
I saw you were pleased with openness from me

رأيت الانبساط إليك يحظى

1. I saw you were pleased with openness from me
It was welcomed by you and requested often

١. رَأَيتُ الاِنبِساطَ إِلَيكَ يُحظى
لَدَيكَ وَيُستَماحُ بِهِ النَوالُ

2. Yet silence from us angered you
Though some people are bothered by questions

٢. وَيُغضِبُكَ السُكوتُ إِذا سَكَتنا
وَبَعضُ القَومِ يُغضِبُهُ السُؤالُ

3. Favors from you came, pure and white
Kindnesses - though heavy when carried

٣. وَقَد سَبَقَت أَيادٍ مِنكَ بيضٌ
وَآلاءٌ إِذا حُمِلَت ثِقالُ

4. Without this need, I'd have lightly spoken
Foolish words that should not be said

٤. وَلَولا حاجَةٌ خَفَّفتُ فيها
لَقَلتُ سَفاهَةً ما لا يُقالُ

5. I continued what you made habitual for me
Though money once filled that exalted place

٥. جَرَيتُ عَلى الَّذي عَوَّدتَنيهِ
وَكانَ مَكانَ ذاكَ الجاهِ مالُ