1. Through the virtues of Abu Saleh
His youth attained glories that strengthened his glory
١. وَجَدنا خِلالَ أَبي صالِحٍ
شَبائِهَ ما شِدنَ مِن مَجدِهِ
2. He inherited from his father who had attained it
His refined father inherited it from his grandfather
٢. حَوى عَن أَبيهِ الَّذي حازَهُ
أَبوهُ المُهَذَّبُ عَن جَدِّهِ
3. Chastity returning to its origin
And guidance proceeding rightly
٣. عَفافٌ يَعودُ عَلى بَدإِهِ
وَهَديٌ يَسيرُ عَلى قَصدِهِ
4. So which glory did he not attain pride of
And copious share that did not satisfy him
٤. فَأَيُّ عُلاً لَم يَنَل فَخرَها
وَجَزلٍ مِنَ النَيلِ لَم يُسدِهِ
5. He is the rain pouring in its directions
Quenching thirst in its meadows
٥. هُوَ الغَيثُ يُنهَلُّ في صَوبِهِ
دِراكاً وَيَعذُبُ في وِردِهِ
6. Our hopes have clung
To the rope of the far-fetched clouds of his kindness
٦. لَقَد عَلِقَت مِنهُ آمالُنا
بِحَبلِ غَريبِ النَدى فَردِهِ
7. Granting and our need that he be honored
And that Allah protect from losing him
٧. مُنانا وَحاجَتُنا أَن يَعِز
زَ وَأَن يَمنَعَ اللَهُ مِن فَقدِهِ
8. Abu Saleh you are one whom on the day of deeds
None can match his equal
٨. أَبا صالِحٍ أَنتَ مَن لا يَدَل
لُ يَومَ الفَعالِ عَلى نِدِّهِ
9. So that miser with adversities
And the turning of nights does not avail him
٩. فَذاكَ البَخيلُ مِنَ النائِباتِ
وَصَرفِ اللَيالي وَلا تَفدِهِ
10. Do you feign intimacy today
To one who can fruit for you his love?
١٠. أَتَصطَنِعُ اليَومَ أُكرومَةً
إِلى مُثمِرٍ لَكَ مِن وُدِّهِ
11. For the attainment of success has come near from a master
When he is generous with custom he does not strain him
١١. فَقَد شارَفَ النُجحَ مِن سَيِّدٍ
إِذا جادَ بِالعُرفِ لَم يُكدِهِ
12. And the matter of Abu Al-Fadl regarding my need
Is with what you have won half of his praise
١٢. وَأَمرُ أَبي الفَضلِ في حاجَتي
بِما فُزتَ بِالشَطرِ مِن حَمدِهِ
13. So from you the discourse begins anew
That the deed may correspond, from his side
١٣. فَمِن عِندِكَ القَولُ مُستَأنِفاً
لِتَقتَبِلَ الفِعلَ مِن عِندِهِ