
Now I'm certain that livelihood has portions

الآن أيقنت أن الرزق أقسام

1. Now I'm certain that livelihood has portions
When the cold took charge, the cupping surgeon

١. الآنَ أَيقَنتُ أَنَّ الرِزقَ أَقسامُ
لَمّا تَقَلَّدَ أَمرَ البُردِ حَجّامُ

2. Stored his jars, fearing unemployment, in a satchel
Inside it his tools, countless and diverse

٢. صانَ القِواريرَ خَوفَ العَزلِ في سَفَطٍ
فيهِ مَشارِطُ لا تُحصى وَأَجلامُ

3. Until, when his council thinned with remaining seated
And construction and destruction cycled for them

٣. حَتّى إِذا خَفَّ بِالجُلّاسِ مَجلِسُهُ
وَدارَ فيهِ لَهُم نَقضٌ وَإِبرامُ

4. He called to Susin, "Bring the instrument," though
I hadn't handled it for constant work this year

٤. نادى بِسَوسَنَ أَن هاتِ الأَداةَ فَما
قَلَّبتُها لِاِتِّصالِ الشُغلِ مُذ عامُ

5. So he came to him with blades and a scraper
Of the healing irons, adept at the throat

٥. فَجاءَهُ بِتَقاريضٍ وَمَرهَفَةٍ
مِنَ المَواسي لَها في الحَلقِ إِحكامُ

6. Protected in scented handkerchiefs
Adorned with fine embroidery and symbols

٦. مَصونَةٍ في مَناديلٍ مُطَيَّرَةٍ
قَد زانَها حُسنُ تَطريزٍ وَأَعلامُ

7. Then at that he wraps a talkative, zealous brother
Whose cup and goblet go around among a group

٧. فَعِندَ ذَلِكَ تُلفيهِ أَخا جَدَلٍ
جَمٍّ يَطوفُ عَلَيها الكَأسُ وَالجامُ

8. And the face tasks him when it misses them
As if cooling the face were his occupation

٨. وَيَكلَفُ الوَجهُ مِنهُ حينَ يَفقِدُها
كَأَنّهُ لِاِربِدادِ الوَجهِ فَحّامُ

9. Like the palm were severed on sight of them
For if sorrow or illness befell him, it would grieve

٩. كَأَقطَعِ الكَفِّ هادٍ عِندَ رُؤيَتِها
فَإِن نَأَت هاجَهُ ضُرٌّ وَأَسقامُ

10. If a land wept for an incident in lament
Then the Levant would weep for his sake

١٠. لَو أَنَّ أَرضاً بَكَت شَجواً لِحادِثَةٍ
حَلَّت إِذاً لَبَكَت مِن أَجلِهِ الشامُ