
Restrain yourself, your status is unlike mine

رويدك إن شأنك غير شاني

1. Restrain yourself, your status is unlike mine
And your palace, I'm not obedient to the one who prohibited me

١. رُوَيدَكَ إِنَّ شَأنَكَ غَيرُ شاني
وَقَصرَكَ لَستُ طاعَة مَن نَهاني

2. For if you could see a sand dune
Wrestling its sides with a rod of bent wood

٢. فَإِنَّكَ لَو رَأَيتَ كَثيبَ رَملٍ
يُجاذِبُ جانِباهُ قَضيبَ بانِ

3. And a sailor facing the saltiness at night
I suffer from his love what I suffer

٣. وَمُقتَبَلَ المَلاحَةِ بِتُّ لَيلي
أُعاني مِن هَواهُ ما أُعاني

4. You blamed the one who gets attached from attachment
And preferred misguidance in the misguided ones

٤. عَذَرتَ عَلى التَصابي مِن تَصابى
وَآثَرتَ الغَوايَةَ في الغَواني

5. And how often I crept stealthily with my friends
On one wearing unkempt woolen garment

٥. وَكَم غَلَّستُ مُدَّلِجاً بِصَحبي
عَلى مُتَعَصفِرِ الناجودِ قانِ

6. I sing the basil of the gentle breeze as a cure
For the apple cheeks' redness that is rosy

٦. أُغادي أُرجُوانَ الراحِ صِرفاً
عَلى تُفّاحِ خَدٍّ أُرجُواني

7. When my hand tilted with the cup it was pushed back
By the reddish palms of the fingers of the branches

٧. إِذا مالَت يَدي بِالكَأسِ رُدَّت
بِكَفِّ خَضيبِ أَطرافِ البَنانِ

8. Look through the transparent glass and see with your eye
What I drank and who served me

٨. تَأَمَّل مِن خِلالِ السَجفِ فَاُنظُر
بِعَينِكَ ما شَرِبتُ وَمَن سَقاني

9. You find the morning sun approaches with a sun
To me from the ambergris Chosroes scent

٩. تَجِد شَمسَ الضُحى تَدنو بِشَمسٍ
إِلَيَّ مِنَ الرَحيقِ الخُسرُواني

10. The tipsiness of the morning are lovers
And the luckiest of them is the Sabbath of festivals

١٠. سُبوتُ الإِصطِباحِ مُعَشَّقاتٌ
وَأَحظَهُنَّ سَبتُ المِهرَجانِ

11. Winter came yearning for it
And quenched the continuing thirst

١١. أَتى يُهدي الشِتاءَ عَلى اِشتِياقٍ
إِلَيهِ وَصَيِّبَ الدِيَمِ الدَواني

12. It cheers us with its narcissus and comes near
The place of roses and saffron

١٢. يُحَيِّنا بِنَرجِسِهِ وَيُدني
مَكانَ الوَردِ وَردَ الزَعفَرانِ

13. From his generosity, the urging of penitents
And hastening the seconds and the minutes

١٣. وَمِن إِكرامِهِ حَثُّ النَدامى
وَإِعجالُ المَثالِثِ وَالمَثاني

14. With the auspice of Al-Mu'tazz’s caliphate
The lies of wishes became true to us

١٤. بِيُمنِ خِلافَةِ المُعتَزِّ عادَت
لَنا حَقّاً أَكاذيبُ الأَماني

15. His gifts make us self-sufficient, satisfying
The heart from worries and griefs

١٥. يَسُحُّ عَطاؤُهُ فينا فَيُغني
عَنِ القَلبِ النَوازِحِ وَالسَواني

16. More enticing than the lightning of hoped rain
Making loved ones near and far dear

١٦. أَغَرُّ كَبارِقِ الغَيثِ المُرَجّى
يُحَبَّبُ في الأَباعِدِ وَالأَداني

17. The faces bowed to the beauty of a face
Indicating his good morals

١٧. تَخاضَعَتِ الوُجوهُ لِحُسنِ وَجهٍ
يَدُلُّ عَلى خَلائِقِهِ الحِسانِ

18. And the subjects saw up close
The successful position among them

١٨. وَعايَنتِ الرَعِيَّةُ مِن قَريبٍ
مَقامَ مُوَفَّقٍ فيها مُعانِ

19. Joy would have returned to them
And the beauty of time returned as before

١٩. لَرُدَّت بَهجَةُ الدُنيا إِلَيها
وَعادَ كَعَهدِهِ حُسنُ الزَمانِ

20. And the kingdom became more splendid and illuminated
With the most splendid of the fierce tribe of Hinjan

٢٠. وَأَضحى المُلكُ أَزهَرَ مُستَنيراً
بِأَزهَرَ مِن بَني فِهرٍ هِجانِ

21. And Mansur who was helped against the enemies
With the harm of the most violent war

٢١. وَمَنصورٍ أُعينَ عَلى الأَعادي
بِكَرِّ عَواقِبِ الحَربِ العَوانِ

22. Indeed, the postman came narrating a saying
Eloquent in wording, clear in meaning

٢٢. لَقَد جاءَ البَريدُ يَنُثُّ قَولاً
شَهِيَّ اللَفظِ مَفهومَ المَعاني

23. If the news belittled you from afar
He scattered it, so what do you think of seeing it?

٢٣. إِذا الخَبَرُ اِستَخَفَّكَ مِن بَعيدٍ
نَثاهُ فَكَيفَ ظَنُّكَ بِالعَيانِ

24. The rebels were destroyed and torn apart
By Allah's swords from Thaw and Aan

٢٤. أُبيدَ المارِقونَ وَمَزَّقَتهُم
سُيوفُ اللَهِ مِن ثاوٍ وَعانِ

25. And the mountains of incense cracked from them
On a day like the day of Nahrawan

٢٥. وَقَد شَرِقَت جِبالُ الطيبِ مِنهُم
بِيَومٍ مِثلِ يَومِ النَهرَوانِ

26. The treacherous deluded one fled seeking
Safety at any moment, no safety

٢٦. وَفَرَّ الحائِنُ المَغرورُ يَرجو
أَماناً أَيَّ ساعَةِ ما أَمانِ

27. Fearing to glance back, though he readied
His glance for the glance of the spearhead

٢٧. يَهابُ الإِلتِفاتَ وَقَد تَأَيّا
لِلَفتَةِ طَرفِهِ طَرفُ السِنانِ

28. He disowned his caliphate and turned away
As if the slave runs in a bet

٢٨. تَبَرَّأَ مِن خِلافَتِهِ وَوَلّى
كَأَنَّ العَبدَ يَركُضُ في رِهانِ

29. And his subjects before were only
A mix of goats and sheep

٢٩. وَما كانَت رَعِيَّتُهُ قَديماً
سِوى خِلطَينِ مِن مَعَزٍ وَضانِ

30. Commander of the Faithful, you have lived among us
The dear kingdom, protected in position

٣٠. أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ عَمِرتَ فينا
عَزيزَ المُلكِ مَحروسَ المَكانِ

31. You are the first in every virtue
We count and Abdullah is second

٣١. فَإِنَّكَ أَوَّلٌ في كُلِّ فَضلٍ
نُعَدِّدُهُ وَعَبدُ اللَهِ ثانِ