1. The light of sights and minds has faded,
Your sunset, and stars setting into sunset,
١. مَحا نورَ النَواظِرِ وَالعُقولِ
أُفولُكَ وَالبُدورُ إِلى أُفولِ
2. And from the gravity of events a mourner laments,
Bringing us tremendous news of you,
٢. وَمِن جَلَلِ الخُطوبِ نَعِيُّ ناعٍ
أَتانا عَنكَ بِالخَطبِ الجَليلِ
3. It is grave news, and how much blood
Has flowed down cheeks made to flow,
٣. هُوَ النَبَأُ العَظيمُ وَكَم بِأَرضِ
أُسيلَ دَمٌ عَلى خَدٍّ أَسيلِ
4. O days of Mohammed, you left no hopes,
Nor aspirations for the hopeful and determined,
٤. أَيَومَ مُحَمَّدٍ لَم تُبقِ سُؤلاً
وَلا أَمَلاً لِذي أَمَلٍ وَسولِ
5. How many a mighty man you have humbled,
And how many a lowly man you have empowered,
٥. فَكَم أَذلَلتَ مِن رَجُلٍ عَزيزٍ
وَكَم أَعزَزتَ مِن رَجُلٍ ذَليلِ
6. And he would not be a master had he been said to be,
Before whom the sights of the resolute are downcast,
٦. وَلَم يَكُ سَيِّداً لَو كانَ قَيلاً
تُغَضُّ لَدَيهِ أَبصارُ القُيولِ
7. And misfortune did not ease until,
The caller to nobility bid farewell,
٧. وَما راحَت بِهِ النَكباءُ حَتّى
دَعا داعي المَكارِمِ بِالرَحيلِ
8. And how many a free Fatimid face,
You have exposed, though it seemed ideal,
٨. وَكَم مِن حُرِّ وَجهٍ فاطِمِيٍّ
جَلَوتَ وَكانَ كَالرَسمِ المُحيلِ
9. And from great monuments, you have demolished,
With floods pouring heavily,
٩. وَمِن عَظمٍ كَسيرٍ أَبطَحِيٍّ
جَبَرتَ بِنائِلٍ غَمرٍ جَزيلِ
10. The eyes of Salsabil have quenched you with generosity,
Like your generosity from the springs of Salsabil,
١٠. أَعَينَ السَلسَبيلِ سَقاكِ جوداً
كَجودِكِ مِن عُيونِ السَلسَبيلِ
11. Affection for you increased your love,
For prayers and exemplary traditions,
١١. عَدَتكَ مَحَبَّةٌ زادَتكَ حُبّاً
إِلى الصَلَواتِ وَالسُنَنِ العُدولِ
12. And when we found no cure for one who passes away,
And death kept clear of seeking the vanished,
١٢. وَلَمّا لَم نَجِد دَرَكاً لِثاوٍ
وَجَلَّ المَوتُ عَن طَلَبِ الذُحولِ
13. We sheathed the swords in sorrow,
And let tears flow in anguish,
١٣. رَدَدنا البيضَ في الأَغمادِ يَأساً
وَأَطلَقنا المَدامِعَ لِلغَليلِ
14. And we gathered around his deathbed as if,
We were inhaling fragrance wafting from musk,
١٤. وَرُحنا حَولَ شَرجَعِهِ كَأَنّا
نَشاوى رائِحونَ مِنَ الشُمولِ
15. We avert our sights from him though dead,
Out of reverence, stifling our wailing,
١٥. نَغُضُّ لَهُ النَواظِرَ وَهوَ مَيتٌ
لِهَيبَتِهِ وَنُخفِضُ مِن عَويلِ
16. Shy because of his achievements which,
Took pledges of minds,
١٦. حَياءً مِن صَنائِعِهِ اللَواتي
أَخَذنَ لَهُ مَواثيقَ العُقولِ