1. Why do you blame me, even if I weep bitterly?
I only wept out of grief and sadness.
١. فيمَ اِبتِدارُكُمُ المَلامَ وَلوعا
أَبَكَيتُ إِلّا دِمنَةً وَرُبوعا
2. They were unjust, but did not make my heart abandon its passion,
And they called but did not find the lover attentive.
٢. عَذَلوا فَما عَدَلوا بِقَلبي عَن هَوىً
وَدَعَوا فَما وَجَدوا الشَجِيَّ سَميعا
3. O abode that time has changed and events
Have separated from it, though its people remain gathered.
٣. يا دارُ غَيَّرَها الزَمانُ وَفَرَّقَت
عَنها الحَوادِثُ شَملَها المَجموعا
4. If I had tears that could alleviate my agony
I would have left them flowing in your courtyard dishonored.
٤. لَو كانَ لي دَمعٌ يُحَسِّنُ لَوعَتي
لَتَرَكتُهُ في عَرصَتَيكِ خَليعا
5. Do not ask for my tears, for the grief of separation
Has left no tears in my eyelids.
٥. لا تَخطُبي دَمعي إِلَيَّ فَلَم يَدَع
في مُقلَتَيَّ جَوى الفِراقِ دُموعا
6. And the sick glances, her heart made sick
By the memory of hopes, chastity and contentment.
٦. وَمَريضَةِ اللَحَظاتِ يُمرِضُ قَلبَها
ذِكرُ المَطامِعِ عِفَّةً وَقُنوعا
7. It appears so the bold one reveals his secret
Intentionally, while the coward remains withdrawn.
٧. تَبدو فَيُبدي ذو الصَبابَةِ سِرَّهُ
عَمداً وَتَتَّرِكُ الجَليدَ جَزوعا
8. My resolve almost dissolved into tears
When it saw the horror of terrible separation.
٨. كادَت تُنَهنِهُ عَبرَتي عَزَماتُها
لَمّا رَأَت هَولَ الفِراقِ فَظيعا
9. Abu Sa'eed Al-Samiti has resolutions
That show obedience to the vicissitudes of fate.
٩. لِأَبي سَعيدِ الصامِتِيِّ عَزائِمٌ
تُبدي لَها نُوَبُ الزَمانِ خُضوعا
10. A king whom everything his hands possessed
All the tools of glory were gathered in him.
١٠. مَلِكٌ لِما مَلَكَت يَداهُ مُفَرِّقٌ
جُمِعَت أَداةُ المَجدِ فيهِ جَميعا
11. He surpassed kings in generosity and nobility
And the star of tolerance appeared rising.
١١. بَذَّ المُلوكَ تَكَرُّماً وَتَفَضُّلاً
وَأَحانَ مِن نَجمِ السَماحِ طُلوعا
12. Awakened feelings, he became destruction for the enemy
And springtime for the weak.
١٢. مُتَيَقِّظُ الأَحشاءِ أَصبَحَ لِلعِدى
حَتفاً يُبيدُ وَلِلعُفاةِ رَبيعا
13. He was lenient with the disobedient in bestowal
Yet obedient to tolerance.
١٣. سَمحَ الخَلائِقِ لِلعَواذِلِ عاصِياً
في المَكرُماتِ وَلِلسَماحِ مُطيعا
14. Vast with gifts for the generous, protecting
With the dew of his hands yet squandering for the seekers.
١٤. ضَخمَ الدَسائِعِ لِلمَكارِمِ حافِظاً
بِنَدى يَدَيهِ وَلِلتِلادِ مُضيعا
15. Continuous ease and hardship never
Made him despair in tribulations.
١٥. مُتَتابَعَ السَرّاءِ وَالضَرّاءِ لَم
يُخلَق هَيوباً لِلخُطوبِ هَلوعا
16. You meet him with his sword dripping
And his spear glistening, dew and hail.
١٦. تَلقاهُ يَقطُرُ سَيفُهُ وَسِنانُهُ
وَبَنانُ راحَتِهِ نَدىً وَنَجيعا
17. Waiting for the echo of the shriek into the tumult
To answer the audible voice of the screamer.
١٧. مُتَنَصِّتاً لِصَدى الصَريخِ إِلى الوَغى
لِيُجيبَ صَوتَ الصارِخِ المَسموعا
18. He spends the night with only the drawn sword as company
Lying awake.
١٨. وَلَقَد يَبيتُ اللَيلَ ما يَلقى لَهُ
إِلّا الحُسامَ المَشرَفِيَّ ضَجيعا
19. Like the cunning snakes, sleep is denied his eyes
So he never tastes slumber.
١٩. مُتَيَقِّظاً كَالأُفعُوانِ نَفى الكَرى
عَن ناظِرَيهِ فَما يَذوقُ هُجوعا
20. God reward you, O son of Joseph, what a man you are
Who gave virtues their forbidden due.
٢٠. لِلَّهِ دَرُّكَ يا اِبنَ يوسُفَ مِن فَتىً
أَعطى المَكارِمَ حَقَّها المَمنوعا
You awoke glory never ceasing
٢١. نَبَّهتَ مِن نَبهانَ مَجداً لَم يَزَل
قِدماً لِمَحمودِ الفَعالِ رَفيعا
22. To be a pillar for praiseworthy deeds.
And if you built the high castles for them
٢٢. وَلَئِن بَنَيتَ ذُرى العُلا لَهُمُ لَما اِن
فَكّوا أُصولاً لِلعُلا وَفُروعا
23. They have not unravelled the origins of highness.
A people, if they don armed attire for battle
٢٣. قَومٌ إِذا لَبِسوا الدُروعَ لِمَوقِفٍ
لَبِسَتهُمُ الأَعراضُ فيهِ دُروعا
24. Modesty arms them with coats of mail.
They do not make their horses hope for a raid
٢٤. لا يُطمِعونَ خُيولَهُم في جَولَةِ
إِن نيلَ كَبشُهُمُ فَخَرَّ صَريعا
25. If their ram has fallen dead.
God's reward to you the day you were a horseman
٢٥. لِلَّهِ دَرُّكَ يَومَ بابَكَ فارِساً
بَطَلاً لِأَبوابَ الحُتوفِ قَروعا
26. A hero at the doors of hot battle.
When he came to you leading a deafening army
٢٦. لَمّا أَتاكَ يَقودُ جَيشاً أَرعَناً
يُمشى عَلَيهِ كَثافَةً وَجُموعا
27. Walking on them dense and crowded.
You distributed them between the spears and the sabers
٢٧. وَزَّعتَهُم بَينَ الأَسِنَّةِ وَالظُبا
حَتّى أَبَدتَ جُموعَهُم تَوزيعا
28. Until you scattered their groups.
In a straitened battleground where the spears
٢٨. في مَعرَكٍ ضَنكٍ تَخالُ بِهِ القَنا
بَينَ الضُلوعِ إِذا اِنحَنَينَ ضُلوعا
29. Bend when ribs incline if pressed together.
No sooner do the spears and sabers tire
٢٩. ما إِن تَني فيهِ الأَسِنَّةُ وَالظُبا
لِطُلى الفَوارِسِ سُجَّداً وَرُكوعا
30. Than the horsemen bow down in submission.
You adorned it with the rays of a head repelled
٣٠. حَلَّيتَهُ بِشُعاعِ رَأسٍ رَدَّهُ
لُبسُ التَرائِكِ لِلهِياجِ صَليعا
31. By wearing crowns made disheveled.
When they saw you their views were scattered
٣١. لَمّا رَأَوكَ تَبَدَّدَت آراؤُهُم
وَغَدا مُصارِعُ حَدِّهِم مَصروعا
32. And the opponent of his limit lay vanquished.
So you called them with armored sabers to destruction
٣٢. فَدَعَوتَهُم بِظُبا الصَفيحِ إِلى الرَدى
فَأَتَوكَ طُرّاً مُهطِعينَ خُشوعا
33. And they came to you fleeing in dread.
Until you gained victory over them so you left
٣٣. حَتّى ظَفِرتَ بِبَذِّهِم فَتَرَكتَهُ
لِلذُلِّ جانِبُهُ وَكانَ مَنيعا
34. Their humiliation while it had been forbidden.
With the thick-trunked palm tree you drew from the quiver of spears
٣٤. وَبِذي الكُلاعِ قَدَحتَ مِن زَندِ القَنا
حَرباً بِإِتلافِ الكُماةُ وَلوعا
35. A war consuming anxiety and burning.
When you shoot the Romans amongst them with arrows
٣٥. لَمّا رَمَيتَ الرومَ فيهِ بِضُمَّرٍ
تُعطي الفَوارِسَ جَريَها المَرفوعا
36. Giving the horsemen their rightful turn.
You were the way to destruction when you were
٣٦. كُنتَ السَبيلَ إِلى الرَدى إِذ كُنتَ في
قَبضِ النُفوسِ إِلى الحِمامِ شَفيعا
37. An intercessor for lives before the slaughter.
In a battle whose aftermath left them
٣٧. في وَقعَةٍ أَبقى عَلَيهِم غِبُّها
رَخَمَ الفَيافي وَالنُسورَ وُقوعا
38. For the wolves and eagles to fall.
This while any opponent you confronted
٣٨. هَذا وَأَيُّ مُعانِدٍ ناهَضتَهُ
لَم تُجرِ مِن أَوداجِهِ يَنبوعا