1. It is forbidden that the promise be fulfilled
Or the distant gifts draw near from you
١. أَحَرامٌ أَن يُنجَزَ المَوعودُ
مِنكِ أَو يَقرُبَ النَوالُ البَعيدُ
2. And behind the ribs, out of abundant love for you
Is a passion that wears out the beloved and increases
٢. وَوَراءَ الضُلوعِ مِن فَرطِ حُبَّي
كِ غَرامٌ يُبلي الحَشا وَيَزيدُ
3. For only your youth entreats and complains of love to you
The resolute one deceived by your mirage promises
٣. إِنَّما يَستَميحُ نائِلَكِ الصَبُّ
وَيَشكو الهَوى إِلَيكِ العَميدُ
4. Between his eyelids lies your stone cold heart
Who will dissipate my excuse for her
٤. غَرَّهُ وَعدُكِ السَرابُ وَعادى
بَينَ جَفنَيهِ قَلبُكِ الجُلمودُ
5. Among her restored habits
She mixed estrangement with union, so in remoteness is estrangement, and in union are rejections
٥. مَن عَذيري مِنها تُبَدِّدُ لُبّي
بَينَ عاداتِها الَّتي تَستَعيدُ
6. And if the way of separation turned aside
I sent to it an eye that bestows upon it generously
٦. خَلَطَت هِجرَةً بِوَصلٍ فَفي القُر
بِ بِعادٌ وَفي الوِصالِ صُدودُ
7. A glance behind which tears quickly followed
Successively flowing, and beneath it are trails
٧. وَاِنثَنَت وِجهَةَ الفِراقِ فَأَرسَل
تُ إِلَيها عَيناً عَلَيها تَجودُ
8. Do you see one departed hoped for, and a day
Like my day returning with two shots
٨. نَظرَةٌ خَلفَها الدُموعُ عِجالاً
تَتَمادى وَدونَها التَسهيدُ
9. And our union in the opening of the opening of Ibn Khaqan
Leaks from it freshness and generosity
٩. أَتَرى فائِتاً يُرَجّى وَيَوماً
مِثلَ يَومي بِرامَتَينِ يَعودُ
10. Ariha'i, when morning comes, his nature of noble deeds takes him
Wherever he wishes
١٠. وَصَلَتنا بِالفَتحِ فَتحِ اِبنِ خاقا
نِ خِلالٌ مِنها النَدى وَالجودُ
11. Every day overflows upon its beneficiaries
An exalted ambition and inherited wealth
١١. أَريَحِيٌّ إِذا غَدا صَرَّفَتهُ
شِيَمُ المَكرُماتِ حَيثَ يُريدُ
12. And the rest, he dispraised men when men
Turn away from noble deeds, sitting lazily
١٢. كُلَّ يَومٍ يَفيضُ في مُجتَديهِ
نَشَبٌ طارِفٌ وَمالٌ تَليدُ
13. A nature, O Abi Muhammad, which refined itself
From noble deeds that do not diminish
١٣. وَبَقيهِ ذَمَّ الرِجالِ إِذا شا
ءَ رِجالٌ عَنِ المَعالي قُعودُ
14. Deviating from your towering glory, you became arrogant
So the envious were barred from you
١٤. خُلُقٌ يا أَبا مُحَمَّدٍ اِستَأ
نَفتَ مِنهُ مَكارِماً ما تَبيدُ
15. Live praiseworthy, for we do not blame a time
In which your commendable deed dwelled with us
١٥. حادَ عَن مَجدِكَ المَسامي وَأَمعَن
تَ عُلُوّاً فَصَدَّ عَنكَ الحَسودُ
16. A land took its security from misery
Above it the shade of your outstretched sword
١٦. عِش حَميداً فَما نَذُمُّ زَماناً
جارَنا فيهِ فِعلُكَ المَحمودُ
17. The intense cold of winter has passed
And springtime resembling you has come to us anew
١٧. أَخَذَت أَمنَها مِنَ البُؤسِ أَرضٌ
فَوقَها ظِلُّ سَيبِكَ المَمدودُ
18. A shining horizon, and air in whose brightness
The dark nights shone with its light
١٨. ذَهَبَت جِدَّةُ الشِتاءِ وَوافا
نا شَبيهاً بِكَ الرَبيعُ الجَديدا
19. As if the rose and primrose, the untwining of the two
Were composed of unique and unmatched pearls
١٩. أُفُقٌ مُشرِقٌ وَجَوٌّ أَضاءَت
في سَنا نورِهِ اللَيالي السودُ
20. Drops from the clouds and a meadow
Which scattered its roses upon it flushing red
٢٠. وَكَأَنَّ الحَوذانَ وَالأُقحُوانَ ال
غَضَّ نَظمانِ لُؤلُؤٌ وَفَريدُ
21. And nights dressed in the delicacy of autumn
Making it seem as if they are cold
٢١. قَطَراتٌ مِنَ السَحابِ وَرَوضٌ
نَثَرَت وَردُها عَلَيهِ الخُدودُ
22. The winds that blow are a gentle breeze
And the stars that appear are auspicious
٢٢. وَلَيالٍ كُسينَ مِن رِقَّةِ الصَي
فِ فَخَيَّلنَ أَنَّهُنَّ بُرودُ
23. The feast has drawn near, and it is for people until
It ends, while you are the feast of feasts
٢٣. الرِياحُ الَّتي تَهُبُّ نَسيمٌ
وَالنُجومُ الَّتي تُطِلُّ سُعودُ
٢٤. وَدَنا العيدُ وَهُوَ لِلناسِ حَتّى
بَتَقَضّى وَأَنتَ لِلعيدِ عيدُ