
If we try to visit, we're turned away,

إذا انبسطنا رددنا عن زيارتنا

1. If we try to visit, we're turned away,
Or if not, blame quickly comes our way,

١. إِذا اِنبَسَطنا رُدِدنا عَن زِيارَتِنا
أَوِ اِنقَبَضنا فَلَومٌ موشِكُ المَضَضِ

2. We can't avoid your hostility,
Whether we come or choose to stay.

٢. فَلَيسَ تَنفَكُّ مِن مَنعٍ وَمِن عَذَلٍ
مِنكُم بِمُنبَسِطٍ مِنّا وَمُنقَبَضِ

3. What can one who seeks aid expect to gain,
When in your eyes he's but a worthless drain?

٣. ماظَنُّ مُستَوهِبِ الجَدوى إِذا نَظَرَت
عَيناهُ عِندَكُمُ إِخفاقُ مُقتَرِضِ

4. The minister's letters to his agents, so I'm told,
Are payment of a kind, if not pure gold.

٤. كُتبُ الوَزيرِ إِلى عُمّالِهِ عِوَضٌ
مِمّا تَطَلَّبتُ أَو جِنسٌ مِنَ العِوَضِ

5. So do not stint in granting our requests,
No excuse has one who's mighty yet contests.

٥. فَلا تَضُنّوا بِإِحدى الحاجَتَينِ فَلا
عُذرٌ لِمانِعِ داني القَدرِ مُنخَفِضِ