1. A return of love from me for the successors I have turned away,
No longer singing praises for them alone.
١. أَمُرتَجَعٌ مِنّي حِباءُ خَلائِفٍ
تَوَلَّيتُ تَسيِيرَ المَديحِ لَهُم وَحدي
2. None became famed but those of whom I sang,
And though they provided, and gave beyond provision,
٢. وَلَم يُشتَهَر إِلّا الَّذي قُلتُ فيهِمِ
وَإِن رَفَدوا يَوماً وَزادوا عَلى الرِفدِ
3. In receiving the heavy tribute was taken a share,
And around redistribution turned the wheel,
٣. فَإِن أُخِذَ الإيغارُ أَخذَ صَريمَةٍ
وَدارَت عَلى الإِقطاعِ دائِرَةُ الرَدِّ
4. Of no avail were title-deeds made firm, and what
Was pledged therein of security and contract.
٤. وَلَم يُغنِ تَوكيدُ السِجِلّاتِ وَالَّذي
تَناصَرَ فيها مِن ضَمانٍ وَمِن عَقدِ
5. Give back the rhymes gone by, which gained you
No praise, no glory for their making.
٥. فَرُدّوا القَوافي السائِراتِ الَّتي خَلَت
وَما كَسَبَتكُم مِن ثَناءٍ وَمِن مَجدِ
6. A youth now ripened have I, whose freshness
Was tendered you, tender as the youth sheds his coat.
٦. وَشَرخَ شَبابٍ قَد نَضَوتُ جَديدَهُ
لَدَيكُم كَما يَنضو الفَتى سَمَلَ البُردِ
7. I am not for shares as you enrol me,
My peers before me ranked or after.
٧. وَما أَنا وَالتَقسيطُ إِذ تَكتُبونَني
وَيُكتَبُ قَبلي جِلَّةُ القَومِ أَو بَعدي
8. My way is I be given what you ask of me,
My right that I give naught, nor you give aught.
٨. سَبيلِيَ أَن أُعطى الَّذي تَسأَلونَني
وَحَقِّيَ أَن يُجدي عَلَيَّ وَلا أُجدي
9. I followed men, from whom I sought money,
How then shall money be what I seek?
٩. تَبِعتُ رِجالاً أَطلُبُ المالَ عِندَهُم
فَكَيفَ يَكونُ المالُ مُطَّلَباً عِندي