1. He obeyed his reproacher in love when he gave advice,
Yet he was intoxicated with the drunkenness of passion and became sober.
١. أَطاعَ عاذِلَهُ في الحُبِّ إِذ نَصَحا
وَكانَ نَشوانَ مِن سُكرِ الهَوى فَصَحا
2. So the cooing of the doves does not arouse him when
The doves coo on the branches or chirp loudly.
٢. فَما يُهَيِّجُهُ نَوحُ الحَمامِ إِذا
ناحَ الحَمامُ عَلى الأَغصانِ أَو صَدَحا
3. Nor do his tears flow for the little branches
Even if he moans and goes beyond the sand dunes.
٣. وَلا يُقيضُ عَلى الأَظعانِ عَبرَتَهُ
إِذا نَأَينَ وَلَو جاوَزنَ مُطَّلَحا
4. Sometimes the ruins evoke his tears
And lightning from Najd startles him when it flashes.
٤. وَرُبَّما اِستَدعَتِ الأَطلالُ عَبرَتَهُ
وَشاقَهُ البَرقُ مِن نَجدِ إِذا لَمَحا
5. My yearning was not novel that day, nor
Were my tears the first to flow in passion and pour forth.
٥. ما كانَ شَوقي بِبِدعِ يَومَ ذاكَ وَلا
دَمعي بِأَوَّلِ دَمعٍ في الهَوى سُفِحا
6. But for a nation I was engrossed by its ancientness
For which grey hair did not excuse me nor overlook.
٦. وَلِمَّةٍ كُنتُ مَشغوفاً بِجِدَّتِها
فَما عَفا الشَيبُ لي عَنها وَلا صَفَحا
7. When I forget the love of Layla, an apparition
Travels in the blackness of night when it spreads its wings.
٧. إِذا نَسيتُ هَوى لَيلى أَشادَ بِهِ
طَيفٌ سَرى في سَوادِ اللَيلِ إِذ جَنَحا
8. It drew near me from afar and kept me awake
Until the light of dawn shone clearly.
٨. دَنا إِلَيَّ عَلى بُعدٍ فَأَرَّقَني
حَتّى تَبَلَّجَ ضَوءُ الصُبحِ فَاِتَّضَحا
9. I was astonished at how it crossed the plain out of concealment
And traversed the sands without stopping or resting.
٩. عَجِبتُ مِنهُ تَخَطّى القاعَ مِن إِضَمٍ
وَجاوَزَ الرَملَ مِن خَبتٍ وَما بَرِحا
10. Behold! The efforts of those hopeful have succeeded,
And the door of bounty has been opened wide.
١٠. ها إِنَّ سَعيَ ذَوي الآمالِ قَد نَجَحا
وَإِنَّ بابَ النَدى بِالفَتحِ قَد فُتِحا
11. How excellent is he whose initial action is good,
While he is unseeing, and whose words earn praise.
١١. أَغَرُّ يَحسُنُ مِنهُ الفِعلُ مُبتَدِئاً
نُعمى وَيَحسُنُ فيهِ القَولُ مُمتَدَحا
12. He restored virtues amongst us after they were lost
And brought generosity near after it had recoiled.
١٢. رَدَّ المَكارِمَ فينا بَعدَما فُقِدَت
وَقَرَّبَ الجودَ مِنّا بَعدَما نَزَحا
13. He does not become angry when dignity envelops him,
Nor do his sides stir when he jokes.
١٣. لا يَكفَهِرُّ إِذا اِنحازَ الوَقارُ بِهِ
وَلا تَطيشُ نَواحيهِ إِذا مَزَحا
14. His determination softened to the pliable palm branches,
And if his forbearance were weighed, it would prevail.
١٤. خَفَّت إِلى السُؤدُدِ المَجفُوِّ نَهضَتُهُ
وَلَو يُوازِنُ رَضوى حِلمُهُ رَجَحا
15. He persisted in a generosity that seeks no substitute,
Even if a reproacher blames him and finds fault.
١٥. وَلَجَّ في كَرَمٍ لا يَبتَغي بَدَلاً
مِنهُ وَإِن لامَ فيهِ عاذِلٌ وَلَحى
16. O king, fulfiller of his promise!
The radiance of the sun beamed for the eyes at dawn.
١٦. يا أَيُّها المَلِكُ الموفي بِغُرَّتِهِ
تَلَألُؤَ الشَمسِ لاحَت لِلعُيونِ ضُحى
17. There, the most honorable of all people
Came to you in the morning, happy and refreshed,
١٧. هُناكَ أَنَّ أَعَزَّ الناسِ كُلِّهِمِ
عَلَيكَ غادى الغَداةَ الراحَ مُصطَبِحا
18. Pleased to drink it for a while, and saddened
That no goblet competes with him in drinking it.
١٨. يَسُرُّهُ شُربُها طَوراً وَيَحزُنُهُ
أَلّا تُنازِعَهُ في شُربِها القَدَحا
19. You became ill, or he became worried about you,
So restore us to wellness just as you brought reconciliation.
١٩. قَدِ اِعتَلَلتَ أَوانَ اِعتَلَّ مِن شَفَقٍ
عَلَيهِ فَاِصلُح لَنا بُرءاً كَما صَلَحا