍّ وَعَر

20. The dripping tears on his cheek are slightest to me
Compared to being drenched on the day of sprinkling

٢٠. وَإِنَّ اِبنَ عَزرَةَ مُستَعبِرٌ
يُبَكّى عَلى خَلَلٍ قَد دَثَر

21. Perhaps Abu Al-Saqr will clear for us
The darkness of adversities with a radiant day

٢١. فَأَهوِن عَلَيَّ بِتِلكَ الدُمو
عِ تَرَقرَقَ في الخَدِّ أَو تَنحَدِر

22. A young man whose family raised him high
To where the stars rise and shine

٢٢. لَعَلَّ أَبا الصَقرِ يَجلو بِنا
ظَلامَ الخُطوبِ بِيَومٍ أَغَرّ

٢٣. فَتىً رَفَعَت بَيتَهُ وائِلٌ
إِلى حَيثُ تَرقى النُجومُ الزُهُر