
Sleeplessness afflicted you after long drowsiness

سهر أصابك بعد طول نعاس

1. Sleeplessness afflicted you after long drowsiness
For the chastity of an alluring slender beauty

١. سَهَرٌ أَصابَكَ بَعدَ طولِ نُعاسِ
لِصُدودِ أَغيَدَ فاتِنٍ مَيّاسِ

2. Like an aroused penis over a mound
Be it from coyness or branches of myrtle

٢. مِثلُ القَضيبِ عَلى الكَثيبِ مُهَفهَفٌ
مِن بانَةٍ أَو مِن فُروعِ الآسِ

3. Like the full moon gleaming with the light of his face
What is the matter with his cheek being black brass

٣. كَالبَدرِ يَأتَلِقُ الضِياءُ بِوَجهِهِ
ما شانَ وَجنَتَهُ سَوادُ نُحاسِ

4. He shoots but doesn't roast or kill whom he shoots
With arrows without a target or skill

٤. يَرمي فَما يَشوي وَيَقتُلُ مَن رَمى
بِسِهامِ لا هَدَفٍ وَلا بُرجاسِ

5. How many nights I spent talking with him
And the delicious sipping at the taste of wine

٥. كَم لَيلَةٍ أَحيَيتُها بِحَديثِهِ
وَلَذيذِ رَشفٍ عِندَ ذَوقِ الكاسِ

6. No eye has closed from missing his imagination
While the heart in it fluctuates with doubts

٦. ما غَمَّضَت عَينٌ لِفَقدِ خَيالِهِ
وَالقَلبُ فيهِ بَلابِلُ الوَسواسِ

7. All the coquetry of the beloved is passionate
Except the coynety and despair of his cheek

٧. كُلُّ الدَلالِ مِنَ الحَبيبِ مُعَشَّقٌ
إِلّا دَلالُ صُدودِهِ وَالياسِ

8. If he was serious my brain melted
Or if it was joking there was no harm in it

٨. إِن كانَ جِدّاً مِنهُ سالَت مُهجَتي
أَو كانَ هَزلاً ما بِهِ مِن باسِ

9. He will recall me keeping him company and our
Loneliness from me and from intimacy

٩. وَلَسَوفَ يَذكُرُ خالِياً أُنسي بِهِ
وَخَلاءَهُ مِنّي وَمِن إيناسي

10. His qualities will return him to me gently
So much has clung in a heart of stone

١٠. وَتَرُدُّهُ سَهلاً إِلَيَّ عَطائِفٌ
كَم قَد عَلِقنَ لَنا بِقَلبٍ قاسِ

11. I drank with my friends and compatriots
And chatted with them, virgins without wine

١١. وَلَقَد شَرِبتُ بِطارِفي وَبِتالِدي
وَسَبَأتُها بِكراً بِغَيرِ مِكاسِ

12. I have regretted the best drinking companions
Languishing in the good morals of squires

١٢. وَلَقَد أُنادِمُ خَيرَ شَربٍ كُلُّهُم
دَجَنوا بِحُسنِ خَلائِقِ الجُلّاسِ

13. Their money offered to their guests
The generous is forgiving and kind

١٣. أَموالُهُم مَبذولَةٌ لِضُيوفِهِم
إِنَّ الكَريمَ مُسامِحٌ وَمُواسِ

14. I have known successors and outstanding men
Who were intimate in keeping my secrets to gain intimacy

١٤. وَلَقَد أَلِفتُ خَلائِفاً وَبَطارِقاً
أَنِسوا بِكِتماني لِلِاستِئناسِ

15. I have been patient with a corrupt friend
Not to mention disappointment and misery

١٥. وَلَقَد صَبَرتُ عَلى صَديقٍ فاسِدٍ
ناهيكَ مِن نَكسٍ وَمِن إِتعاسِ

16. If his leader refuses to be restrained
Or if you coax the bridle of a horse

١٦. إِن قُدتَهُ يَأبى عَلَيكَ حِرانُهُ
أَو لِنتَ عَضَّ عَلى شَكيمِ الفاسِ

17. A loving man does not praise his friend
Like the exquisite to a taster or a guard

١٧. لا يَحمَدُ الرَجَلُ المُحِبُّ صَديقَهُ
مِثلَ الزُلالِ لِذائِقٍ أَو حاسِ

18. Until he sees him suffering his fury
Loves him in ease and in poverty

١٨. حَتّى يَراهُ لِغَيظِهِ مُتَجَرِّعاً
يَحبوهُ في يُسرٍ وَفي إِفلاسِ

19. I say to the one who aims his spear
Take it as a struggle from the hands of a butcher

١٩. وَلَقَد أَقولُ لِمَن يُسَدِّدُ رُمحَهُ
خُذها كِفاحاً مِن يَدَي جَسّاسِ

20. I have tightened my mount if worries visited me
In the early morning with a roving camel

٢٠. وَلَقَد شَدَدتُ إِذا الهُمومُ تَضَيَّفَت
رَحلي بِكورِ عُذافِرٍ جِرفاسِ

21. An old man, if a mother has denied him once
Another has recognized him in the land of people

٢١. قَرمٍ إِذا نَكِرَتهُ أُمٌّ مَرَّةً
عَرَفَتهُ أُخرى في دِيارِ أُناسِ

22. Its heavy sorrows poured on him copiously
Watering the love with a water-skin and bucket

٢٢. دَرَّت عَلَيهِ غَزيرَةً ضَرّاتُها
تُروي الهُيامَ بِمِحلَبٍ وَعِساسِ

23. I have ridden the sea in its waves
And rode the horror of night in the dark

٢٣. وَلَقَد رَكِبتُ البَحرَ في أَمواجِهِ
وَرَكِبتُ هَولَ اللَيلِ في بَيّاسِ

24. And crossed the lengths and widths of countries
From Sind to the land of mica

٢٤. وَقَطَعتُ أَطوالَ البِلادِ وَعَرضَها
ما بَينَ سِندانٍ وَبَينَ سِجاسِ

25. I have seen and heard those who have passed
So here is Zureiq, master of masters

٢٥. وَلَقَد رَأَيتُ وَقَد سَمِعتُ بِمَن مَضى
فَإِذا زُرَيقٌ سَيِّدُ السُوّاسِ

26. So boast in him and in his ally Mu'ab
Indeed al-Husayn is greater than Nushnas

٢٦. فَاِفخَر بِهِ وَبِمِصعَبٍ وَحَليفِهِ
إِنَّ الحُسَينَ أَجَلُّ مِن نَشناشِ

27. If not for al-Husayn and Mu'ab and his tribe
No kingdom would have stood for the Abbasids

٢٧. لَولا الحُسَينُ وَمُصعَبٌ وَقَبيلُهُ
ما قامَ مُلكٌ في بَني العَبّاسِ

28. And by him of the two right hands whom no one equals
An advisor to the five-sixths of the one-sixths

٢٨. وَبِذي اليَمينَينِ الَّذي ما مِثلُهُ
لِمُشيرِ أَخماسٍ إِلى أَسداسِ

29. Seeking Ali when he came in great numbers
The people of violence and throwing

٢٩. يَبغي عَلِيّاً إِذ أَتى في جَحفَلٍ
حِنقينَ أَهلِ شَراسَةٍ وَمِراسِ

30. So he confronted them with his grandfather and crushed their youth
They trod Abu Yahya with the worst treading

٣٠. فَبَدا بِجَدِّهِمُ فَدَقَّ شَباتَهُ
داسوا أَبا يَحيى أَشَدَّ دِياسِ

31. And al-Amin descended seeking Babylon and its king
So he surrounded the wicked betraying king

٣١. وَاِنحَطَّ يَطلُبُ بابِلاً وَمَليكَها
فَأَحاطَ بِالمَلِكِ الخَليعِ الناسي

32. Sometimes alluring him that he may become a shepherd
But he refused and inclined to the roaring rebel

٣٢. داجاهُ حيناً عَلَّهُ أَن يَرعَوي
فَأَبى وَمالَ إِلى الهِجَفِّ الجاسي

33. His brother's patience was vast
It covered kings and all races

٣٣. قَد كانَ حِلمُ أَخيهِ حِلماً واسِعاً
غَمَرَ المُلوكَ وَسائِرَ الأَجناسِ

34. But he listened to Harthama who
Left him between the ropes of servant boys

٣٤. لكِنَّهُ أَصغى لِهَرثَمَةَ الَّذي
خَلّاهُ بَينَ صِرارِيٍ أَطفاسِ

35. So Tahir's ships came and held on
To the caliph of the castrated and the half-men

٣٥. فَأَتَت قَوارِبُ طاهِرٍ فَتَشَبَّثَت
بِخَليفَةِ الخِصيانِ وَالنَسناسِ

36. Neither Kuthayr made him rich nor his supporters
Of the people of Baydoun or Firnas

٣٦. لا كَوثَرٌ أَغنى وَلا أَشياعُهُ
مِن رَهطِ بَيدونٍ وَلا فِرناسِ

37. So al-Amin threw himself in the Tigris
Hoping to survive but he became in blood

٣٧. فَرَمى الأَمينُ بِنَفسِهِ في دِجلَةٍ
يَرجو النَجاءَ فَصارَ في الديماسِ

38. Who would know that his final affair
Would remain captive in the hands of guards

٣٨. مَن كانَ يَدري أَنَّ آخِرَ أَمرِهِ
يَبقى أَسيراً في يَدِ الحُرّاسِ

39. But how can he survive while Tahir
Demands with ambushes and guards

٣٩. بَل كَيفَ يَنجو وَالمُطالِبُ طاهِرٌ
بِمَواقِفِ الأَرصادِ وَالأَحراسِ

40. So he brought him the good news of Muhammad
Quickly so he said to him cure me with beheading

٤٠. فَسَعى إِلَيهِ مُبَشِّراً بِمُحَمَّدٍ
عَجِلاً فَقالَ لَهُ اشفِني بِالراسِ

41. What glory rises with which the affairs of a man proceed
The glories fled from the expanse of guards

٤١. ما فَوقَ ذا مَجدٌ يَصولُ بِهِ امرُؤٌ
فَرَّ المُماجِدُ مِن مُدى الأَحراسِ

42. Since Zureiq girded his loins
Until the running of the horses settled

٤٢. ما حَلَّ مُذ عَقَدَ الزُرَيقُ إِزارَهُ
حَتّى اِستَقَرَّت كَرَّةُ الأَفراسِ

43. He possessed the east and west by force
Praised on pulpits and thrones

٤٣. هَذي المَكارِمُ لا عَروسٌ هَمُّهُ
عَزفٌ وَقَصفٌ طاعِمٌ أَو كاسِ

44. Until its west submitted to him
And the ranks were empty of the corrupt and riffraff

٤٤. وَأَبوكَ هَدَّ جُموعَ نَصرٍ كُلَّها
وَاِبنِ السَرِيِّ وَعَسكَرى قِرياسِ

45. He visited Iraq and did not make it a dwelling
And came to the outskirts so it grabbed spears

٤٥. فَتَحَ البِلادَ صَغيرَها وَكَبيرَها
مِنها الطُوانُ إِلى مَحَلِّ الماسِ

46. He established a pit for the evildoer and a meadow
For the good-doers like the meadow of spaciousness

٤٦. مَلَكَ المَشارِقَ وَالمَغارِبَ عَنوَةً
يُدعى لَهُ بِمَنابِرٍ وَكَراسي

47. If only one man stood among the people
None like your father would have stood holding the scales

٤٧. حَتّى إِذا سَلِمَت مَغارِبُها لَهُ
وَصَفَت مِنَ الفُجّارِ وَالأُنّاسِ

48. If the openings of Al-Maziar were counted and the like
The numbers would expire like creeping ants

٤٨. زارَ العِراقَ وَلَم يَطِنها مَنزِلاً
وَأَتى الشَراةَ فَأَمسَكَت بِحِداسِ

49. And your brother passed away while by him gathered
The noble of nobles and the valiant of valiants

٤٩. فَأَقامَ حَتفاً لِلمُسيءِ وَرَوضَةً
لِلمُحسِنينَ كَرَوضَةِ البَسباسِ

50. Neither Tahir except his father and grandfather
The three of them excelled over the people

٥٠. لَو لَم يَقُم في الناسِ إِلّا واحِدٌ
ما قامَ مِثلُ أَبيكَ بِالقِسطاسِ

51. You have joined and not fallen short of them
Rather, you have clung to the gap of molars

٥١. لَو عُدَّ فَتحُ المازِيارِ وَمِثلِهِ
أَفنى العِدادُ كَراسِفَ الأَنقاسِ

52. You have dressed armies in armies
In it the masters of whispering

٥٢. وَثَوى أَخوكَ وَقَد تَوافى عِندَهُ
كَرَمُ الكِرامِ وَبَأسُ أَهلِ الباسِ

53. So they threw and charged with spears and clashed
With their swords after long useless contention

٥٣. ما طاهِرٌ إِلّا أَبوهُ وَجَدُّهُ
بَرَعوا ثَلاثَتُهُم عَلى ذا الناسِ

54. They competed when the weapon of whom fell
And the soul expires at every breath

٥٤. وَلَقَد لَحِقتَ وَلَم تُقَصِّر دونَهُم
بَل قَد عَلِقتَ بِثُغرَةِ الأَضراسِ

55. The horses are inflamed with the horsemen and the spears
Throb the throb of the well with poles

٥٥. وَلَقَد لَبِستَ عَساكِراً بِعَساكِرٍ
بِالغورِ فيها سادَةُ الوَسواسِ

56. Death gestures with the swords as if they are
Lightning flashing on the backs of shields

٥٦. فَرَمَوا وَجالوا بِالقَنا وَتَثاقَفوا
بِسُيوفِهِم مِن بَعدِ طولِ دِعاسِ

57. You see death giving birth, its fangs
Bare, delivering a bothersome infant with breath

٥٧. وَتَعافَسوا مَن كانَ طاحَ سِلاحُهُ
وَالنَفسُ تَتلَفُ عِندَ كُلِّ عِفاسِ

58. You have killed their army and came with their captives
And left them in the pit like piles

٥٨. وَالخَيلُ تُجمِرُ بِالفَوارِسِ وَالقَنا
يَخلُجنَ خَلجَ البِئرِ بِالأَمراسِ

59. Whenever a group is roused whom their shepherd has fed
On the discord and whispers of the sneaky

٥٩. وَالمَوتُ يَأشِرُ بِالسُيوفِ كَأَنَّها
بَرقٌ يَلوحُ عَلى ظُهورِ تِراسِ

60. You have scorned their leaders openly
So as not to appease the evils of the vile

٦٠. وَتَرى المَنِيَّةَ كالِحاً أَنيابُها
ثَكلى تَمَخَّضُ مُطفِلاً بِنِفاسِ

61. The messenger of the man of arguments says to his envoy
Prod the riding beast in the early dawn

٦١. فَقَتَلتَ جَيشَهُمُ وَجِئتَ بِسَيبِهِم
وَتَرَكتَهُم بِالغورِ كَالأَكداسِ

62. So when you meet Muhammad, prostrate to him
No wonder whoever prays to the father of al-ʿAbbās

٦٢. وَمَتى يَهيجُ مَعاشِرٌ تَرعاهُمُ
عَلِقوا بِشَغبِ وَساوِسِ الخَنّاسِ

63. A king whom you see the kings around his stirrups
Walking as if they have withheld breath

٦٣. نَكَّلتَ بِالرُؤَساءِ مِنهُم جَهرَةً
كَي ما تُسَكِّنَ شِرَّةَ الرَجّاسِ

64. He ordains matters and no whimper is heard
In the shadows of spears in the impregnable place

٦٤. وَلَقَد يَقولُ ذَوُ الحِجى لِسَفيرِهِم
حُثَّ المَطِيِّ بِواضِحٍ مَرّاسِ

65. The dispensing of his reward and punishment is like fate
In the two worlds for a sinner or miserable

٦٥. فَإِذا لَقيتَ مُحَمَّداً فَاسجُد لَهُ
لا غَروَ مَن صَلّى أَبا العَبّاسِ

66. His house has risen above the dead
And the foundations of the pillars

٦٦. مَلِكٌ تَرى الأَملاكَ حَولَ رِكابِهِ
يَمشونَ قَد حَبَسوا مِنَ الأَنفاسِ

67. He has ascended and attained glory until it inclined to me
Alive unlike the fading of statelets

٦٧. يَقضي الأُمورَ وَلَيسَ يُسمَعُ نَبسَةٌ
بِخِلالِ أَشوَسِ في المَحَلِّ الشاسي

68. He has flowed and achieved every sublime goal
And thrown so achieved the first of parchments

٦٨. كَالدَهرِ صِرفُ ثَوابِهِ وَعِقابِهِ
في العالَمينَ لِجارِحٍ أَو آسِ

69. If he attained the celestial sphere they would remove his house
In honor, the gift of towering minarets

٦٩. وَلَقَد عَلا فَوقَ الفَراقِدِ بَيتُهُ
وَعَلى الحَضيضِ قَواعِدُ الآساسِ

70. The Abdaliyoun, sick of life
Like lions growling in thickets

٧٠. وَسَما فَنالَ المَجدَ حَتّى مالَ لي
حَيٌّ سِواهُ طَلائِحَ الأَحلاسِ

71. The dreams of Aad in dew when they sleep
And jinn neighing the sleep of zeal

٧١. وَجَرى فَأَحرَزَ كُلَّ رَهنٍ فاخِرٍ
وَرَمى فَأَحرَزَ غُرَّةَ القِرطاسِ

72. In war their attire is doubled iron
And in peace their attire is a fine garment

٧٢. لَو نالَ قَرنَ الشَمسِ حَلّوا بَيتَهُ
شَرَفاً عَطاءَ شَوامِخٍ وَرَواسِ

73. The best of the stars, their faces
Dazzled with the finest ancestry and brass

٧٣. وَالعَبدَلِيّونَ المِراضُ مِنَ الحَيا
مِثلَ اللُيوثِ تَميدُ في الأَخياسِ

74. I have served you in Rusafah for a while
And served your elder in the villages of Bityas

٧٤. أَحلامُ عادٍ في النَدى إِذا اِحتَبَوا
وَالجِنُّ يَصطَرِمونَ نَومَ حِماسِ

75. I have a sanctity since forty years I count them
Pilgrimages, and I am not distanced from the ancient

٧٥. في الحَربِ لُبسُهُمُ الحَديدُ مُضاعَفاً
وَالسِلمُ لُبسُهُمُ جَميلُ لِباسِ

76. I have returned to you after adversity
So I have accepted the return of a resigned blameworthy

٧٦. الأَحسَنونَ مِنَ النُجومِ وُجوهُهُم
بَهَروا بِأَكرَمِ عُنصُرٍ وَنُحاسِ

77. So lower your wing for me and protect me, I am
Like the Samaritan, forbidden to touch

٧٧. وَلَقَد خَدَمتُكَ بِالرُصافَةِ بُرهَةً
وَخَدَمتُ شَيخَكَ في قُرى بِطياسِ

78. Or I would be left prey to every vile one
Like Qabeesah al-Tai or Iyas

٧٨. لي حُرمَةٌ مُذ أَربَعونَ أَعَدُّها
حِجَجاً وَلَستُ عَنِ القَديمِ بِناسِ

79. It pleases you, its enormity, so take it on your shoulder
Above the platform, the sunshade of weddings

٧٩. وَلَقَد رَجَعتُ إِلَيكَ بَعدَ مِلاوَةٍ
فَقَبَلتُ رَجعَةَ وامِقٍ مُستاسِ

80. I have said when I composed its adornments
And poetry evokes the wit of the wise

٨٠. فَاخفِض جَناحَكَ لي وَصُنّي إِنَّني
كَالسامِرِيِّ مَحَرَّمٌ بِمِساسِ

81. If it concerned the stalwarts they would boast with it
And for brats they would love the sons of Shammas

٨١. أَو لَاتُّرِكتُ لَقاً لِكُلِّ خَساسَةٍ
كَقَبيصَةَ الطائِيِّ أَو كَإِياسِ

٨٢. يَهنيكَ جَلوَتُها فَخُذها عاتِقاً
فَوقَ المِنَصَّةِ شَمسَةَ الأَعراسِ

٨٣. قَد قُلتُ لَمّا أَن نَظَمتُ حُلِيَّها
وَالشِعرُ يَبعَثُ فِطنَةَ الأَكياسِ

٨٤. لَو لِلفُحولِ تَعِنُّ لَافتَخَروا بِها
وَلِجَروَلٍ لَحَبا بَني شَمّاسِ