1. My sadness over you returns, and my ill-fortune is changed to good fortune,
The happiness of lovers was to see reunions with their beloved after separation.
١. أَراجِعَةٌ سُعدى عَلَيَّ هُجودي
وَمُبدِلَتي مِن أَنحُسٍ بِسُعودِ
2. Does he who suffers from seperation find relief? My heart is not guided away from yearning for the absent one.
The branches of my sorrow bloom anew with the intention of one who is absent, like threads woven of silk brocade.
٢. وَكانَت سَعاداتُ المُحِبّينَ أَن يَرَوا
وِصالاً مِنَ الأَحبابِ إِثرَ صُدودِ
3. How far we have extended our vain hopes, to a future reunion with you so far away.
He will be shamed by the extent of the enemy's enmity, and disappoint the envious with his generosity.
٣. أَيَشفي مِنَ الهِجرانِ لا يَهتَدي الجَوى
لِقَلبِ بِهَجرِ الغانِياتِ عَميدِ
4. Sa'eed bin Abdullah - generosity has never ceased to be customary for Abdullah before Sa'eed.
Inheritances pass from generation to generation while the causes of the future are renewed from the past.
٤. وَتَبتَعِثُ الأَشجانُ نِيَّةُ غادَةٍ
أَناةٍ كَخَوطِ الخَيزُرانَةِ رودِ
5. So hopes do not cease to turn their faces to some grace and tradition from them.
Your share from the family of Al-Mugheera - they are my treasure, I cherish them and their number.
٥. وَكَم قَد مَدَدنا مِن غُرورِ رَجائِنا
إِلى أَمَدٍ مِن وُدِّكُنَّ بَعيدِ
6. Crescents white in the new moon, and at times, Pleiades black in the cluster - all radiant like the moons of paradise.
I thanked Abu Uthman for the glory of Al-Shafi'i, and if I wanted to be generous it would take the place of generosity.
٦. سَيَكسِفُ مِن بالِ العَدُوِّ تَطَوُّلاً
وَيُخلِفُ بِالإِفضالِ ظَنَّ حَسودِ
7. He extends the rope of glory from Tamim and traces his noble lineage.
He has fulfilled my needs, supporting me whether absent or present.
٧. سَعيدُ بنُ عَبدِ اللَهِ وَالجودُ لَم يَزَل
عَتاداً لِعَبدِ اللَهِ قَبلَ سَعيدِ
٨. مَواريثُ مِن عَقبٍ فَعَقبٍ فَمُنقِضٍ
وَمُقتَبَلُ الأَسبابِ جِدُّ جَديدِ
٩. فَما تَبرَحُ الآمالُ تَثني وُجوهَها
إِلى طارِفٍ مِن فَضلِهِم وَتَليدِ
١٠. نَصيبُكَ مِن آلِ المُغيرَةِ إِنَّهُم
هُمُ عُدَّتي أَغلو بِهِم وَعَديدي
١١. بَهاليلُ بيضٌ في النَدِيِّ وَتارَةً
شَراوى أُسودٍ في السَنَوَّرِ سودِ
١٢. تَخَيَّرَ دينارُ بنِ دينارٍ العُلا
لِزُهرٍ كَأَقمارِ الدُجُنَّةِ صيدِ
١٣. شَكَرتُ أَبا عُثمانَ عَن جاهِ شافِعٍ
وَلَو رُمتُ جوداً كانَ مَوضِعَ جودِ
١٤. يَمُدُّ بِباعٍ مِن تَميمٍ وَيَنتَمي
إِلى سَروِ آباءٍ لَهُ وَجُدودِ
١٥. تَضَمَّنَ حاجاتي قِياماً وَنُصرَةً
فَسَيّانَ فيها غَيبَتي وَشُهودي