1. Not for you the speech which time has brought,
And you were given a long life as wished,
١. بِنا لا بِكَ الخَطبُ الَّذي أَحدَثَ الدَهرُ
وَعُمِّرتَ مَرضِيّا لِأَيّامِكَ العُمرُ
2. You live and are given many children,
With them blessings are completed and thanks deserved.
٢. تَعيشُ وَيَأتيكَ البَنونَ بِكَثرَةٍ
تَتِمُّ بِها النُعمى وَيُستَوجَبُ الشُكرُ
3. If the star that shone just now has set,
After it stars of flowers will rise.
٣. لَئِن أَفَلَ النَجمُ الَّذي لاحَ آنِفاً
فَسَوفَ تَلالا بَعدَهُ أَنجُمٌ زُهرُ
4. It has gone and is missed, but the loss of a planet,
Especially when the full moon can redeem it, is nothing.
٤. مَضى وَهوَ مَفقودٌ وَما فَقدُ كَوكَبٍ
وَلاسِيَّما إِذ كانَ يُفدى بِهِ البَدرُ
5. It was treasure from your world you offered,
And there is no good in the world if it is not treasure.
٥. هُوَ الذُخرُ مِن دُنياكَ قَدَّمتَ فَضلَهُ
وَلا خَيرَ في الدُنيا إِذا لَم يَكُن ذُخرُ
6. We console you for this calamity, indeed
According to its magnitude, the reward is great.
٦. نُعَزّيكَ عَن هَذي الرَزِيَّةِ إِنَّها
عَلى قَدرِ ما في عُظمِها يَعظُمُ الأَجرُ
7. So patience, O Commander of the Faithful, maybe
You will praise what has tested you, in the wake of patience.
٧. فَصَبراً أَميرَ المُؤمِنينِ فَرُبَّما
حَمِدتَ الَّذي أَبلاكَ في عُقبِهِ الصَبرُ