1. O man, the night is gone and time has passed on,
This longing and hope have been too long drawn.
١. أَهلَكَ وَاللَيلَ أَيُّها الرَجُلُ
قَد طالَ هَذا الرَجاءُ وَالأَمَلُ
2. Rely upon patience and find yourself a way,
To the nights that keep changing day by day.
٢. عَوِّل عَلى الصَبرِ وَاِتَّخِذ سَبَباً
إِلى اللَيالي فَإِنَّها دُوَلُ
3. How far are favors from a man, who depends,
Upon begging from others his needs to attend.
٣. ما أَبعَدَ المَكرُماتِ عَن رَجُلٍ
عَلى سُؤالِ الرِجالِ يَتَّكِلُ
4. What the young man intends with his ambition,
Will reach him behind without his volition.
٤. وَما يُريدُ الفَتى بِهِمَّتِهِ
بُلِّغَهُ مِن وَرائِهِ أَجَلُ
5. Neither wealth nor honor except with swords that collide,
And necks that our sharp blades have severed and divide.
٥. لَيسَ الثَرى وَالثَرِيَّ وَالعِزَّةَ ال
قَعساءَ إِلّا السُيوفُ وَالصَلُ
6. Every man is busy with stories of his own,
While my only care is striking with my spear's hone.
٦. كُلُّ إِمرِئٍ شُغلُهُ بِقِصَّتِهِ
وَلِلفَزارِيِّ بِالقَنا شُغلُ
7. So be on time an undaunted horseman and knight,
For time itself is but an undaunted horse and knight.
٧. فَكُن عَلى الدَهرِ فارِساً بَطَلاً
فَإِنَّما الدَهرُ فارِسُ بَطَلُ
8. Is it not but the path your forefathers have crossed?
Where are the departed crowds of the past?
٨. هَل هُوَ إِلّا سَبيلُ أَوَّلِكَ ال
ماضينَ أَينَ الجَحاجِحُ الأُوَّلُ
9. They existed and then passed away and so did their fame,
Naught remains except relics and empty names.
٩. كانوا فَبانوا وَبانَ ذِكرُهُمُ
فَلَيسَ إِلّا الرُسومُ وَالطَلَلُ
10. Our steeds must roam and charge in the fray,
Our spears the means to drive evil away.
١٠. لا بُدَّ لِلخَيلِ أَن تَجولَ بِنا
وَالخَيلُ أَرماحُنا الَّتي تَصِلُ
11. Now shod with sharp swords, now with blood dyed,
Until under our banners death itself has died,
١١. فَمَرَّةً بِاللُجَينِ تَنعَلُها
وَمَرَّةً بِالدِماءِ تَنتَعِلُ
12. And we quench its fires as our own flames rise.
I live with dignity, not chasing youthful lies,
١٢. حَتّى تَرى المَوتَ تَحتَ رايَتِنا
تُطفَأُ نيرانُهُ وَتَشتَعِلُ
13. No more women or passion my heart beguiles,
The crow of youth has flown away miles and miles,
١٣. فَأَقنى حَياءً فَلَستُ مِن غَزَلٍ
فَلَيسَ مِنّي النِساءُ وَالغَزَلُ
14. While gray hair that stays and does not flee,
This leads to that as time aids the free,
١٤. طارَ غُرابُ الشَبابُ مُرتَحِلاً
وَحَلَّ شيبٌ فَلَيسَ يَرتَحِلُ
15. While the person himself has his own special needs,
Do not place on people unbearable misdeeds,
١٥. هَذا لِهَذا وَالدَهرُ لِلغِنى سَبَبٌ
وَالمَرءُ في نَفسِهِ لَهُ عِلَلُ
16. More than a human being can bear and hold,
Beware of miserliness when you are to give or spend of your gold,
١٦. تَنَقَّلُ الدَهرِ لِلغِنى سَبَبٌ
وَالمَرءُ وَالدَهرَ حَيثُ يَنتَقِلُ
17. And if you see people who are misers stingy and cold,
Seek from Allah alone, not people you're told,
١٧. فَدُم عَلَى صَبرِكَ الجَميلِ لَهُ
وَاِعمَل فَإِنَّ المُلوكَ قَد عَمِلوا
18. For He is the best guardian your wants to attend.
١٨. إِيّاكَ وَالناسُ أَن تُحَمِّلَهُم
فَوقَ الَّذي الآدَمِيُّ يَحتَمِلُ
١٩. إِيّاكَ وَالبُخلَ عِندَ مَكرُمَةٍ
وَإِن رَأَيتَ الرِجالَ قَد بَخِلوا
٢٠. وَاِرغَب إِلى اللَهِ لا إِلى أَحَدٍ
فَإِنَّهُ خَيرُ واصِلٌ تَصِلُ