
O Abul Abbaas, you have excelled over people

أبا العباس برزت على قومك

1. O Abul Abbaas, you have excelled over people
In manners, morals and distinction

١. أَبا العَبّاسِ بَرَّزتَ عَلى قَومِ
كَ آداباً وَأَخلاقاً وَتَبريزا

2. If you were made of anything other than human
You would have been of solid gold

٢. فَلَو صُوِّرتَ مِن شَيءٍ سِوى الناسِ
إِذاً كُنتَ مِنَ العِقيانِ إِبريزا

3. And nothing raised you except your noble soul
Yes, you became greater due to your dignity

٣. وَلم يُعلِكَ إِلّا كَرَمُ النَفسِ
بَلى فَإِزدَدتَ بِالمُعتَزِّ تَعزيزا

4. So you are rain when it pours, and a lion
When it attacks, and a sharp sword

٤. فَأَنتَ الغَيثُ إِذ يَسجُمُ وَاللَيثُ
إِذا يُقدِمُ وَالصارِمُ مَهزوزا

5. As for the field of poetry, you master it
Naturally, with distinction

٥. فَأَمّا حَلبَةُ الشِعرِ فَتَستَولي
عَلى السَبقِ بِها فَرضاً وَتَميِيزا

6. With solid structure, and creativity
Of meaning - nothing convoluted

٦. بِإِحكامِ مَبانيهِ وَإِبداعِ
مَعانيهِ وَلا يوجَدُ مَغموزا

7. If you use metaphor, you don't dislike the words
If you match them, you embroider an embroidery

٧. وَإِن جَنَّستَ لَم تَستَكرِهِ القَولَ
وَإِن طابَقتَهُ طَرَّزتَ تَطريزا

8. None who covet it reach your level
All fall short and fail

٨. مَدىً مَن رامَهُ غَيرَكَ أَنضاهُ
وَأَبدى مِنهُ تَقصيراً وَتَعجيزا

9. As for those who reject your superiority unjustly
We allow that, such allowance

٩. فَأَمّا دافِعوا فَضلِكَ بِالظُلمِ
فَجَوَّزنا عَلَيهِم ذاكَ تَجويزا