1. I say to a coquettish idol like the towering palm tree
Embroidered in luxury and comfort
١. أَقولُ لِعَنسٍ كَالعَلاةِ أَمونِ
مُضَبَّرَةٍ في نِسعَةٍ وَوَضينِ
2. Beware of the sword if you go beyond the boundary of a chief
Who will protect you, and virtue is the belly of the noble stead
٢. تَقي السَيفَ إِن جاوَزتِ قُلَّةَ ساطِحٍ
وَضَمَّكِ وَالمَعروفَ بَطنُ طَرونِ
3. Do not delve deep into the citadels lest you stumble
On worn out stones, then buried
٣. وَلا توغِلي في أَرسَناسَ فَتَعثُري
بِمُندَرِسِ الأَحجارِ ثَمَّ دَفينِ
4. It is not strange if you see it, that you see
The flames of adversity in clear thorns
٤. فَغَيرُ عَجيبٍ إِن رَأَيتيهِ أَن تَرى
تَلَهُّبَ ضَربٍ في شَواكِ مُبينِ
5. My yearning for that heart, and my agony over it
My agony intensified and my yearning
٥. حَنيني إِلى ذاكَ القَليبِ وَلَوعَتي
عَلَيهِ وَقَلَّت لَوعَتي وَحَنيني
6. My eyes reproach not from excessive flowing tears
Nor from the emergence of seclusion, so leave me
٦. أَعاذِلَتي ما الدَمعُ مِن فَرطِ صَبوَةٍ
وَلا مِن تَنائي خُلَّةٍ فَذَريني
7. Do not ask what made me cry, for verily
What poured from my eyes, made my eyelids flow
٧. وَلا تَسأَلي عَمّا بَكَيتُ فَإِنَّهُ
عَلى ماءِ وَجهي جادَ ماءُ جُفوني
8. Except my hope in Yusuf ibn Muhammad
Which desolated my thoughts after him and suspicions
٨. خَلا أَمَلي مِن يوسُفَ بنِ مُحَمَّدٍ
وَأَوحَشَ فِكري بَعدَهُ وَظُنوني
9. So evil is my misfortune that relapsed, and I live and was not
Expecting any excuse before it with assurance
٩. فَوا سوءَتي تَردى وَأَحيا وَلَم أَكُن
عَلى عِذرَةٍ مِن قَبلِها بِظَنينِ
10. My hand was paralyzed, my soul wrecked
And my world was destroyed the day my faith was destroyed
١٠. وَكانَ يَدي شُلَّت وَنَفسي تُخُرِّمَت
وَدُنيايَ بانَت يَومَ بانَ وَديني
11. Oh my regret that I did not witness him
So my left hand failed with him and my right
١١. فَوا أَسَفي أَلّا أَكونَ شَهِدتُهُ
فَخاسَت شِمالي عِندَهُ وَيَميني
12. And that I did not meet death ruddier than him
As fate used to meet me more cowardly than him
١٢. وَأَلّا لَقيتُ المَوتَ أَحمَرَ دونَهُ
كَما كانَ يَلقى الدَهرَ أَغبَرَ دوني
13. And that remaining after him is a betrayal
And I was never before him a traitor
١٣. وَإِنَّ بَقائي بَعدَهُ لَخِيانَةٌ
وَما كُنتُ يَوماً قَبلَهُ بِخَئونِ
14. There will be no rest until the horses rise up
I was wronged with a lion in the courtyard of Joun
١٤. فَلا ثَأرَ حَتّى تَطلُعَ الخَيلُ مُرتَقى
خُوَيتُ بِأُسدٍ في السَنَوَّرِ جونِ
15. Until the swift she-camels strike Saatih
Healing the souls from wounds and sorrows
١٥. وَحَتّى تُصيبَ المُرهَفاتُ بِساطِحٍ
شِفاءَ النُفوسِ مِن طُلىً وَشُؤونِ
16. Until the fire fills what is between Arzan
And the land of Juwakh of towns and fortresses
١٦. وَحَتّى تُحَشَّ النارُ ما بَينَ أَرزَنٍ
وَأَرضِ جُواخٍ مِن قُرىً وَحُصونِ
17. Until the sword takes Musa to split
The meat of Ilj by the borders, plump
١٧. وَحَتّى يَنالُ السَيفُ موسى فَيَختَلي
جُزازَةَ عِلجٍ بِالتُخومِ سَمينِ
18. Will you seek survival after our blood has flowed
Among you, fulfilling the decree for a time?
١٨. أَأَللَهَ تَرجونَ البَقاءَ وَقَد جَرَت
دِماءٌ لَنا فيكُم قُضينَ لِحينِ
19. So where is the Commander of the Faithful? Verily he
Is my guarantor for what displeased you and my ally
١٩. فَأَينَ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ فَإِنَّهُ
كَفيلي عَلى ما ساءَكُم وَضَميني
20. The small emaciated horses will come to you
Grazing the flanks of plains in desolation and grief
٢٠. سَتَأتيكُمُ الجُردُ الخَناذيذُ تَقتَري
جُنوبَ سُهولٍ في الفَلا وَحُزونِ
21. Frowning, covering the expanse in every scattered region
Moving among them with the lions of the lair
٢١. عَوابِسَ تَغشى الرَوعَ في كُلِّ ماقِطٍ
مُناقِلَةً فيهِ بِأُسدِ عَرينِ
22. Seeking revenge of a steadfast hero
Not submissive in disasters, not disgraced
٢٢. طَوالِبَ ثَأرٍ مِن فَتىً غَيرَ واهِنٍ
وَلا وَكَلٍ في النائِباتِ مَهينِ
23. Arenas of war ceaselessly commissioned
With the pole of the millstone for the combatants to grind
٢٣. مَعارِكِ حَربٍ لا يَزالُ مُوَكَّلاً
بِقُطبِ رَحىً لِلدارِعينَ طُحونِ
24. And the leader of an army who restores reason and dignity
To the firmness of its flanks and softness
٢٤. وَسائِسُ جَيشٍ يَرجَعُ الحَزمَ وَالحِجى
إِلى شِدَّةٍ مِن جانِبَيهِ وَلينِ
25. He saw death as clearly as the eye sees, with no veil before it
And the death of certainty is not like the death of doubt
٢٥. رَأى المَوتَ رَأيَ العَينِ لا سِترَ دونَهُ
وَما مَوتُ شَكٍّ مِثلُ مَوتِ يَقينِ
26. And it was said "escape from its sorrows" but for him
The nature of a steadfast lion in battle refused
٢٦. وَقيلَ اُنجُ مِن غَمّائِها فَأَبَت لَهُ
سَجِيَّةُ شَكسٍ في اللِقاءِ حَرونِ
27. And when they took lightly surviving, the sides
Of firmness recoiled for the swords, pillar-like
٢٧. وَلَمّا اِستَخَفّوا لِلنَجاءِ تَوَقَّرَت
جَوانِبُ ثَبتٍ لِلسُيوفِ رَكينِ
28. He protected his shoulders as the spears poured
Into the gaping wound of his clear neck
٢٨. وَقى كَتِفَيهِ وَالرِماحُ شَوارِعٌ
بِثُغرَةِ نَحرٍ واضِحٍ وَجَبينِ
29. Did I forget you after what
I held fast to a rope from your call, tenacious?
٢٩. أَأَنساكَ أَم أَنسى مُصابَكَ بَعدَما
عَلِقتُ بِحَبلٍ مِن نَداكَ مَتينِ
30. If you had knowledge of my overflowing passion
And the knowledge of soil in burial, hidden
٣٠. وَلَو كُنتَ ذا عِلمٍ بِفَرطِ صَبابَتي
وَما عِلمُ ثاوٍ في التُرابِ دَفينِ
31. You would be certain that the eye is genuinely
Flowing over you and the heart genuinely grieving
٣١. تَيَقَّنتَ أَنَّ العَينَ جِدُّ غَزيرَةٍ
عَلَيكَ وَأَنَّ القَلبَ جِدُّ حَزينِ
32. When I do not thank you for your blessings with tears
Then I am not over my blessings a trustee
٣٢. إِذا أَنا لَم أَشكُركَ نُعماكَ بِالبُكا
فَلَستُ عَلى نُعمى اِمرِئٍ بِأَمينِ