1. Hear my praise of Ka'b though it reached not where he dwells-
Ka'b is exalted far above all praise however high it swells!
١. إِسمَع مَديحِيَ في كَعبٍ وَما وَصَلَت
كَعبٌ فَثَمَّ مَديحٌ ما لَهُ ثَمَنُ
2. A right he has to poesy that cannot be gainsaid-
Not Solomon's self can judge it, nor al-Hasan's plead!
٢. حَقٌّ مِنَ الشِعرِ مَلوِيٌّ بِواجِبِهِ
فَلا سُلَيمانُ يَقضيهِ وَلا الحَسَنُ
3. Does it irk you, reward to find beyond your power,
You who hold a realm so vast-al Sind, Jauf, and al-Yaman's tower?
٣. أَأَعجَزَتكُم مُكافاتي بِهِ وَلَكُم
مِصرٌ فَما خَلفَها فَالسِندُ فَاليَمَنُ
4. Shall I then renounce all hope of the Caliphate, for ne'er
Shall the Caliph's mantle grace men of Najran or Aden's mere?
٤. أَلِلخِلافَةِ أَستَبقي الرَجاءَ فَلَن
تُعطى الخِلافَةَ نَجرانٌ وَلا عَدَنُ
5. Deaf are your ears to my call, or are your eyes blind to my worth,
That I walk alone while you the pavement with your throngs engirth?
٥. هَل في مَسامِعِكُم عَن دَعوَتي صَمَمٌ
أَم في نَواظِرِكُم عَن خِلَّتي وَسَنُ
6. An arrow shot by you at random may haply give me pain,
Or kindle in my heart a madness not to be controlled with rein.
٦. إِن أَرمِكُم يَكُ مِن بَعضي لَكُم شُعَلٌ
تَهوي إِلَيكُم وَمِن بَعضي لَكُم جُنَنُ
7. Yet I run my first course though no blinkers my eyes envelop:
You lose while I gain, although the loser you declare and dishevel.
٧. أَو أَجرِ في الحَلبَةِ الأولى بِلا صَفَدٍ
تولونَهُ فَهُوَ الخُسرانُ وَالغَبَنُ
8. My tongue shall be sheathed forever and make no bitter attack,
When you are named I'll naught but good or nothing give back.
٨. لَيُغمَدَنَّ لِساني خائِباً أَبَداً
عَن تينِ فيكُم فَلا سَيءٌ وَلا حَسَنُ
9. God suffices me! May your eyes never the tears of sorrow dim,
Spirits of Yaman are you, while we are but bodies to that soul slim!
٩. فَحَسبُنا اللَهُ لا تُقذي عُيونُكُمُ
روحٌ يَمانِيَةٌ أَنتُم لَها بَدَنُ
10. I turned to mine own soul and said, "They are thy father's sons-
So banish hatreds and rancours, leave off these anger guns!"
١٠. رَدَدتُ نَفسي عَلى نَفسي وَقُلتُ لَها
بَنو أَبيكِ فَما الأَحقادُ وَالإِحَنُ