
The phantom of Alawah does not cease to come to me

طيف لعلوة ما ينفك يأتيني

1. The phantom of Alawah does not cease to come to me
Pouring towards me from afar and intoxicating me

١. طَيفٌ لِعَلوَةَ ما يَنفَكُّ يَأتيني
يَصبو إِلَيَّ عَلى بُعدٍ وَيُصبيني

2. May the greeting of God be bestowed and peace be upon
Your visiting apparition, which revives me here

٢. تَحِيَّةُ اللَهِ تُهدى وَالسَلامُ عَلى
خَيالِكِ الزائِري وَهناً يُحَيِّيني

3. When you are near, your separation distances me
And when you are far, your connection brings me nearer

٣. إِذا قَرُبتِ فَهَجرٌ مِنكِ يُبعِدُني
وَإِن بَعُدتِ فَوَصلٌ مِنكِ يُدنيني

4. Time has become harsh, neither union gives me hope
Nor despair consoles me of what is with you

٤. تَصَرَّمَ الدَهرُ لا وَصلٌ فَيُطمِعُني
فيما لَدَيكِ وَلا يَأسٌ فَيُسليني

5. And I am not surprised by the disobedience of your heart towards me
Intentionally, when my heart disobeys me because of you

٥. وَلَستُ أَعجَبُ مِن عِصيانِ قَلبِكِ لي
عَمداً إِذا كانَ قَلبي فيكِ يَعصيني

6. By the redness that flushed in the cheeks at dawn
And the languor that fascinated the eyes of the eyes

٦. أَما وَما اِحمَرَّ مِن وَردِ الخُدودِ ضُحىً
وَاِحوَرَّ في دَعَجٍ مِن أَعيُنِ العينِ

7. I have deprived the purity of love, betraying it
From me and loaned it to one who does not reward me

٧. لَقَد حَبَوتُ صَفاءَ الوُدِّ صائِنَهُ
عَنّي وَأَقرَضتُهُ مَن لا يُجازيني

8. I give infatuation over degradation and it indebted me
Due to my love for you - I do not give over degradation

٨. هَوىً عَلى الهونِ أُعطيهِ وَأَعهَدُني
مِن قَبلِ حُبّيكَ لا أُعطي عَلى الهونِ

9. Why does one who does not know me frighten me
With the people while the people are more deserving to fear me

٩. ما لي يُخَوِّفُني مَن لَيسَ يَعرِفُني
بِالناسِ وَالناسُ أَحرى أَن يَخافوني

10. If I have accused a people of wickedness
Then let them speak much about my fault and defame me

١٠. إِذا عَقَدتُ عَلى قَومٍ مُشَنِّعَةً
فَليُكثِروا القَولَ في عَيبي وَتَهجيني

11. And I am cleared, to the open-minded, of
Senile thoughts and a tongue not to be trusted

١١. وَقَد بَرِئتُ إِلى العَريضِ مِن فِكَرٍ
مُبيرَةٍ وَلِسانٍ غَيرِ مَضمونِ

12. And I am not a platformer boasting ignorance
Making it a craft - I have not found wisdom enough for me

١٢. وَلَستُ مُنبَرِياً بِالجَهلِ أَجعَلُهُ
صِناعَةً ما وَجَدتُ الحِلمَ يَكفيني

13. Although I am intimidated by an enemy
I strike my foe with it in havoc and at once

١٣. إِنّي وَإِن كُنتُ مَرهوباً لِعادِيَةٍ
أَرمي عَدُوّي بِها في الفَرطِ وَالحينِ

14. I have in store loyalty to the people of love, concealed
From me, and absence from the brothers, trusted

١٤. لَذو وَفاءٍ لِأَهلِ الوُدِّ مُدَّخَرٍ
عِندي وَغَيبٍ عَلى الإِخوانِ مَأمونِ

15. Has the son of Hamdun returned to generosity
I once knew with the son of Hamdun?

١٥. هَلِ اِبنُ حَمدونَ مَردودٌ إِلى كَرَمٍ
عَهِدتُهُ مَرَّةً عِندَ اِبنِ حَمدونِ

16. A brother I thanked for blessing me, a faithful brother
Purified for me and bestowed without fatigue

١٦. أَخٌ شَكَرتُ لَهُ نُعمى أَخي ثِقَةٍ
زَكَت لَدَيَّ وَمَنّا غَيرَ مَمنونِ

17. The wicked circulated around him after me and changed him
A company, all of whom plot against me

١٧. طافَ الوُشاةُ بِهِ بَعدي وَغَيَّرَهُ
مَعاشِرٌ كُلُّهُم بِالسوءِ يَعنيني

18. I have come to praise him and he demeans me
And laud him at times and he vilifies me

١٨. أَصبَحتُ أَرفَعُهُ حَمداً وَيَخفِضُني
ذَمّاً وَأَمدَحُهُ طَوراً وَيَهجوني

19. And he returned celebrating wickedness, destroying me
While before he used to build me with benevolence

١٩. وَعادَ مُحتَفِلاً بِالسوءِ يَهدِمُني
وَكانَ مِن قَبلُ بِالإِحسانِ يَبنيني

20. You invite the wicked to insult and belittle me
Evil is affection over praising you - you make me love

٢٠. تَدعو اللِئامَ إِلى شَتمي وَمَنقَصَتي
بِئسَ الحِباءُ عَلى مَدحيكَ تَحبوني

21. Where is the affection you used to bestow on me?
Where is the sincerity you used to clarify me with?

٢١. أَينَ الوِدادُ الَّذي قَد كُنتَ تَمنَحُني
أَينَ الصَفاءُ الَّذي قَد كُنتَ تُصفيني

22. If it was a sin, then you are the people of forgiveness and if
I did not sin, why does blame prey on me?

٢٢. إِن كانَ ذَنبٌ فَأَهلُ الصَفحِ أَنتَ وَإِن
لَم آتِ ذَنباً فَفيمَ اللَومُ يَعروني

23. Oh Bani Zurara what lineage do I envy in you
What is the lowly lineage by the lowly?

٢٣. بَني زُراراءَ ما أَزرى بِكُم حَسَبٌ
دونٌ وَما الحَسَبُ العادِيُّ بِالدونِ

24. Those non-Arabs raise you, their beginnings
To the ends and the naked ones among them

٢٤. تِلكَ الأَعاجِمُ تَنميكُم أَوائِلُها
إِلى الذَوائِبِ مِنها وَالعَرانينِ

25. The pride of the cooks is proverbial, and your pride
Previously cooked the fathers of the cooks

٢٥. فَخرُ الدَهاقينِ مَأثورٌ وَفَخرُكُمُ
مِن قَبلُ دَهقَنَ آباءَ الدَهاقينِ

26. I count you my comrades and make you
More worthy of protection than my honor and my faith

٢٦. إِنّي أَعُدُّكُمُ رَهطي وَأَجعَلُكُم
أَحَقَّ بِالصَونِ مِن عِرضي وَمِن ديني