
O you whom I await expectantly

يا موعدا منها ترقبته

1. O you whom I await expectantly
While the dawn parts us

١. يا مَوعِداً مِنها تَرَقَّبتُهُ
وَالصُبحُ فيما بَينَنا مُسفِرُ

2. She turned to us until when she came near
Musk and ambergris slept upon her

٢. هَمَّت بِنا حَتّى إِذا أَقبَلَت
نَمَّ عَلَيها المِسكُ وَالعَنبَرُ

3. O you who is stroked by lightning
And a garden whose lights blossom

٣. يا مُزنَةً يَحتَثُّها بارِقٌ
وَرَوضَةً أَنوارُها تَزهَرُ

4. The blamer was not just in blaming your love
The afflicted by the likes of you is excused

٤. ما أَنصَفَ العاذِلُ في حُبِّكُم
بِمِثلِكُم مَن يُبتَلى يُعذَرُ