1. Do you not know, O Alto, that I suffer
from loving you, and now to people it is brought
١. أَلَم تَعلَمي يا عَلوُ أَنّي مُعَذَّبُ
بِحُبِّكُمُ وَالحَينَ لِلمَرءِ يُجلَبُ
2. And I used to cry for you while you were in Yathrib
And my wish was from the land, Yathrib
٢. وَقَد كُنتُ أَبكيكُم وَأَنتُم بِيَثرِبٍ
وَكانَت مُنى نَفسي مِنَ الأَرضِ يَثرِبُ
3. I hoped for you until when you returned
Some aloofness from you came and avoidance
٣. أُؤَمِّلُكُم حَتّى إِذا ما رَجَعتُمُ
أَتاني صُدودٌ مِنكُمُ وَتَجَنُّبُ
4. So I have become from what was between me and you
I tell whoever I meet and they are amazed
٤. فَأَصبَحتُ مِمّا كانَ بَيني وَبَينُكُم
أُحَدِّثُ عَنكُم مَن لَقيتُ فَيَعجَبُ
5. So if my affliction with troubles is bad to you, then have mercy
And if this torment makes you happy, then torment me
٥. فَإِن ساءَكُم ما بي مِنَ الضُرِّ فَاِرحَموا
وَإِن سَرَّكُم هَذا العَذابُ فَعَذِّبوا
6. And people have told me, endure their guidance
Thus every friend will be pleased and angered
٦. وَقَد قالَ لي ناسٌ تَحَمَّل دَلالَها
فَكُلُّ صَديقٍ سَوفَ يَرضى وَيَغضَبُ
7. And I am burning without you so know
And your stinginess in my chest is most pleasing and sweet
٧. وَإِنّي لَأَقلى بَذلَ غَيرِكِ فَاِعلَمي
وَبُخلُكَ في صَدري أَلَذُّ وَأَطيَبُ
8. And I see from the women of your house
They kindled for us in people a blazing fire
٨. وَإِنّي أَرى مِن أَهلِ بَيتِكِ نِسوَةً
شَبَبنَ لَنا في الناسِ ناراً تَلَهَّبُ
9. They knew of our love so they became envied
They tell whoever comes and goes about us
٩. عَرَفنَ الهَوى مِنّا فَأَصبَحنَ حُسَّداً
يُحَدِّثنَ عَنّا مَن يَجيءُ وَيَذهَبُ
10. And God has tested me with a servant from you
Who tells me the news from you and lies
١٠. وَإِنّي اِبتَلاني اللَهُ مِنكُم بِخادِمٍ
تُبَلِّغُني عَنكِ الحَديثَ وَتَكذِبُ
11. And if short one were to hurry between us
I would be happy and attain what I was seeking
١١. وَلَو أَصبَحَت تَسعى قَصيرَةُ بَينَنا
سَعِدتُ وَأَدرَكتُ الَّذي كُنتُ أَطلُبُ
12. And many things have appeared from you
And I was not expecting the like of them from you
١٢. وَقَد ظَهَرَت أَشياءُ مِنكُم كَثيرَةٌ
وَما كُنتُ مِنكُم مِثلَها أَتَرَقَّبُ
13. And before I had not tried the news of a beautiful woman
And none knows the news except the experienced
١٣. وَمِن قَبلُ ما جَرَّبتُ أَنباءَ جَمَّةً
وَلا يَعرِفُ الأَنباءَ إِلّا المُجَرِّبُ
14. And I have a story the day I bid farewell at the funeral
The next morning the full moon that was veiled appeared
١٤. وَلي يَومَ شَيَّعتُ الجَنازَةَ قِصَّةٌ
غَداةَ بَدا البَدرُ الَّذي كانَ يُحجَبُ
15. When I see the Hashimite woman coming
Swaying around her from the eye many glances
١٥. إِذا ما رَأَيتُ الهاشِمِيَّةَ أَقبَلَت
تَهادى حَواليها مِنَ العَينِ رَبرَبُ
16. I gestured to her with fingers so she turned away
Smiling for a bit then became stern and frowning
١٦. أَشَرتُ إِلَيها بِالبَنانِ فَأَعرَضَت
تَبَسَّمُ طَوراً ثُمَّ تَزوي وَتَقطِبُ
17. So I have not seen a day that was more beautiful in sight
While we were standing and she came nearer and nearer
١٧. فَلَم أَرَ يَوماً كانَ أَحسَنَ مَنظَراً
وَنَحنُ وُقوفٌ وَهيَ تَدنو وَتَقرُبُ
18. If Alto knew what was between us
She would have some of what I was fearing
١٨. فَلَو عَلِمَت عَلوٌ بِما كانَ بَينَنا
لَقَد كانَ مِنها بَعضُ ما كُنتُ أَرهَبُ
19. May God make every free woman a ransom
For Alto, the beloved, I am indeed tortured for her
١٩. أَلا جَعَلَ اللَهُ الفِدا كُلَّ حُرَّةٍ
لِعَلوَ المُنى إِنّي بِها لَمُعَذَّبُ
20. Apart from her, my heart has no desire among people
And after her, my heart has no refuge among people
٢٠. فَما دونَها لِلقَلبِ في الناسِ مَطلَبٌ
وَلا خَلفَها لِلقَلبِ في الناسِ مَهرَبُ
21. So if after us Alto has changed
And the rest of her rope remains fraying
٢١. فَإِن تَكُ عَلوٌ بَعدَنا قَد تَغَيَّرَت
وَأَصبَحَ باقي حَبلِها يَتَقَضَّبُ
22. And she forgot the pact that was between us
And went to other than what I was thinking
٢٢. وَحالَت عَنِ العَهدِ الَّذي كانَ بَينَنا
وَصارَت إِلى غَيرِ الَّذي كُنتُ أَحسَبُ
23. And what I suffer seems lowly to her, so perhaps
Afflictions and hearts fluctuate
٢٣. وَهانَ عَلَيها ما أُلاقي فَرُبَّما
تَكونُ البَلايا وَالقُلوبُ تَقَلَّبُ
24. But I, by the Creator, Shaper,
Whose Ancient House, veiled, is visited
٢٤. وَلَكِنَّني وَالخالِقِ البارِئُ الَّذي
يُزارُ لَهُ البَيتُ العَتيقُ المُحَجَّبُ
25. I will persist in love as long as the sun rises
As long as a star appears and sets
٢٥. لَأَمتَسِكَن بِالوُدِّ ما ذَرَّ شارِقٌ
وَما ناحَ قُمرِيٌّ وَما لاحَ كَوكَبُ
26. And I will cry for Alto with a burning eye
And if she becomes indifferent to us, still we will yearn
٢٦. وَأَبكي عَلى عَلوٍ بِعَينٍ سَخينَةٍ
وَإِن زَهِدَت فينا فَإِنّا سَنَرغَبُ
27. And if from sunrise to sunset I possessed
Surrounding it a kingdom, by your life, with the girl I am fascinated
٢٧. وَلَو أَنَّ لي مِن مَطلَعِ الشَمسِ بُكرَةً
إِلى حَيثُ تَنأى بِالعَشِيِّ فَتَغرُبُ
٢٨. أُحيطُ بِهِ مِلكاً لِما كانَ عِدلَها
لَعَمرُكَ إِنّي بِالفَتاةِ لَمُعجَبُ