
Has the abode become desolate, with no one to answer its echo or inform its questioner?

هل الربع قد أمست خلاء منازله

1. Has the abode become desolate, with no one to answer its echo or inform its questioner?
Has a lover become weakened with sadness, wiping away a falling tear?

١. هَلِ الرَبعُ قَد أَمسَت خَلاءً مَنازِلُه
يُجيبُ صَداهُ أَو يُخَبِّرُ سائِلُه

2. Help me against an eye whose tears are scarce, though they disobey,
And against a heart with many sorrows and troubles.

٢. وَهَل مُغرَمٌ قَد ضَعَّفَ الحُزنَ وَجدَهُ
يُكَفكِفُ دَمعاً قَد تَحَدَّرَ هامِلُه

3. It recoils and stays away from those whose nearness we love,
And cuts us off from someone whose separation we bemoan.

٣. أَعِنّي عَلى عَينٍ قَليلٍ هُجودُها
عَصَت وَعَلى قَلبٍ كَثيرٍ بَلابِلُه

4. Victory has been achieved, though it is the foremost of rights,
By the armies of Abul Jaysh, the separator of intimates.

٤. يَشُطُّ فَيَنأى مَن نُحِبُّ اِقتِرابَهُ
وَيَقطَعُنا مِن هَجرِهِ مَن نُواصِلُه

5. The enemies' plots sufficed them until their deceit grew old,
Like Tugj the son of Juff, stoning with canisters.

٥. لَقَد نُصِرَت وَالنَصرُ أَولى حُقوقِها
جُيوشُ أَبي الجَيشِ الحِدادَ مَناصِلُه

6. With Cuneo the Sublime as a place when the enemy
Stained Cuneo the Sublime with their machinations.

٦. كَفاهُ العِدى حَتّى تَصَرَّمَ كَيدُهُم
طُغَجُّ بنُ جُفٍّ مُصلَتاتٍ قَنابِلُه

7. And on the day of the fire in Meloria, death came easily
To its inhabitants, quickly finding its victims.

٧. بِقونِيَةَ العُليا مَكاناً إِذِ القَنا
بِقونِيَةَ العُليا تُدُمّى عَوامِلُه

8. And captives were taken from Burgot like herds of gazelles
Meeting their hunters and seekers.

٨. وَيَومَ الحَريقِ في مَلورِيَّةَ اِنتَحى
لِساكِنِها مَوتٌ تَيَسَّرَ عاجِلُه

9. Their horses disturbed the slumbering steeds of Doomustuc,
As a miscreant disturbs one living virtuously.

٩. وَأُصفِيَ مِن بُرغوثَ سَبيٌ كَأَنَّما
عَقابيلُ أَسرابِ الظِباءِ عَقابِلُه

10. No refuge remains but what his swords encompass,
No spoils but what his great armies seize.

١٠. وَقَد أَزعَجَت خَيلَ الدُمُستُقِ خَيلُهُ
كَما أَزعَجَ العامَ المُجَرَّمَ قابِلُه

11. When Tugj marches into the heart of an army,
Its outskirts answer him at night.

١١. فَلا مَعقِلٌ إِلّا حَوَتهُ سُيوفُهُ
وَلا مَغنَمٌ إِلّا حَجَتهُ جَحافِلُه

12. You see transgression has made wrongdoing easy,
As its minarets are raised up high.

١٢. إِذا ما طُغُجُّ سارَ في صَدرِ عَسكَرٍ
تُجيبُ رَواغيهِ عِشاءً صَواهِلُه

13. When gloomy fate darkens, he illuminates it,
More daring than the youths, his features beautiful.

١٣. رَأَيتَ الرَدى سَهلَ السَبيلِ إِلى العِدى
وَقَد رُفِعَت لِلناظِرينَ قَساطِلُه

14. When the dweller seeks the glory of his high station,
Tubba and his entrusted ones deny it to them.

١٤. إِذا أَظلَمَ الدَهرُ العَبوسُ أَضاءَهُ
أَغَرُّ مِنَ الفِتيانِ حُلوٌ شَمائِلُه

١٥. إِذا طَلَبَ الأَقامُ رُتبَةَ مَجدِهِ
أَباها عَلَيهِم تُبَّعٌ وَمُقاوِلُه