1. We are the ransom, so we are taken and awaited,
To take your place when misfortunes threaten you,
١. نَحنُ الفِداءُ فَمَأخوذٌ وَمُرتَقِبٌ
يَنوبُ عَنكَ إِذا هَمَّت بِكَ النُوَبُ
2. The joys of life have met you smiling,
And joined you though they avoided you yesterday,
٢. قَد قابَلَتكَ سُعودُ العَيشِ ضاحِكَةً
وَواصَلَتكَ وَكانَت أَمسِ تَجتَنِبُ
3. A boundless blessing from the Trustee of God,
Upon you in a rank below which are all ranks,
٣. وَنِعمَةٌ مِن أَمينِ اللَهِ ضافِيَةٌ
عَلَيكَ في رُتبَةٍ مِن دونِها الرُتَبُ
4. Fill it, O Abu Ayyoub, it surely has,
The glory of life, in it are desire and awe,
٤. تَمَلَّها يا أَبا أَيّوبَ إِنَّ لَها
عِزَّ الحَياةِ وَفيها الرُغبُ وَالرَهَبُ
5. How many hopes at dawn you exemplified their practice,
To you the buckets and jugs were pulled in them,
٥. كَم مِن رَجاءٍ غَداةَ اِقتَدتَ جِريَتَها
قَد شُدَّ فيها إِلَيكَ الدَلوُ وَالكَربُ
6. What nights I see are not united in one state,
And a lineage unites them from their severed parts,
٦. ما لِلَّيالي أَراها لَيسَ تَجمَعُها
حالٌ وَيَجمَعُها مِن جَذمِها نَسَبُ
7. Behold they are a party who came discordantly,
Some to others, so we thought they were allies,
٧. ها إِنَّها عُصبَةٌ جاءَت مُخالِفَةً
بَعضٌ لِبَعضٍ فَخِلنا أَنَّها عُصَبُ
8. And we blame fate, though it afflicted us with calamity,
Yet fate had no hand in what befell us,
٨. وَنَعذُلُ الدَهرَ أَن وافى بِنائِبَةٍ
وَلَيسَ لِلدَهرِ فيما نابَنا أَرَبُ
9. Praise be to God, praise that its obligation is complete,
And we thank God, thanks like what is obligated,
٩. الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ حَمداً تَمَّ واجِبُهُ
وَنَشكُرُ اللَهَ شُكراً مِثلَ ما يَجِبُ
10. Time pleased souls long displeased,
And fate pardoned a people long displeased,
١٠. أَرضى الزَمانُ نُفوساً طالَ ما سَخِطَت
وَأَعتَبَ الدَهرُ قَوماً طالَ ما عَتِبوا
11. And God disappointed with loss the aggressive,
On a promise, and invalidated what they said and lied,
١١. وَأَكسَفَ اللَهُ بالَ الكاشِحينَ عَلى
وَعدٍ وَأَبطَلَ ما قالوا وَما كَذَبوا
12. For joy to adorn you, its side green
After it had yellowed, in its quarters the herbage,
١٢. لِتَهنِكَ النِعمَةُ المُخضَرُّ جانِبُها
مِن بَعدِ ما اِصفَرَّ في أَرجائِها العُشُبُ
13. And a resentful envious man was given from it
A request, and a vicious slanderer fault found in it,
١٣. وَكانَ أُعطِيَ مِنها حاسِدٌ حَنِقٌ
سُؤلاً وَنَيَّبَ فيها كاشِحٌ كَلِبُ
14. From tears of eyes that rarely weep,
And hearts that rarely respond,
١٤. فَمِن دُموعِ عُيونٍ قَلَّما دَمَعَت
وَمِن وَجيبِ قُلوبٍ قَلَّما تَجِبُ
15. Harm afflicted you, He singled you out, then it cleared from them,
Then faces brightened, gloomy with pallor,
١٥. عافوكَ خَصَّكَ مَكروهٌ فَعَمَّهُمُ
ثُمَّ اِنجَلى فَتَجَلَّت أَوجُهٌ شُحُبُ
16. With the good opinion of the Commander of the Faithful, and what
Ancestor is linked to him by lineage,
١٦. بِحُسنِ رَأيِ أَميرِ المُؤمِنينَ وَما
لِصاعِدٍ وَهوَ مَوصولٌ بِهِ نَسَبُ
17. It was nothing but reward and honor,
This satisfaction and testing that anger,
١٧. ما كانَ إِلّا مُكافاةً وَتَكرِمَةٍ
هَذا الرِضا وَاِمتِحاناً ذَلِكَ الغَضَبُ
18. And the hated matters sometimes
Are reason to what is loved, the like of it no reason,
١٨. وَرِبَّما كانَ مَكروهُ الأُمورِ إِلى
مَحبوبِها سَبَباً ما مِثلَهُ سَبَبُ
19. These are imaginations of lightning followed by rain,
Generosity and irrigation of clouds followed by flames,
١٩. هَذي مَخايِلُ بَرقٍ خَلفَهُ مَطَرٌ
جَودٌ وَوَريُ زِنادٍ خَلفَهُ لَهَبُ
20. And the blue of dawn comes before its whiteness,
And the first of rain is drops then it pours down,
٢٠. وَأَزرَقُ الفَجرِ يَأتي قَبلَ أَبيَضِهِ
وَأَوَّلُ الغَيثِ قَطرٌ ثُمَّ يَنسَكِبُ
21. The Caliph is truly determined,
In what he wants, and there is no frivolity in his determination,
٢١. إِنَّ الخَليفَةَ قَد جَدَّت عَزيمَتُهُ
فيما يُريدُ وَما في جِدِّهِ لَعِبُ
22. He saw you preceding them in guidance if they halted in the matter,
And aflame if they wavered in opinion,
٢٢. رَآكَ إِن وَقَفوا في الأَمرِ تَسبِقُهُم
هَدياً وَإِن خَمَدوا في الرَأيِ تَلتَهِبُ
23. It is as if I saw you entrusted with the greatest of them,
In command, so no rejection, innovation, or wonder,
٢٣. كَأَنَّني بِكَ قَد قُلِّدتَ أَعظَمَها
أَمراً فَلا مُنكَرٌ بِدعٌ وَلا عَجَبُ
24. So do not intend shortcoming or nature,
And if you intended, religion and propriety would forbid you,
٢٤. فَلا تَهُمُّ بِتَقصيرٍ وَلا طَبعٍ
وَلَو هَمَمتَ نَهاكَ الدينُ وَالحَسَبُ
25. A heart that reflects on its thoughts, a hand
That accomplishes matters, and a soul whose distraction is fatigue,
٢٥. قَلبٌ يُطِلُّ عَلى أَفكارِهِ وَيَدٌ
تُمضي الأُمورَ وَنَفسٌ لَهوُها التَعَبُ
26. And cutting off opponents' insolence if
Their hearts were malignant, for his resolved armies are chosen,
٢٦. وَقاطِعٌ لِلخُصومِ اللُدِّ إِن نَخِبَت
قُلوبُهُم فَسَرايا عَزمِهِ نُخَبُ
27. He does not seek like the stingy person sought,
And does not love of his money except what he donates,
٢٧. لا يَتَحَظّى كَما اِحتَجَّ البَخيلُ وَلا
يُحِبُّ مِن مالِهِ إِلّا الَّذي يَهِبُ
28. Sweet of speech when he gives, his conversation
Those wonders, the stern caravan listens,
٢٨. حُلوُ الحَديثِ إِذا أَعطى مُسايِرَهُ
تِلكَ الأَعاجيبَ أَصغى المَوكِبُ اللَجِبُ
29. If not for gifts he hides and discloses,
I would say what they told of Hatim was lies,
٢٩. لَولا مَواهِبُ يُخفيها وَيُعلِنُها
لَقُلتُ ما حَدَّثوا عَن حاتِمٍ كَذِبُ
30. O seeker of glory, do not waver from
Striving seriously as if he was fleeing,
٣٠. يا طالِبَ المَجدِ لا يَلوي عَلى أَحَدٍ
بِالجِدِّ مِن طَلَبٍ كَأَنَّهُ هَرَبُ
31. Submit and you are safe from the days as long as they last,
Settlements of fate and eras and spans,
٣١. إِسلَم سَلِمتَ عَلى الأَيامِ ما بَقِيَت
قَرارِنُ الدَهرِ وَالأَيامُ وَالحِقَبُ
32. And I do not trust you will thank me continuously,
When I'm far and deny when I'm near,
٣٢. وَلا أَمُنُّ عَلَيكَ الشُكرَ مُتَّصِلاً
إِذا بَعُدتُ وَمَنّي حينَ أَقتَرِبُ
33. And I did not accompany you out of fear or greed,
But manners and morals accompany,
٣٣. وَما صَحِبتُكَ عَن خَوفٍ وَلا طَمَعِ
بَلِ الشَمائِلُ وَالأَخلاقُ تَصطَحِبُ