1. I see among the twisting sands, dwellings,
If only their allure were dwellings.
١. أَرى بَينَ مُلتَفِّ الأَراكِ مَنازِلا
مَواثِلَ لَو كانَت مَهاها مَواثِلا
2. So halt if you are excused, in them,
And pass them by if you refuse them.
٢. فَقِف مُسعِداً فيهِنَّ إِن كُنتَ عاذِراً
وَسِر مُبعِداً عَنهُنَّ إِن كُنتَ عاذِلا
3. We met the singing girls in the twisting sands, as though
We met the sociable, flirtatious ones.
٣. لَقينا المَغاني بِاللِوى فَكَأَنَّما
لَقينا الغَواني الآنِساتِ عَواطِلا
4. And the eyes kill the lovers, and I hadn't thought
The pictured veils were deadly.
٤. وَقَتلُ المُحِبّينَ العُيونُ وَلَم أَكُن
أَظُنُّ الرُسومَ الدارِساتِ قَواتِلا
5. Longing's migrants, if the hand of fate would will it,
Would make abundant those we long for.
٥. هَواجِرُ شَوقٍ لَو تَشاءُ يَدُ النَوى
لَجادَت بِمَن نَهوى فَعادَت أَصائِلا
6. And the way of love - I have found no way from it,
And the preoccupier of distress - I have found none to preoccupy me from it.
٦. وَمَذهَبُ حُبٍّ لَم أَجِد عَنهُ مَذهَباً
وَشاغِلُ بَثٍّ لَم أَجِد عَنهُ شاغِلا
7. And I led my forbearance astray, so I turned
To youth foolishly, though I have traversed the stages of youth.
٧. وَأَضلَلتُ حِلمي فَاِلتَفَتُّ إِلى الصِبا
سَفاهاً وَقَد جُزتُ الشَبابَ مَراحِلا
8. So, to God belong the days of youth and the goodness of what
It did with us, if only they were few.
٨. فَلِلَّهِ أَيّامُ الشَبابِ وَحُسنُ ما
فَعَلنَ بِنا لَو لَم يَكُنَّ قَلائِلا
9. Does our long night with its admirers have for us
A way to the short night in Babel?
٩. أَلَيلَتَنا الطولى بِطِمّينَ هَل لَنا
سَبيلٌ إِلى اللَيلِ القَصيرِ بِبابِلا
10. Peace to the lads in the east! I am bound
Headlong for the west.
١٠. سَلامٌ عَلى الفِتيانِ بِالشَرقِ إِنَّني
إِلى الجانِبِ الغَربِيِّ يَمَّمتُ واغِلا
11. With the lion and son of the lion I spend the day marauding
The environs, then spend the night fighting.
١١. مَعَ اللَيثِ وَاِبنِ اللَيثِ أُضحي مُغاوِراً
حَماةَ الضَواحي ثُمَّ أُمسي مُقاتِلا
12. We visit - without longing - Thawrat and her son,
Though Tawfil ibn Makil has barred the way to her.
١٢. نَزورُ بِلا شَوقٍ تَذورَةَ وَابنَها
وَقَد صَدَّ عَنها تَوفَلُ بنُ مَخايِلا
13. Like the companions of Dhul Qarnayn where they settled
Beyond the setting place of the sun, in those dwellings.
١٣. كَأَصحابِ ذي القَرنَينِ حَيثُ تَبَوَّأوا
وَراءَ مَغيبِ الشَمسِ تِلكَ المَنازِلا
14. And whoever bustles in the palaces of the son of Yusuf
Sees reality in the nearness of loved ones to be false.
١٤. وَمَن يَتَقَلقَل في سَرايا ابنِ يوسُفٍ
يَرَ الحَقَّ في قُربِ الأَحِبَّةِ باطِلا
15. He falls asleep behind the gauze curtains while his opinion
Rends behind the curtains.
١٥. يَبيتُ وَراءَ الناطَلوقِ وَرَأيُهُ
يَحُزُّ وَراءَ السيسَجانِ المَفاصِلا
16. When suspicion blackens in it, it is like the planets,
And when news travels in it, it is like pregnant clouds.
١٦. إِذا اِسوَدَّ فيهِ الشَكُّ كانَ كَواكِباً
وَإِن سارَ فيهِ الخَطبُ كانَ حَبائِلا
17. He hurled the Byzantines with invasions that followed each other
Without cease, reaching the fighter.
١٧. رَمى الرومَ بِالغَزوِ الَّذي ما تَتابَعَت
نَوافِذُهُ إِلّا أَصَبنَ المَقاتِلا
18. He invaded them and annihilated them and did not just
Suffice them the tribute until he renewed the invasion to match it.
١٨. غَزاهُم فَأَفناهُم وَلَم يَقتَصِر لَهُم
عَلى العامِ حَتّى جَدَّدَ الغَزوَ قابِلا
19. Good for you! Look upon them, so livestock may fatten
Glistening, or milk teem in abundance.
١٩. لَكَ الخَيرُ أَنظِرهُم لِتَنتَجِعَ الرُبا
مُنَوِّرَةً أَو تَحلُبَ الخِلفَ حافِلا
20. For you have raided in their valleys ceaselessly,
Strewing them copiously with fine mist and downpour.
٢٠. فَقَد غُرتَ بِالغاراتِ في وَهَداتِهِم
وَلِيّا وَوَسمِيّاً رَذاذاً وَوابِلا
21. And you have given drink to those above the citadels among them,
Until nothing remains but to take the citadels themselves.
٢١. وَسُقتَ الَّذي فَوقَ المَعاقِلِ مِنهُمُ
فَلَم يَبقَ إِلّا أَن تَسوقَ المَعاقِلا
22. With an army in which, when it marches, you see the day a tribe,
And when it camps, the night tribes.
٢٢. بِجَمعٍ تَرى فيهِ النَهارَ قَبيلَةً
إِذا سارَ فيهِ وَالظَلامَ قَبائِلا
23. Directing them while the sword's possessor is on foot,
Wherever the fray harvests resolve, mounted.
٢٣. يُدَبِّرُهُم مُستَرعِفُ السَيفِ فارِساً
بِحَيثُ الوَغى مُستَحصِدُ الرَأيِ راجِلا
24. Their vanguard if he directs the army invading
And their rearguard if he directs the army returning.
٢٤. طَليعَتُهُم إِن وَجَّهَ الجَيشَ غازِياً
وَساقَتُهُم إِن وَجَّهَ الجَيشَ قافِلا
25. Nor have the youths praised anyone like Muhammad
Forever, exalter of the lofty deeds and shoulders.
٢٥. وَما حَمِدَ الفِتيانُ مِثلَ مُحَمَّدٍ
سَناماً لِعَلياءِ الفَعالِ وَكاهِلا
26. Protected from the envious, glory
Crowds over him, whenever counted, fortunate and attaining.
٢٦. بَعيدٌ مِنَ الحُسّادِ تَزدَحِمُ العُلا
عَلَيهِ إِذا ما عَدَّ سَعداً وَنايِلا
27. Kings who count spears as a warlord
When brandished, and coats of mail as luxurious garments.
٢٧. مُلوكٌ يَعُدّونَ الرِماحَ مَخاصِراً
إِذا زَعزَعوها وَالدُروعَ غَلائِلا
28. When he promises or threatens, the generous deeds
Hasten to fulfill the deferred command immediately.
٢٨. إِذا قالَ وَعداً أَو وَعيداً تَسَرَّعَت
مَكارِمُ تَثني آجِلَ الأَمرِ عاجِلا
29. Granting, if the chivalrous perish in their right,
Their due share to the accustomed quarter - returning.
٢٩. واهِبُ إِن مَتَّ العُفاةُ بِحَقِّها
إِلى رَبعِهِ المَألوفِ عادَت وَسائِلا
30. He turned his steed, so the dust of the plain rose up
As clouds, though the dust had been only motes before.
٣٠. أَدارَ رَحاهُ فَاِغتَدى جَندَلُ الفَلا
تُراباً وَقَد كانَ التُرابُ جَنادِلا
31. And he disciplined the unruly lads of Banu
Zurara, so they chose for it chains.
٣١. وَزَرَّ فُروجَ المُرهَفاتِ عَلى بَني
زُرارَةَ فَاِختاروا عَلَيها السَلاسِلا
32. He reformed everything of theirs that was corrupted
And set aright everything of theirs that leaned.
٣٢. فَأَصلَحَ مِنهُم كُلَّ ما كانَ فاسِداً
وَقَوَّمَ مِنهُمُ كُلَّ ما كانَ مائِلا
33. And Moses ascended into the heavens but did not find
In them an escape from him, so he came back descending.
٣٣. وَأَصعَدَ موسى في السَماءِ فَلَم يَجِد
بِها مَهرَباً مِنهُ فَأَقبَلَ نازِلا
34. Nor could Baldh determinedly withstand her Lord
From the raging lion unleashing projectiles upon her.
٣٤. وَلَم تَستَطِع بَدليسُ تَمنَعُ رَبَّها
مِنَ الأَسَدِ المُزجي إِلَيها القَنابِلا
35. You would have reminded him with the spear - had he forgotten -
And taught him with the sword - had he been ignorant.
٣٥. لَأَذكَرتَهُ بِالرُمحِ ما كانَ ناسِياً
وَعَلَّمتَهُ بِالسَيفِ ما كانَ جاهِلا
36. And saved him from the onslaughts of the squadrons that he
Met you angrily, so flung away the squadrons.
٣٦. وَنَجّاهُ مِن وافي الحَمائِلِ أَنَّهُ
تَلَقّاكَ غَضباناً فَأَلقى الحَمائِلا
37. You surrounded him with conquest, but when you had conquered him,
Surrounded him with favor, bounty upon him.
٣٧. أَحَطتَ بِهِ قَهراً فَلَمّا مَلَكتَهُ
أَحَطتَ بِهِ مَنّاً عَلَيهِ وَنائِلا
38. Had you not confronted him, and he saw how much
Usefulness you gain through valor, he'd have come to you pleading.
٣٨. وَلَو لَم تُناهِضهُ وَأَبصَرَ عُظمَ ما
تُنيلُ مِنَ الجَدوى لَجاءَكَ سائِلا
39. You bestowed upon the living Bakr and Taghlib
And their beasts of prey - until we thought you their heir.
٣٩. عَطَفتَ عَلى الحَيَّينِ بَكرٍ وَتَغلِبٍ
وَنَمرِهِما حَتّى حَسِبناكَ وائِلا
40. On the day of Manwail, as the right guidance
Grazed his claws or thought to grasp,
٤٠. وَفي يَومِ مَنويلٍ وَقَد لَمَسَ الهُدى
بِأَظفارِهِ أَو هَمَّ أَن يَتَناوَلا
41. You warded from Islam - which if it were struck
Would not remain henceforth a person, diminished.
٤١. دَفَعتَ عَنِ الإِسلامِ ما لَو يُصيبُهُ
لَما زالَ شَخصاً بَعدَها مُتَضائِلا
42. If they delayed it from your endeavors, it will indeed
Restore the days of the ancient men of valor.
٤٢. لَئِن أَخَّروهُ عَن مَساعيكَ إِنَّهُ
لَيَقدُمُ أَيّامَ الرِجالِ الأَوائِلا
43. You contended with a thousand of them in eighty,
And emboldened them until you repelled the great armies.
٤٣. تَلافَيتَ أَلفاً في ثَمانينَ مِنهُمُ
وَشَجَّعتَهُم حَتّى رَدَدتَ الجَحافِلا
44. Your ransom - men, when truth avoids them,
Evade the everlasting glory, reliant.
٤٤. فِداؤُكَ أَقوامٌ إِذا الحَقُّ نابَهُم
تَفادوا مِنَ المَجدِ المُطِلِّ تَواكُلا
45. So whoever of them stayed behind, you spoke out,
And whoever of them spoke, you acted.
٤٥. فَمَن كانَ مِنهُم ساكِناً كُنتَ ناطِقاً
وَمَن كانَ مِنهُم قائِلاً كُنتَ فاعِلا