
Stand awhile amidst the dwellings and ask the deserted abodes

قفا في مغاني الدار نسأل طلولها

1. Stand awhile amidst the dwellings and ask the deserted abodes
About the vanished intimacy that once filled their halls

١. قِفا في مَغاني الدارِ نَسأَل طُلولَها
عَنِ الأُنَّسِ المَفقودِ كانوا حُلولَها

2. When will my happiness gather its burden and depart?
For brief is the happiness that fears its own leaving

٢. مَتى أَجمَعَت سُعدى رَحيلاً فَإِنَّهُ
قَليلٌ لِسُعدى أَن تُخشى رَحيلَها

3. Had it warned us of bearing it at morn
A caravan with tears would have escorted its baggage

٣. وَلَو آذَنَتنا بِالتَحَمُّلِ غُدوَةً
لَشَيَّعَ رَكبٌ بِالدُموعِ حُمولَها

4. I blamed youth that it was said to be heading towards it
And became hostile to the zephyrs for blowing to it

٤. شَنِئتُ الصَبا أَن قيلَ وَجَّهنَ نَحوَها
وَعادَيتُ مِن بَينِ الرِياحِ قَبولَها

5. Even if my happiness had aided me in love of passion
Its inclination refused saying and disobeyed its whims

٥. وَلَو ساعَدَت سُعدى عَلى الحُبِّ ذا هَوى
أَبَت قَولَ واشيها وَعاصَت عَذولَها

6. When it sent a specter to remind me of the pastures
I sent back to it with success its messenger

٦. إِذا أَرسَلَت طَيفاً يُذَكِّرُني الجَوى
رَدَدتُ إِلَيها بِالنَجاحِ رَسولَها

7. I experience passion whose embers are ever glowing
Sorrow whose flames I never quenched

٧. أَجِدَّ الغَواني ما تَزالُ مُجِدَّةً
تَباريحَ شَجوٍ ما بَرَدتُ غَليلَها

8. The gaze of a sick person who turns his eyes
Though the visitor forgot in his oblivion his sickness

٨. نَواظِرُ مُعتَلٍّ يُصَرِّفُ لَحظَها
وَإِن أَغفَلَ العُوّادُ سَهواً غَليلَها

9. Do not blame the minister's power and do not be misled
By whether you hang on to him or his protection

٩. تَعَلَّق بِأَسبابِ الوَزيرِ وَلا تُبِل
أَمُبرَمَها عُلِّقتَهُ أَم سَحيلَها

10. Shining and the noblest of nobles that you see
His patron or his client to whom he clings

١٠. مُضيءٌ وَأَبهى المَشرَفِيّاتِ أَن تَرى
مُؤَثِّرَها عُلِّقتَهُ أَم سَحيلَها

11. The leader of the army's cavalcade has power
To ambush it and take away its redundancies

١١. عَظيمُ كَراديسِ المَواكِبِ قادِرٌ
عَلى الدِرعِ أَن يَغتالَ عَنهُ فُضولَها

12. When he weighs up the views he annuls the inferior
And moves the excellent closer to him

١٢. إِذا قَلَّبَ الآراءَ أَلغى خَسيسَها
وَأَزلَفَ مُختاراً إِلَيهِ أَصيلَها

13. When he firmly places his feet in blood running
He returns those fiends back to their dens

١٣. إِذا أَوطَأَ الشُقرَ الدِماءَ مُشايِحاً
أَعادَ إِلى تِلكَ الشِياتِ حُجولَها

14. His efforts are hoped for and his attaining is wished
Like Egypt is hoped for to fill up with its Nile

١٤. يُؤَمَّلُ جَدواهُ وَمَرجُوُّ نَيلِهِ
كَما غَنِيَت مِصرٌ تُؤَمِّلُ نيلَها

15. To him belongs a sword blackened for a people and he did not prevent
The generosity of men to blacken with their horses

١٥. لُهاً سَوَّدَتهُ دونَ قَومٍ وَلَم يَدَع
جَوادُ الرِجالِ أَن يَسودَ بِخَيلَها

16. The meadows desire to witness in his presence
Their cubs from his sword and his flocks

١٦. تَراحُ الغَوادي أَن تُشاهِدَ عِندَهُ
شَبائِهَها مِن سيبِهِ وَشُكولَها

17. He surveyed the lands of south with munificence and gaining
And clasped in his sorrow their mountains and valleys

١٧. تَقَرّى جُنوبَ الأَرضِ جوداً وَنائِلاً
وَطَبَّقَ عَدلاً حُزنَها وَسُهولَها

18. Even if the whole world were driven to him
No praise would touch him but he would spurn it

١٨. وَلَو سيقَتِ الدُنيا إِلَيهِ بِأَسرِها
وَلَم يَتلُها حَمدٌ لَعافَ قَبولَها

19. You remain forever the same since you began with favor
The clouds disdain to come with their showers

١٩. بَقيتَ فَكائِن جِئتَ بادِئَ نِعمَةٍ
يَفِلُّ السَحابُ أَن يَجيءَ رَسيلَها

20. You gave the worshippers of extra deeds their request
Then why do not You give to poems their wish?

٢٠. وَأَعطَيتَ طُلّابَ النَوافِلِ سُؤلَهُم
فَمِن أَينَ لا تُعطي القَصائِدَ سولَها

21. You appointed workers over the lands so appoint me
The steadiness of my house for a time I will not prolong

٢١. وَوَلَّيتَ عُمّالَ السَوادِ فَوَلِّني
قَرارَةَ بَيتي مُدَّةً لَن أُطيلَها

22. I intended to shorten the distance of praises
While Your right is to be given for Your generosity their fullness

٢٢. قَصَرتُ مَسافاتِ المَدائِحِ عامِداً
وَحَقُّكَ أَن تُعطى بِجَدواكَ طولَها

23. I withheld the rhymes from You though they vie
To reach You pulling their reins out of yearning

٢٣. حَبَستُ القَوافي عَنكَ وَهيَ نَوازِعٌ
تُجاذِبُ مِن شَوقٍ إِلَيكَ كُبولَها

24. To my country I will release to You their release
And none thanked the benefactor as I thank

٢٤. فَها أَنا إِن تُطلِق سَبيلي مُيَسَّراً
إِلى بَلَدي أُطلِق لَدَيكَ سَبيلَها

25. When the speaker of people rewards their actions
How can You see me act in its plenty

٢٥. وَما شَكَرَ النَعماءَ مِثلِيَ شاكِرٌ
إِذا قائِلُ الأَقوامِ جازى فَعولَها

26. When I am rewarded for plenty with little

٢٦. فَكَيفَ تَراني صانِعاً في كَثيرِها
إِذا كُنتُ أُجزى بِالكَثيرِ قَليلَها