1. Little does she know that I'm madly in love
And that none but her has captivated my heart
١. قَليلٌ لَها أَنّي بِها مُغرَمٌ صَبُّ
وَأَن لَم يُقارِف غَيرَ وَجدٍ بِها القَلبُ
2. I've been so patient just to appease her anger
Yet after pleasing her, she still reproaches me
٢. بَذَلتُ الرِضا حَتّى تَصَرَّمَ سُخطُها
وَلِلمُتَجَنّي بَعدَ إِرضائِهِ عَتبُ
3. I've not seen anything like love that tricks
The minds of men after love gets tested
٣. وَلَم أَرَ مِثلَ الحُبِّ صادَ غُرورُهُ
لَبيبَ الرِجالِ بَعدَ ما اِختُبِرَ الحُبُّ
4. And I yearn for her image and frequently visit
An apparition though its visits are rare
٤. وَإِنّي لَأَشتاقُ الخَيالَ وَأُكثِرُ ال
زِيارَةَ مِن طَيفٍ زِيارَتُهُ غِبُّ
5. From where can I find vigor after my old age?
After the messenger said gray hair lacks vigor
٥. وَمِن أَينَ أَصبو بَعدَ شَيبي وَبَعدَما
تَأَلّى الخَلِيُّ أَنَّ ذا الشَيبِ لايَصبو
6. Either my nights comfort my sadness
Or my mornings scare me with those calamities
٦. أَسالِبَتي حُسنَ الأُسى أَو مُخيفَتي
عَلى جَلَدي تِلكَ الصَرائِمُ وَالكُثبُ
7. I've accepted my love sickness and never wished
To stop my journey where the caravan halted
٧. رَضيتُ اِتِّحادي بِالغَرامِ وَلَم أُرِد
إِلى وَقفَتي في الدارِ أَن يَقِفَ الرَكبُ
8. If I had company the evening before I parted
Tears would flow down my eyes reproached by my friends
٨. وَلَو كُنتُ ذا صَحبٍ عَشِيَّةَ عَزَّبي
تَحَدُّرُ دَمعِ العَينِ عَنَّفَني الصَحبُ
9. The slanderer cut relations with his fabrications
That not even a sharp sword can sever
٩. لَقَد قَطَعَ الواشي بِتَلفيقِ ما وَشى
مِنَ القَولِ ما لا يَقطَعُ الصارِمُ العَضبُ
10. So I became in Baghdad without shade or
Lush life in its fertile thickets
١٠. فَأَصبَحتُ في بَغدادَ لا الظِلُّ واسِعٌ
وَلا العَيشُ غَضٌّ في غَضارَتِهِ رَطبُ
11. Should I praise the rulers longing for them
While my desires are in Syria being fulfilled?
١١. أَأَمدَحُ عُمّالَ الطَساسيجِ راغِباً
إِلَيهِم وَلي بِالشامِ مُستَمتَعٌ رَغبُ
12. Alas! What a caravan that can deliver a message
To Syria unless it's carried in books!
١٢. فَأَيهاتَ مِن رَكبٍ يُؤَدّي رِسالَةً
إِلى الشامِ إِلّا أَن تَحَمَّلَها الكُتبُ
13. If Abu Al-'Abbas were close to the horizons
Of the easy wilderness and vast meadows
١٣. وَعِندَ أَبي العَبّاسِ لَو كانَ دانِياً
نَواحي الفِناءِ السَهلِ وَالكَنَفُ الرَحبُ
14. My intention to avoid him was a tribulation and wealth
Is the least of fortunes' gifts or generosity
١٤. وَكانَت بَلاءً نِيَّتي عَنهُ وَالغِنى
غِنى الدَهرِ أَدنى ما يُنَوِّلُ أَو يَحبو
15. One who handles events with their like
Removes distress from us and wards off anguish
١٥. وَذو أُهَبٍ لِلحادِثاتِ بِمِثلِها
يُزالُ الطَخى عَنّا وَيُستَدفَعُ الكَربُ
16. Swords that in the lives of every oppressor have havoc
And horses that in the abodes of oppressors have plunder
١٦. سُيوفٌ لَها في عُمرِ كُلِّ عِدىً رَدىً
وَخَيلٌ لَها في دارِ كُلِّ عِدىً نَهبُ
17. They ascended above the crops so the chests
Of men were straitened by what the road narrowed
١٧. عَلَت فَوقَ بَغراسٍ فَضاقَت بِما جَنَت
صُدورُ رِجالٍ حينَ ضاقَ بِها الدَربُ
18. Their opinion returned so they realized
When it was too late that their ship was unseaworthy
١٨. وَثابَ إِلَيهِم رَأيُهُم فَتَبَيَّنوا
عَلى حالِ فَوتٍ أَنَّ مَركَبَهُم صَعبُ
19. They deserved the torment like the people of Thamud
And the punishment was decisive for them
١٩. وَكانوا ثَمودَ الحِجرِ حَقَّ عَلَيهُمُ
وُقوعُ العَذابِ وَالخَصِيُّ لَهُم سَقبُ
20. He was gentle with them though resources were available
And relieved them after affairs got serious
٢٠. تَحَنّى عَلَيهِم وَالمَوارِدُ سَهلَةٌ
وَأَفرَجَ عَنهُم بَعدَما أَعضَلَ الخَطبُ
21. If his female mates were present they would have clung
To his kidneys when fear made him tremble
٢١. وَلَو حَضَرَتهُ أُنثَياهُ استَقَلَّتا
إِلى كُليَتَيهِ حينَ أَزعَجَهُ الرُعبُ
22. It's either pardon covering his horizon
Or a bare sword that gives no respite
٢٢. فَما هُوَ إِلّا العَفوُ عَمَّت سَماؤُهُ
أَوِ السَيفُ عُريانُ المَضارِبِ لا يَنبو
23. No group who sparked the fire of strife doubted
That their fire would die down
٢٣. وَما شَكَّ قَومٌ أَوقَدوا نارَ فِتنَةٍ
وَسِرتَ إِلَيهِم أَنَّ نارَهُمُ تَخبو
24. As if they never saw the Tall's features and army
And what war did to him and his troops!
٢٤. كَأَن لَم يَرَوا سيما الطَويلَ وَجَمعَهُ
وَما فَعَلَت فيهِ وَفي جَمعِهِ الحَربُ
25. A sly lion outside the sea gate
Who clenched his jaws on the cattle
٢٥. وَخارِجَ بابَ البَحرِ أُسدُ خَفِيَّةٍ
وَقَد سَدَّ قُطرَيهِ عَلى الغَنَمِ الزَربُ
26. Perplexed between two matters, then life appealed to him
Its water turbid and poured out
٢٦. تَحَيَّرَ في أَمرَيهِ ثُمَّ تَحَبَّبَت
إِلَيهِ الحَياةُ ماؤُها عَلَلٌ سَكبُ
27. Before escape, necks of men thicker than
What defeat made impenetrable
٢٧. وَقَد غَلُظَت دونَ النَجاةِ الَّتي اِبتَغى
رِقابُ رِجالٍ دونَ ما مَنَعَت غُلبُ
28. He hated the taste of death while the sword took
The strangled lion - its outcome a dog
٢٨. تَكَرَّهَ طَعمَ المَوتِ وَالسَيفُ آخِذٌ
مُخَنَّقَ لَيثِ الحَربِ حاصِلُهُ كَلبُ
29. If he was free and life was fleeting
He would have died but death was sweet in his mouth
٢٩. وَلَو كانَ حُرَّ النَفسِ وَالعَيشُ مُدبِرٌ
لَماتَ وَطَعمُ المَوتِ في فَمِهِ عَذبُ
30. If a pearl did not stop its fleeing
A spear's chest would have had a hole in the pearl
٣٠. وَلَو لَم يُحاجِز لُؤلُؤٌ بِفِرارِهِ
لَكانَ لِصَدرِ الرُمحِ في لُؤلُؤٍ ثَقبُ
31. He crawled on the earth's expanse with his face
So distance would prevent what nearness grants
٣١. تَخَطَّأَ عَرضَ الأَرضِ راكِبَ وَجهِهِ
لِيَمنَعَ مِنهُ البُعدُ ما يَبذُلُ القُربُ
32. He loves the country which is east of him
And dreads it though it is west of him
٣٢. يُحِبُّ البِلادَ وَهيَ شَرقٌ لِشَخصِهِ
وَيُذعَرُ مِنها وَهيَ مِن فَوقِهِ غَربُ
33. If he traveled by night, by day his foe
Would be that night's traveling companion
٣٣. إِذا سارَ سَهباً عادَ ظُهراً عَدُوَّهُ
وَكانَ الصَديقَ غُدوَةً ذَلِكَ السَهبُ
34. The deceitful did not veil their incapacities
And the loyal did not revolt against their betrayal
٣٤. مَخاذيلُ لَم يَستُر فَضائِحَ عَجزِهِم
وَفاءٌ وَلَم يَنهَض بِغَدرِهِمِ شَغبُ
35. I fear it's as if I carry some of their burdens
Of sins or that I'm in some way affiliated with them
٣٥. أَخافُ كَأَنّي حامِلٌ وِزرَ بَعضِهِم
مِنَ الذَنبِ أَو أَنّي لِبَعضِهِمِ إِلبُ
36. I had no sin so I dread its punishment
But I hope for your pardon even if I sinned
٣٦. وَما كانَ لي ذَنبٌ فَأَخشى جَزاءَهُ
وَعَفوُكَ مَرجُوٌّ وَإن كانَ لي ذَنبُ