1. The four abodes of Aqeeq and its houses became desolate
For a companion whose early departure saddened them
١. أَوحَشَت أَربُعُ العَقيقِ وَدورُه
لِأَنيسٍ أَجَدَّ عَنها بُكورُه
2. Those burdens seemed heavy when in them appeared
A gentle, delicate and cheerful lad
٢. زانَ تِلكَ الحُمولَ إِذ بانَ فيها
مُرهَفٌ ناعِمُ القَوامِ غَريرُه
3. The strongest that makes the healthy sick is
The sickness of the loving glance and its languor
٣. شَدَّ ما يُمرِضُ الصَحيحَ قُواهُ
مَرَضُ الطَرفِ ساجِياً وَفُتورُه
4. And the hours of estrangement melt my entrails
With burning embers in my ribs that smolder
٤. وَتُذيبُ الأَحشاءَ ساعاتُ هَجرٍ
ضَرِمٍ في الضُلوعِ يَحمى هَجيرُه
5. The phantom of my beloved does not cease to send him to me
Though his mirage is deceptive and vain
٥. لا يَني يوفِدُ الحَبيبَ إِلَينا
كَذِبُ الطَيفِ سارِيَن وَغُرورُه
6. I visit him in dreams and ask, does my
Image disturb his sleep or do I visit him?
٦. زائِرٌ في المَنامِ أَسأَلُ هَل أَط
رُقُهُ في مَنامِهِ أَو أَزورُه
7. Why does this love make its captive not avoidable
And ardent youth makes its imperative shameless?
٧. ما لِذا الحُبِّ لا يُفادى أَسيرُه
وَالصِبا أَفحَشَ اِقتِضاءً مُعيرُه
8. It increases lightning to awaken my yearning
Its turmoil in flashing or its excuse
٨. يُكثِرُ البَرقَ أَن يَهيجَ اِشتِياقي
حَفلُهُ في الوَميضِ أَو تَعذيرُه
9. The utmost longing afflicts the ardent lover
Either by his shortness of longing or his failure
٩. وَقُصارى المَشوقِ يَصرِمُهُ الشا
ئِقُ إِقصارُ شَوقِهِ أَو قُصورُه
10. He who ordered me to be patient did not know
That I have a way in love I do not deviate from
١٠. آمِري بِالسُلُوِّ لَم يَدرِ أَنّي
بِسَبيلٍ مِنَ الهَوى ما أَحورُه
11. The diffusion of passion has brought sadness, so will
Its joy ever be exchanged with us for happiness?
١١. آضَ بَثُّ الغَرامِ حُزناً فَهَل يُع
قِبُ حُزنَ الغَرامِ فينا سُرورُه
12. Small fortunes grow with the days
Until their greater ones come from them
١٢. وَصَغيرُ الحُظوظِ يَنمى عَلى الأَي
يامِ حَتّى يَجيءَ مِنهُ كَبيرُه
13. I said to the king that it may be better
Than the beginning of what is hoped for its end
١٣. قُلتُ لِلشاهِ رُبَّما كانَ خَيراً
مِن بِدىءِ الَّذي يُرَجّى أَخيرُه
14. May this prince whom God has favored
With long survival satisfy his ruler
١٤. عَلَّ هَذا الأَميرَ أَسعَدَهُ اللَ
هُ بِطولِ البَقاءِ يَرضى أَميرُه
15. That he may deliver on behalf of the obeyed
One whose falling short of purpose was not our experience of him
١٥. فَيُؤَدّي رِسالَةً عَن مُطاعٍ
لَم يَعُقنا عَن بُغيَةٍ تَقصيرُه
16. He reformed Damascus after long corruption
A lion whose roar protected Damascus
١٦. أَصلَحَ الشامَ بَعدَ طولِ فَسادٍ
أَسَدٌ قَد حَمى الشامَ زَئيرُه
17. None can resemble him, so how can there exist
Or ever be struck his like one day?
١٧. شِبهُهُ مُعوِزٌ فَكَيفَ بِأَن يو
جَدَ أَو أَن يُصابَ يَوماً نَظيرُه
18. When the Father of the Army goes out to the army
Resolution continues bitter among them
١٨. وَإِذا ما غَدا أَبو الجَيشِ في الجَي
شِ غَدا الحَزمُ مُستَمِرّاً مَريرُه
19. Only the darkness of night was revealed
That extinguished the shining stars with its light
١٩. ما تَجَلّى لِظُلمَةِ اللَيلِ إِلّا
أَطفَأَ الأَنجُمَ المُضيئَةَ نورُه
20. Evident in the gloom of calamities and destined
To darken the clouds, however beautiful his patience
٢٠. واضِحٌ في دُجى الخُطوبِ وَحَتمٌ
أَن يَسودَ السَحابَ حُسناً صَبيرُه
21. The enemies avoid the assault of a raging lion
Whose blood has made his claws victorious
٢١. تَتَفادى الأَعداءُ مِن سَطوِ لَيثٍ
خِضِلٍ مِن دِمائِهِم أُظفورُه
22. How many hostile men did the swords of steadfast men frighten
Whose swords the sedentary made fly!
٢٢. كَم سَرى مُنفِرٍ لِهامِ رِجالٍ
ساكِنٍ باتَتِ السُيوفُ تُطيرُه
23. If I task him with a need he does not neglect
His earnestness for it nor its undertaking
٢٣. إِن أُكَلِّفهُ حاجَةً لا يُواكِل
جَدُّهُ دونَها وَلا تَشميرُه
24. Or burden him with heavy taxes from me
He wraps up their great and small in his capacity
٢٤. أَو أُحَمِّلهُ مُثقِلاً مِن خَراجي
يُلفَ في طَولِهِ قَليلاً كَثيرُه
25. Abu Al-Sakr is indeed the minister of the Sultan's command
And his vizier in the majesty of his affair
٢٥. وَأَبو الصَقرِ إِنَّهُ وَزَرُ السُل
طانِ في عُظمِ أَمرِهِ وَوَزيرُه
26. Preserver of the kingdom lest its pillars be removed
And its guardian lest its affairs be undermined
٢٦. حافِظُ المُلكِ أَن تُزالَ أَواخي
هِ وَراعيهِ أَن تُضاعَ أُمورُه
27. Aided in arms, the make of the coat of mail
Boasts over him, compact and linked
٢٧. أَيّدٌ في السِلاحِ تَبهى عَلَيهِ
خَلَقُ الدِرعِ مُحكَماً وَقَتيرُه
28. His hands do not cease, warding off the gleaming swords
And the management of his command is bountiful
٢٨. لَيسَ يَنفَكُّ أَيدُهُ يَدرَأُ الجُلّى
وَقَيضٌ مِن أَمرِهِ تَدبيرُه
29. When allies unite to support an ally
Their union necessitates that their supporter prevails
٢٩. يَقَظاتٌ إِذا تَناصَرنَ لِلنا
صِرِ أَوجَبنَ أَن يَعِزَّ نَصيرُه
30. So whether his absence is in the battlegrounds of enemies
His absence and presence are equal
٣٠. فَمَتى غابَ في مِراسِ الأَعادي
فَسَواءٌ مَغيبُهُ أَو حُضورُه
31. It is the way of the noble that his elevation ceases
And so it is the course of time that its months pass
٣١. صِفَةُ الحُرِّ أَن تَناهى عُلاهُ
وَكَذا الحَولُ أَن تَناهى شُهورُه
32. Whether he promises, success is soon to come
And whether he delays, his promise and conscience are equal
٣٢. إِن يَعِد يوشِكِ النَجاحَ وَإِن يَت
رُك فَمِثلانِ وَعدُهُ وَضَميرُه
33. Every day we visit his two abodes
Seeking from around a treasure of elevation
٣٣. كُلَّ يَومٍ نُطيفُ في حُجرَتَيهِ
حَولَ كِنزٍ مِنَ العُلا نَستَثيرُه
34. The palms of his hands poured down gifts
And for those who sought them, their oceans overflowed
٣٤. أَغدَقَت بِالنَوالِ أَنواءُ كَفَّي
هِ وَفاضَت لِلراغِبينَ بُحورُه
35. In order for your overflowing charity to gush
Even if the collection of dew and its abundance sufficed
٣٥. لِيَفِر وَفرُكَ المُلَقّى وَإِن أَع
وَزَ أَن يُجمَعَ النَدى وَوُفورُه
36. He does not exceed in accuracy, success
And good opinion and Hussein is his vizier
٣٦. لَيسَ يَعدو مِنَ الإِصابَةِ وَالتَو
فيقِ في الرَأيِ وَالحُسَينُ وَزيرُه
37. He who seldom visits is informed that ambitions
Are not what he pictures
٣٧. إِنَّ مَن قَلَّ الزِيارَةَ يُنبي
كَ بِأَنَّ الأَطماعَ لَيسَت تَصورُه
38. And if you have been earnest in your frequent visits
Then I spread the mention of what you have generously given
٣٨. وَلَئِن جُدتَ بِالكَثيرِ فَإِنّي
ناشِرٌ ذِكرَ ما وَهَبتَ شَكورُه
39. Do not commit against your giving to choose
That which in its occurrence you would withhold
٣٩. لا تَجَرَّم عَلى تِلادِكَ تَختا
رُ الَّتي في وُقوعِها تَبذيرُه
40. He is sincere in striving and adequacy until
His affairs remained protected through him
٤٠. أَخلَصَ الجِدَّ وَالكِفايَةَ حَتّى
راحَ مَحفوظَةً عَلَيهِ أُمورُه
41. He combines wisdom, advice and success
In the opinion of an advisor whom he consults
٤١. يَجمَعُ الحَزمَ وَالنَصيحَةَ وَالتَو
فيقَ في رَأيِ ناصِحٍ يَستَشيرُه
42. I am not one who probes the essences of roads
Preferring for another to journey them
٤٢. لَستُ بِالمُلحِفِ المُنَقِّبِ عَن ذا
تِ طَريقٍ أَخالُ غَيري يَسيرُه
43. And around dawn my conveyance is challenged
To Manbij, and its camel train travels
٤٣. وَسِوايَ الغَداةَ تُحدى مَطايا
هُ إِلى مَنبِجٍ وَتَرحَلُ عيرُه