
He rebuked me unjustly, though I did nothing wrong,

هجاني النغيل وما خلتني

1. He rebuked me unjustly, though I did nothing wrong,
I fear the censure of my father, oh what grief!

١. هَجاني النَغيلُ وَما خِلتُني
أَخافُ هِجاءَ أَبي حَرمَلَه

2. I used to praise his lineage effusively,
And confirm his complicated ancestry,

٢. وَقَد كُنتُ أُطنِبُ في وَصفِهِ
وَتَثبيتِ نِسبَتِهِ المُشكِلَه

3. Hoping he would act nobly and justly,
And maintain our ties of kinship sincerely,

٣. أُرَجّي تَلَوُّنَهُ بِالصَفاءِ
وَأَلقى قَطيعَتَهُ بِالصِلَه

4. I saw him as loyal, though he had no origin,
For how could one with no lineage have loyalty?

٤. أُراهُ وَفِيّاً وَأَنّى لَهُ
وَفاءٌ إِذا كانَ لا أَصلَ لَه

5. So do not praise a newfound brother,
Unless you've tested him from the start,

٥. فَلا تَحمَدَن مِن أَخٍ آخِراً
إِذا أَنتَ لَم تَختَبِر أَوَّلَه

6. For if he fails your hopes and changes course,
You won't be the first whose wishes fell short.

٦. فَإِن يَكُ أَخلَفَ ظَنّي بِهِ
وَحالَ عَنِ العَهدِ أَو بَدَّلَه

7. Didn't I single you out with a special bond,
Of love and intimacy that's hard to find?

٧. فَما كُنتُ أَوَّلَ مَن فاتَهُ
لَدى صاحِبٍ بَعضُ ما أَمَّلَه

8. I implore, in your name, one who's righteous,
Though it was not your right that I beseech.

٨. أَلَم أَختَصِصكَ بِما قَد عَلِم
تَ مِنَ الوُدِّ وَالمِقَةِ المُكمِلَه

9. I'm told you're deserving of favor and rank,
Of the highest esteem and position,

٩. وَأَسأَلُ فيكَ أَبا صالِحٍ
وَما كانَ حَقُّكَ أَن أَسأَلَه

10. And my reward was what you already knew,
And what you had no right to do.

١٠. أُخَبِّرُ أَنَّكَ مُستَوجِبٌ
لِلُطفِ المَحَلَّةِ وَالمَنزِلَه

11. I see you've reverted to your noble roots,
And your complicated ancestral tale,

١١. وَكانَ جَزائِيَ ما قَد عَلِم
تَ وَما لَم يَكُن لَكَ أَن تَفعَلَه

12. Whose lineage originated in a rundown hut,
Of tattered, worn-out palm fronds,

١٢. أُراكَ رَجَعتَ إِلى جَدِّكَ ال
شَريفِ وَقِصَّتِهِ المُعضِلَه

13. Which you'd mistake for a dunghill when dark,
From the mesh woven on its back.

١٣. وَمَسراهُ في بَطنِ قَوصَرَّةٍ
مُخَرَّقَةِ الخوصِ مُستَعمَلَه

14. By God, what a state you're in at daybreak,
They found you rummaging the garbage heap.

١٤. إِذا اِسوَدَّ مِن خَلفِ تَشبيكِها
تَوَهَّمتَهُ الطُنَّ في الدَوخَلَه

15. Swatting away the flies in your rags,
When a cannonball came and blasted you to bits.

١٥. فَلِلَّهِ هَيأَتَهُ مُصبِحاً
وَقَد وَجَدوهُ عَلى المَزبَلَه

16. There's no one there who would claim your body,
Lest they be thought associated with your shame.

١٦. يُعَبّي الذُبابَ كَراديسَهُ
فَتَغشاهُ قَنبَلَةً قَنبَلَه

١٧. هُنالِكَ لَو تَدَّعيهِ قَشي
رُ لَما خَيَّلَت أَنَّها مُبطِلَه