
Tomorrow glory will yearn as it is complete,

أغدا يشت المجد وهو جميع

1. Tomorrow glory will yearn as it is complete,
And the abode of praise will return as it is a garden.

١. أَغَداً يَشِتُّ المَجدُ وَهوَ جَميعُ
وَتُرَدُّ دارُ الحَمدِ وَهيَ بَقيعُ

2. With the journey of Abraham, he carries his generosity,
The generosity of the Euphrates, splendid and fearful.

٢. بِمَسيرِ إِبراهيمَ يَحمِلُ جودَهُ
جودُ الفُراتِ فَرائِعٌ وَمَروعُ

3. Heading with it to the visionary defiance,
The rough times, they have no fatigue for them.

٣. مُتَوَجِّهاً تُحدى بِهِ بَصرِيَّةٌ
خُشنُ الأَزِمَّةِ ما لَهُنَّ نُسوعُ

4. Passion, when the causes of bliss are connected,
Its elevated travel cuts short the disputes.

٤. هوجٌ إِذا اِتَّصَلَت بِأَسبابِ السُرى
قَطَعَ التَنائِفَ سَيرُها المَرفوعُ

5. No month is more hostile than spring, it
Will show for us the spring after the spring.

٥. لا شَهرَ أَعدى مِن رَبيعٍ إِنَّهُ
سَيَبينُ عَنّا بِالرَبيعِ رَبيعُ

6. After you I will stay with someone else knowing,
The knowledge of reality, that I will be lost.

٦. سَأُقيمُ بَعدَكَ عِندَ غَيرَكِ عالِماً
عِلمَ الحَقيقَةِ أَنَّني سَأَضيعُ

7. And works for you that dreams will leave,
As if they are drawings and meadows.

٧. وَصَنائِعٌ لَكَ سَوفَ تَترُكُها النَوى
وَكَأَنَّما هِيَ أَرسُمٌ وَرُبوعُ

8. And you recalled the sanctity of my duty so you protected it
So if I forget you, I am indeed lost.

٨. وَذَكَرتَ واجِبَ حُرمَتي فَحَفِظتَها
فَلَئِن نَسيتُكَ إِنَّني لَمُضيعُ

9. I will bid farewell to kindness after you, by God,
When separation from you arrived and farewell.

٩. سَأُوَدِّعُ الإِحسانَ بَعدَكَ وَاللُهى
إِذ حانَ مِنكَ البَينُ وَالتَوديعُ

10. And I will make the tears flow for you abundantly,
If only I had for you tears like the Tigris.

١٠. وَسَأَستَقِلُّ لَكَ الدُموعَ صَبابَةً
وَلَوَ انَّ دِجلَةَ لي عَلَيكَ دُموعُ

11. Of wonders is that you came and my heart did not
Grieve for the beloved and that is wonderful.

١١. وَمِنَ البَديعِ أَنِ اِنتَأَيتَ وَلَم يَرُح
جَزَعي عَلى الأَحشاءِ وَهوَ بَديعُ

12. The lovers will tear their skin off for their loved ones,
While I have no will to part from you.

١٢. وَسَيَنزِعُ العُشّاقُ عَن أَحبابِهِم
جَلَداً وَما لي عَن نَداكَ نُزوعُ

13. So when you leave, I will leave a house where
If generosity is shown, its people are prevented.

١٣. فَإِذا رَحَلتَ رَحَلتُ عَن دارٍ إِذا
بُذِلَ السَماحُ فَجارُها مَمنوعُ

14. The estrangement of Al-Hasan ibn Sahl, it
Comes and goes while after it is severed.

١٤. وَقَطيعَةِ الحَسَنِ بنِ سَهلٍ إِنَّها
تَغدو وَوَصلي دونَها مَقطوعُ

15. Rather, I wonder, will I say:
Do the good nights have a return?

١٥. بَل لَيتَ شِعري هَل تَراني قائِلاً
هَل لِلَّيالي الصالِحاتِ رُجوعُ

16. And remembering you from afar, between us
Is the land of Iraq and its sailed sea.

١٦. وَتَذَكُّريكَ عَلى البِعادِ وَبَينَنا
بَرُّ العِراقِ وَبَحرُها المَشروعُ

17. A people ransom you that cannot be found among them
Visible nor heard glory.

١٧. يَفديكَ قَومٌ لَيسَ يوجَدُ مِنهُمُ
في المَجدِ مَرئِيٌّ وَلا مَسموعُ

18. They are deceived from lasting honor, assuming
From them that the giver is the deceived one.

١٨. خُدِعوا عَنِ الشَرَفِ المُقيمِ تَظَنِّياً
مِنهُم بِأَنَّ الواهِبَ المَخدوعُ

19. Their natures have spent the night on their money
As if they are armors and shields.

١٩. باتَت خَلائِقُهُم عَلى أَموالِهِم
وَكَأَنَّهُنَّ جَواشِنٌ وَدُروعُ

20. They sufficed with easily obtained deeds and pretended
That virtues are chastity and contentment.

٢٠. قَنِعوا بِمَيسورِ الفَعالِ وَأوهِموا
أَنَّ المَكارِمَ عِفَّةٌ وَقُنوعُ

21. No! And every lazy vulgar one
His circumambulating the Shrine is a week.

٢١. كَلّا وَكُلُّ مُقَصِّرٍ مُتَجَهوِرٍ
عِندَ الحَطيمِ طَوافُهُ أُسبوعُ

22. None reaches the most high except the hopeful one,
Who obeys and disobeys it in reaching it.

٢٢. لا يَبلُغُ العَلياءَ غَيرُ مُتَيَّمٍ
بِبُلوغِها يَعصي لَها وَيُطيعُ

23. It tells you of the honor you have adorned
Yourself with the glory, knowing it will spread.

٢٣. يَحكيكَ في الشَرَفِ الَّذي حَلَّيتَهُ
بِالمَجدِ عِلماً أَنَّهُ سَيَشيعُ

24. A mannerism you have come with, in its merit and craft,
Naturally, so it came as if it is manufactured.

٢٤. خُلُقٌ أَتَيتَ بِفَضلِهِ وَسَنائِهِ
طَبعاً فَجاءَ كَأَنَّهُ مَصنوعُ

25. And a conversation of glory about you, its beauty went to excess
That we thought it was fabricated.

٢٥. وَحَديثُ مَجدٍ عَنكَ أَفرَطَ حُسنُهُ
حَتّى ظَنَنّا أَنَّهُ مَوضوعُ