
The ardour of love, though its firebrands are quenched,

ماجو خبت وإن نأت ظعنه

1. The ardour of love, though its firebrands are quenched,
If we abandon it or yearn for it,

١. ماجَوُّ خَبتٍ وَإِن نَأَت ظُعُنُه
تارِكُنا أَو تَشوقُنا دِمَنُه

2. Returns in passion to rend its vitals,
If it rends passion in constant rending.

٢. يَعودُ لِلصَبِّ بَرحُ لَوعَتِهِ
إِن عاوَدَ الصَبَّ في دَدٍ دَدَنُه

3. When it settles in an abode, clinging
To intimacy, till it seems its own country,

٣. إِذا إِستَجَدَّت داراً تَعَلَّقَها
بِالإِلفِ حَتّى كَأَنّها وَطَنُه

4. By God, neither its joy nor its sorrow
Consoles us for this love-sick enslavement.

٤. تَاللَهِ ما إِن يَني يُدَلِّهُنا
سُرورُ هَذا الغَرامِ أَو حَزَنُه

5. When love is lost, your glance restores
The image of the beloved to unsettle you.

٥. مَتى عَدِمتَ الجَوى أَعارَكَهُ
مُعيدُ لَحظِ مَكروةٍ فِتَنُه

6. In it desire melts away, if the loved one's
Embrace grows heavy and her bosom's shelter fails.

٦. يَفَتَتُّ فيهِ الهَوى إِذا ثَقُلَت
مَأكِمَتاهُ وَخَفَّ مُحتَضَنُه

7. Leave in the heart some token of its orphanhood,
Though every close-shuttered one denies it lodging.

٧. أَبقِ عَلى القَلبِ مِن تَتَيُّمِهِ
وَأَيُّ مُستَغلِقيهِ يَرتَهِنُه

8. How often a wearied spirit peaceful rest
Renounces, choosing to endure its own unrest.

٨. وَرُبَّ صابي نَفسٍ إِلى سَكَنٍ
يَسومُ إِتواءَ نَفسِهِ سَكَنُه

9. The wretch is duped by fortune though
Fortune's a foe, perfidious her intimacy.

٩. يَغتَرُّ بِالدَهرِ ذو الإِضاعَةِ وَال
دَهرُ عَدُوٌّ مَطلولَةٌ إِحَنُه

10. In a time when its calamities cause necks to crack,
A thing most like it is its time.

١٠. في زَمَنٍ رَنَّقَت حَوادِثُهُ
أَشبَهُ شَيءٍ بِحادِثٍ زَمَنُه

11. Of evil times I consent to accept
Only the lesser part of their goodness.

١١. رَضيتُ مِن سَيِّءِ الزَمانِ بِأَن
يَعشُرُهُ غَيرَ زائِدٍ حَسَنُه

12. Gifts are bestowed on governors from our gratitude,
A monarch whose favors encircle our necks.

١٢. يُحبى الأَتاوي مِن شُكرِنا مَلِكٌ
مَعقودَةٌ في رِقابِنا مِنَنُه

13. His workmen fashion for him a nobility
The like of which Adan's once glorious dwellings never matched.

١٣. تَصنَعُ صَنعاؤُهُ لَهُ شَرَفاً
لَم تَتَأَخَّر عَن مِثلِهِ عَدَنُه

14. A hand is raised up high for eminence
As loftily raised as the bough of a waving pine.

١٤. عَلَت يَدٌ لِلعَلاءِ مُفضِلَةٌ
كَما تَعَلّى مِن عارِضٍ مُزُنُه

15. If panegyrists shake it, it freely pardons them,
A rivulet from the spring, compliant its branches.

١٥. إِن هَزَّهُ المادِحونَ سامَحَهُم
فَرعٌ مِنَ النَبعِ طَيّعٌ فَنَنُه

16. Its injuries, when you appoint them,
Are confined by a barrier kept from its right hand.

١٦. تَكرُمُ أَذواؤُهُ إِذا جَعَلَت
تَحظُرُها قُصرَةً لَهُ يَمَنُه

17. Whether we regard his present deputies
Or judge by those of old, his good judgment,

١٧. وِزارَتاهُ فيما نُشاهِدُ أَو
نُواسُهُ في القَديمِ أَو يَزَنُه

18. Who managed the Sultan's affairs, guiding them
In the path of probity, clear his precedents.

١٨. ساقَ أُمورَ السُلطانِ يُسلِكُها
نَهجاً مِنَ الرُشدِ واضِحاً سَنَنُه

19. Some men are oblivious of them, yet there is struck around them
A circle of intelligence, behind them his insight.

١٩. يَغبى رِجالٌ عَنها وَقَد ضُرِبَت
مُحيطَةً مِن وَرائِها فِطَنُه

20. If, concealed from his eyes, they are absent from him,
His hearing attentive to him is their fidelity.

٢٠. إِن شَذَّ عَن عَينَيهِ مُغَيَّبُها
كانَت وَفاءً مِن عَينِهِ أُذُنُه

21. If the great ensnare him over wine,
His intimate counsellor is his secret, not his declaration.

٢١. إِن خاتَلَتهُ الرِجالُ في خَمرٍ
فَسِرُّهُ المُستَشارُ لا عَلَنُه

22. The sword in its scabbard retains its sharpness;
It does not borrow what arms his ships.

٢٢. وَالسَيفُ في نَصلِهِ خُشونَتُهُ
لَيسَ الَّتي يَستَعيرُها سَفَنُه

23. We blame the impotence of minds to gauge a grave concern,
Weighing it with minds or evaluating its consequence.

٢٣. نَذُمُّ عَجزَ العُقولِ عَن خَطَرٍ
نَكيلُهُ بِالعُقولِ أَو نَزِنُه

24. He craves it avidly until stores from the heights amass,
Hoarded riches he treasures and garners.

٢٤. يَشرَهُ حِرصاً حَتّى يَثوبَ لَهُ
ذُخرٌ مِنَ المُعلَياتِ يَختَزِنُه

25. No enemy does he indulge with delays;
No friend does he drive away by suspicion.

٢٥. لا يَتَأَنّى العَدُوَّ يُمهِلُهُ
وَلا يُبادي الصَديقَ يَمتَهِنُه

26. I remember, O God, that guidance which cannot
Be washed away though plunged in a swollen sea.

٢٦. أُذكُر هَداكَ الإِلَهُ أَغثَرَ لا
يُغسَلُ بِالبَحرِ طامِياً دَرَنُه

27. A son of some wretched Jew, when allowed to speak,
Nothing of worth comes from his tongue.

٢٧. إِبنَ وَضيعٍ مِنَ اليَهودِ إِذا إِس
تُنطِقَ لَم يَرتَفِع بِهِ لَسَنُه

28. He was nurtured in the villages of the Sa'd; no cities arose
On their mother-sites or were founded by his hands.

٢٨. تَرَبَّبَتهُ قُرى السَوادِ وَلَم
تُبنَ عَلى أُمَّهاتِهِ مُدُنُه

29. Secluded in the boorishness of provinces, if
Speech is wanted from him, only babbled nonsense emerges.

٢٩. أَلكَنُ مِن عُجمَةِ البِلادِ إِذا
أَرادَ مِنهُ يُقالُ قالَ مِنه

30. Neither Maramma his uncle's clan nor the Harmuzan struck roots in him
Or Khattab his paternal uncle or Circumcision.

٣٠. لَم يَضرِبِ الهَرمُزانُ فيهِ وَلا
مارَمَّةٌ خالُهُ وَلا خَتَنُه

31. He conveyed to us a repulsive pig from the garbage heap;
It would shame his idols if I recounted its abominations.

٣١. أَدّى إِلَينا خِنزيرَ مَزبَلَةٍ
فاحِشَةً إِن عَدَدتُها أُبَنُه

32. When the rules of decency prevailed, he proceeded
Prone to the ground until his beard swept the soil.

٣٢. إِذا اِلتَقى وَالشُروطُ أَقبَلَ قُب
لَ الأَرضِ حَتّى يُصيبُها ذَقَنُه

33. I look to that misshaped, humpbacked invalid
Among his supporters, and in him find my lament.

٣٣. أُنظُر إِلى الأَصهَبِ العَنَطنَطِ مِن
مُعَلِّليهِ فَعِندَهُ شَجَنُه

34. His coddling went too far, and against your wrath
His banner's blazon and his age overreached.

٣٤. أَفرَطَ إِدلالُهُ وَطالَ عَلى
سُخطِكَ مِن أَفنِ رايِهِ وَسَنُه

35. How oft the arrogant provoked your enmity
Then wasted away in their saddles, their fat melting!

٣٥. وَكَم جَريءٍ عَلى عِنادِكَ قَد
عادَ هُزالاً في مَتنِهِ سِمَنُه

36. Tomorrow he counts favors bestowed and is vexed by them,
He seethes with spite against the generous.

٣٦. وَغدٌ يَعُدُّ الإِفضالَ يُمنَحَهُ
حِقداً عَلى المُفضِلينَ يَضطَغِنُه

37. He who shows no gratitude for a boon
Cannot value glorious favors or know their price.

٣٧. لَم يَعبَ لِلنِعمَةِ الجَزاءَ لَم
يَقدُر جَليلَ المَعروفِ ما ثَمَنُه

38. He steals away your thanks, while you trust that long-tailed
Vile one, the mouse, and rely on him.

٣٨. يَسرِقُكَ الشُكرَ ثُمَّ أَنتَ عَلى
سَيحِ دُجَيلٍ وَالسوسِ تَأتَمِنُه

39. Before him I found no one so deficient in merit
Who gained possession of Ahvaz' wealth and clutched it.

٣٩. وَلَم أَجِد قَبلَهُ قَصيرَ يَدٍ
فازَ بِمالِ الأَهوازِ يَحتَجِنُه

40. No opinion differs but I have made you the measure,
Testing it against your wisdom and discretion.

٤٠. ما رابَ رَأيٌ إِلّا جَعَلتُكَ ميزا
ناً عَلَيهِ في الحَزمِ أَمتَحِنُه

41. None but you is my choice of an intimate, apart from
Incapacity whose madness my reason has harvested.

٤١. وَما إِختِياري جاراً سِواكَ سِوى ال
عَجزِ أَجَنَّت رَوِيَّتي جُنَنُه

42. The Master is bound to you, his spirit
Among you an indissoluble pledge and hostage.

٤٢. إِنَّ المُوَلّى عَنكُم وَمُهجَتُهُ
فيكُم لَعانٍ وَثيقَةٌ رُهُنُه

43. To you his soul inclines,
Though his body departs estranged.

٤٣. لَهُ إِلَيكُم نَفسٌ مُشَرِّقَةٌ
إِن راحَ عَنكُم مُغَرِّباً بَدَنُه

44. If longing travels its distance,
Lucrative the bargain, its profit manifest.

٤٤. وَالبُعدُ إِن تاجَرَ المَشوقُ بِهِ
قَيضٌ مِنَ القُربِ بَيِّنٌ غَبَنُه