
I recalled a companion, recalling the memories of an obsessed wanderer,

ذكرت وصيفا ذكرة الهائم الصب

1. I recalled a companion, recalling the memories of an obsessed wanderer,
So I let flow a stream of my tears upon a stream.

١. ذَكَرتُ وَصيفاً ذِكرَةَ الهائِمِ الصَبِّ
فَأَجرَيتُ سَكباً مِن دُموعي عَلى سَكبِ

2. A prisoner in the land of Syria, they did not preserve for him
The reins of passion in it, nor the sanctity of love.

٢. أَسيرٌ بِأَرضِ الشامِ ما حَفِظوا لَهُ
ذِمامَ الهَوى فيهِ وَلا حُرمَةَ الحُبِّ

3. Nor was his patron, though fate had estranged him,
With the hospitable host, nor the gentle of heart.

٣. وَما كانَ مَولاهُ وَقَد سامَهُ الرَدى
بِمُتَّئِدِ البُقيا وَلا لَيِّنِ القَلبِ

4. And they said he came from the direction of the West, approaching,
Yet I never imagined the full moon comes from the West.

٤. وَقالوا أَتى مِن جانِبِ الغَربِ مُقبِلاً
وَماخِلتُ أَنَّ البَدرَ يَأتي مِنَ الغَربِ

5. What is the sin of him with bound hands from harming,
Of delicate limbs from committing sin?

٥. وَما ذَنبُ مَقصورِ اليَدَينِ عَنِ الأَذى
رَقيقِ الحَواشي عَن مُقارَفَةِ الذَنبِ

6. For fear of enemies and the watching of a vigilant guard,
And the reproach of a king who exceeded in reproach.

٦. عَلى خَوفِ أَعداءٍ وَرِقبَةِ كاشِحٍ
وَعَتبِ مَليكٍ جاوَزَ الحَدَّ في العَتبِ

7. My wishes for you are fortune, and my leaning toward you
Are the turns of fate, from an intercessor and from being near.

٧. أَصادِقَتي فيكَ المُنى وَمُديلَتي
صُروفُ اللَيالي مِن شَفيعٍ وَمِن قُربِ

8. When will the world depart and I have not been satiated from them both?
So I will neither profit from it, now that my fate is sealed, nor will I lament.

٨. مَتى تَذهَبِ الدُنيا وَلَم أُشفَ مِنهُما
فَلا أَرَبي مِنها قَضَيتُ وَلا نَحبي