1. Grant respite to the yearning lover some of his rest
Or make him share the intimacy of his dreams
١. رُدّي عَلى المُشتاقِ بَعضَ رُقادِهِ
أَو فَاِشرِكيهِ في اِتِّصالِ سُهادِهِ
2. You kept him up until when he evaded people
You abandoned him and slept instead of making him happy
٢. أَسهَرتِهِ حَتّى إِذا هَجَرَ الكَرى
خَلَّيتِ عَنهُ وَنِمتِ عَن إِسعادِهِ
3. And your heart hardened to soften to the agony
That raged in the core of his heart
٣. وَقَسا فُؤادُكِ أَن يَلينَ لِلَوعَةٍ
باتَت تَقَلقَلُ في صَميمِ فُؤادِهِ
4. You made him mighty so he yielded willingly to passion
And avoided him so you saw the disgrace of his leadership
٤. وَلَقَد عَزَزتِ فَهانَ طَوعاً لِلهَوى
وَجَنَبتِهِ فَرَأَيتِ ذُلَّ قِيادِهِ
5. Who does justice to me from an unjust possessor
Whose love I own yet I do not own the loyalty of his companionship
٥. مَن مُنصِفي مِن ظالِمٍ مَلَّكتُهُ
وُدّي وَلَم أَملِك عَشيرَ وِدادِهِ
6. If I know nothing but his former love
Then I was afflicted, after his aloofness, with his remoteness
٦. إِن كُنتُ أَعرِفُ غَيرَ سالِفِ حُبِّهِ
فَبَليتُ بَعدَ صُدودِهِ بِبِعادِهِ
7. I told the rumbling clouds to pour down
In their flashing and insist on their thunder
٧. قَد قُلتُ لِلغَيمِ الرُكامِ وَلَجَّ في
إِبراقِهِ وَأَلَحَّ في إِرعادِهِ
8. Do not behave, resembling the dew of his hands
You are not of his peers
٨. لا تَعرِضَنَّ لِجَعفَرٍ مُتَشَبِّهاً
بِنَدى يَدَيهِ فَلَستَ مِن أَندادِهِ
9. God honored him and elevated his mention
And saw him as a rain for His servants and country
٩. اللَهُ شَرَّفَهُ وَأَعلى ذِكرَهُ
وَرَآهُ غَيثَ عِبادِهِ وَبِلادِهِ
10. A king who emulated the caliphs among his forefathers
And humbled the nobles among his ancestors
١٠. مَلِكٌ حَكى الخُلَفاءَ مِن آبائِهِ
وَتَقَيَّلَ العُظَماءَ مِن أَجدادِهِ
11. If the gratitude of the distant ones is little, then he
Is bestower of the greatness of its borders and lands
١١. إِن قَلَّ شُكرُ الأَبعَدينَ فَإِنَّهُ
وَهّابُ عُظمِ طَريفِهِ وَتِلادِهِ
12. He increasingly remains over his enemies
Forever, and is generous to his enviers
١٢. يَزدادُ إِبقاءً عَلى أَعدائِهِ
أَبَداً وَإِفضالاً عَلى حُسّادِهِ
13. He ordered generosity so it overflowed from his bounties
And forbade miserliness so it diminished in its burrows
١٣. أَمَرَ العَطاءَ فَفاضَ مِن جَمّاتِهِ
وَنَهى الصَفيحَ فَقَرَّ في أَغمادِهِ
14. O you who maintain Islam in its negligence
And establish the path of his pilgrimage and jihad
١٤. يا كالِئَ الإِسلامَ في غَفَلاتِهِ
وَمُقيمَ نَهجى حَجِّهِ وَجِهادِهِ
15. Congratulations to the honored, good tidings that clarified
Through us the merit of his guidance and integrity
١٥. تَهنيكَ في المُعتَزِّ بُشرى بَيَّنَت
فينا فَضيلَةَ هَديِهِ وَرَشادِهِ
16. Maturity has been attained that he demonstrated to us
Of his patience, dignity, and rectitude
١٦. قَد أَدرَكَ الحُلمُ الَّذي أَبدى لَنا
عَن حِلمِهِ وَوَقارِهِ وَسَدادِهِ
17. And blessed is the birth of your kingdom foretelling
Of an era near to his birth
١٧. وَمُبارَكٌ ميلادُ مُلكِكَ مُخبِرٌ
بِقَريبِ عَهدٍ كانَ مِن ميلادِهِ
18. Perfect bounties have been completed for you in it enjoying
The loftiness of his determination and abundance of his armory
١٨. تَمَّت لَكَ النَعماءُ فيهِ مُمَتَّعاً
بِعُلُوِّ هِمَّتِهِ وَوَريِ زِنادِهِ
19. And you remained until you are illuminated by his opinion
And see old age in his children
١٩. وَبَقيتَ حَتّى تَستَضيءَ بِرَأيِهِ
وَتَرى الكُهولَ الشيبَ مِن أَولادِهِ