
By Him who gave you virtue and generosity

أما والذي أعطاك فضلا وبسطة

1. By Him who gave you virtue and generosity
Above all living beings and chose you above creation

١. أَما وَالَّذي أَعطاكَ فَضلاً وَبَسطَةً
عَلى كُلِّ حَيٍّ وَاِصطَفاكَ عَلى الخَلقِ

2. You have been just and generous towards us
And returned to us with patience and gentleness

٢. لَقَد سُستَنا بِالعَدلِ وَالبَذلِ مُنعِماً
وَعُدتَ عَلَينا بِالأَناةِ وَبِالرِفقِ

3. We see the traits of Prophet Muhammad
In your smiling and serene face

٣. وَإِنّا نَرى سيما النَبِيِّ مُحَمَّدٍ
وَسُنَّتَهُ في وَجهِكَ الضاحِكِ الطَلقِ

4. That turban knows it adorns
That elegant neck and freedom

٤. وَقَد عَلِمَت تِلكَ العِمامَةُ أَنَّها
تُلاثُ عَلى تِلكَ النَجابَةِ وَالعِتقِ

5. With kindness you pardoned Homs and its people
Though they committed acts of wrongdoing and rebellion

٥. تَدارَكتَ بِالإِحسانِ حِمصَ وَأَهلَها
وَقَد قارَفوا فِعلَ الإِساءَةِ وَالخُرقِ

6. You rose for them at daybreak so they witnessed
The sun from one horizon and your face from another

٦. طَلَعتَ لَهُم وَقتَ الشُروقِ فَعايَنوا
سَنا الشَمسِ مِن أُفقٍ وَوَجهَكَ مِن أُفقِ

7. Never before had they seen two suns meet
With radiance from West and East in accord

٧. وَما عايَنوا شَمسَينِ قَبلَهُما التَقى
ضِياؤُهُما وَفقاً مِنَ الغَربِ وَالشَرقِ

8. You showed them the power of the Almighty
And the forgiveness of a lover of peace

٨. أَرَيتَهُمُ إِذ ذاكَ قُدرَةَ قادِرٍ
وَعَفوَ مُحِبٍّ لِلسَلامَةِ مُستَبقِ

9. Had you wished swords and spears would have felled them
And the well-adorned blue lances would have pierced them

٩. وَلَو شِئتَ طاحوا بِالسُيوفِ وَبِالقَنا
وَبِاللَهذَمِيّاتِ المُذَرَّبَةِ الزُرقِ

10. You graced them with life so they became
Your loyalists, winning your bounty and freedom

١٠. مَنَنتَ عَلَيهِم بِالحَياةِ فَأَصبَحوا
مَواليكَ فازوا مِنكَ بِالمَنِّ وَالعِتقِ

11. For loyalty of freed slaves is stauncher
Than loyalty of slaves still in bondage

١١. وَإِنَّ وَلاءَ المُعتِقينَ مِنَ الرَدى
يَفوقُ وَلاءَ المُعتِقينَ مِنَ الرِقِّ

12. You remained commander of the faithful for a nation
You led rightly upon the path of truth

١٢. بَقيتَ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ لِأُمَّةٍ
سَلَكتَ بِها نَهجَ السَبيلِ إِلى الحَقِّ

13. With your face you take revenge on fate whenever
It does evil just as your grandfather summoned rain

١٣. بِوَجهِكَ تَستَعدي عَلى الدَهرِ كُلَّما
أَساءَ كَما كانَت بِجَدِّكَ تَستَسقي