
O Abu Ishaq, may Allah protect you

حاطك الله يا أبا أسحاق

1. O Abu Ishaq, may Allah protect you
And guard you from all harm and evil altogether

١. حاطَكَ اللَهُ يا أَبا أِسحاقِ
وَوَقاكَ المَكروهَ أَجمَعَ واقِ

2. We have agitated you with rhymes, and in them
Are steps to the heights and passageways

٢. قَد هَزَزناكَ بِالقَواقي وَفيها
دَرَجاتٌ إِلى العُلا وَمَراقِ

3. Praise that is focused fades, while that which
Through poetry, lasts the ages, remains

٣. وَالثَناءُ المُحَلُّ يَفنى وَما يُع
قَدُ بِالشِعرِ مُدَّةَ الدَهرِ باقِ

4. Abu Ja'far is no man of weak resolve
Nor one who walks the path of hypocrisy

٤. ما أَبو جَعفَرٍ بِمُستَقصَرِ الجَد
وى وَلا سالِكٍ سَبيلَ النِفاقِ

5. What he says rings true, while among them are those
Who lack all noble traits of character

٥. عِندَهُ نُجُحُ ما يَقولُ وَمِنهُم
مُعدِم مِن مَكارِمِ الأَخلاقِ

6. If you remind him again, do not remind
One of frivolous words, frozen pages

٦. إِن تُعاوِدُهُ مُذكِراً لا تُعاوِد
ذائِبَ القَولِ جامِدَ الأَوراقِ