
The cheeks below the eyes are made rosy

مورد ما دون العذار من الخد

1. The cheeks below the eyes are made rosy
With lovely roses not from ruby's essence.

١. مُوَرَّدُ ما دونَ العِذارِ مِنَ الخَدِّ
بِوَردٍ بَديعٍ لَيسَ مِن جَوهَرِ الوِ

2. The most devout of worshippers are the most heedless,
And they, most cruelly, shed the blood of the affectionate.

٢. أَشَدُّ البَرايا بِالعِبادِ تَهاوُناً
وَأَسفَكُهُم ظُلماً دِماءَ ذَوي الوُدِّ