1. Did we complain or did ingratitude overcome us,
Or did we disappoint him or make excuses for ourselves?
١. مَلَّنا أَم نَبا بِنا أَم جَفانا
أَم قَلانا فَإِعتاضَ مِنّا سِوانا
2. He is angry, seeking his approval, though he does not ask
About our discontent or satisfaction with him.
٢. ساخِطٌ نَبتَغي رِضاهُ وَلا يَس
أَلُ عَن سُخطِنا وَلا عَن رِضانا
3. And we do not care if we see one who is ungenerous,
Who does not care if time does not favor us.
٣. وَنُبالي أَلّا نَرى ذا تَجَنٍّ
لا يُبالي الزَمانَ أَلّا يَرانا
4. He narrowed the excuse in pleading - we would have
Been satisfied with our share, had that been enough.
٤. ضَيِّقَ العُذرَ في الضَراعَةِ أَنّا
لَو قَنِعنا بِقِسمِنا لَكَفانا
5. Why should we worship the created when our poverty
And wealth are only from God?
٥. ما لَنا نَعبُدُ العِبادَ إِذا كا
نَ إِلى اللَهِ فَقرُنا وَغِنانا