1. Our lover almost seduces us with love,
So what is your obstinacy in blaming lovers?
١. يَكادُ عاذِلُنا في الحُبِّ يُغرينا
فَما لَجاجُكَ في لَومِ المُحِبّينا
2. We suffer from intense passion or moderate desire that pains us,
When the bonds of fate draw near, inevitably it defends us against harm.
٢. نُلحى عَلى الوَجدِ مِن ظُلمٍ فَدَيدَنُنا
وَجدٌ نُعانيهِ أَو لاحٍ يُعَنّينا
3. We remained sleepless upon the sand dunes of ardour but the specter of the dark-eyed one revived us.
Zarwad has no respite for us,
٣. إِذا زَرودُ دَنَت مِنّا صَرائِمُها
فَلا مَحالَةَ مِن زَورٍ يُواقينا
4. A seller who does not give us time and a creditor who does not acquit us.
Stages where the covenant of our passion was not corrupted,
٤. بِتنا جُنوحاً عَلى كُثبِ اللِوى فَأَبى
خَيالُ ظَمياءَ إِلّا أَن يُحَيِّينا
5. Nor in it a day where its covenant with us was tainted.
Our days before him were counted crimes,
٥. وَفي زَرودَ تَبيعٌ لَيسَ يُمهِلُنا
تَقاضِياً وَغَريمٌ لَيسَ يَقضينا
6. Numbered, and our nights through them passed.
The amorous on the morrow of sadness from suppression
٦. مَنازِلٌ لَم يُذَمَّم عَهدُ مُغرَمِنا
فيها وَلا ذُمَّ يَوماً عَهدُها فينا
7. Take possession of a heart aggrieved, melancholy in its core.
When their livers harden, they render
٧. تَجَرَّمَت عِندَهُ أَيّامُنا حِجَجاً
مَعدودَةً وَخَلَت فيها لَيالينا
8. Their sympathies softer through grace and subtlety.
One blames us in love who cannot defend us in it
٨. إِنَّ الغَواني غَداةَ الجِزعِ مِن إِضَمٍ
تَيَّمنَ قَلباً مُعَنّى اللُبِّ مَحزونا
9. And angers us who cannot satisfy us.
I did not expect the love of the dark-eyed ones to lead
٩. إِذا قَسَت غِلظَةً أَكبادُها جَعَلَت
تَزدادُ أَعطافُها مِن نِعمَةٍ لينا
10. To intimacy with a peer who does not companion us.
I sent forth the emancipated steeds galloping
١٠. يَلومُنا في الهَوى مَن لَيسَ يَعذِرُنا
فيهِ وَيُسخِطُنا مَن لَيسَ يُرضينا
11. Like the wild cats pursuing the wild cats.
They ask frequently about the monastery of Mouran
١١. وَما ظَنَنتُ هَوى ظَمياءِ مَنزِلُنا
إِلى مُواتاةِ خِلٍّ لا يُواتينا
12. And head towards the buildings in the monastery of Maroun.
They chant in Iram, and luck in Iram,
١٢. لَقَد بَعَثتُ عِتاقَ الخَيلِ سارِيَةً
مِثلَ القَطا الجونِ يَتبَعنَ القَطا الجونا
13. Wealth guaranteed from the chief of chiefs protected.
Dew is grasped from it tangibly and perceptibly
١٣. يُكثِرنَ عَن دَيرِ مُرّانَ السُؤالَ وَقَد
عارَضنَ أَبنِيَةً في دَيرِ مارونا
14. While it used to be imagined and presumed.
A substitute with his agreeable gifts draws them near
١٤. يَنشُدنَ في إِرَمٍ وَالنُجحُ في إِرَمٍ
غِنىً عَلى سَيِّدِ الساداتِ مَضمونا
15. To the elite among us and the relatives.
A Nile whose experts arbitrate when
١٥. يُلفى النَدى مِنهُ مَلموساً وَمُدَّرَكاً
وَكانَ يُعهَدُ مَوهوماً وَمَظنونا
16. We desire, we take its arbitration trampling it.
And flatterers whom the nobles surprise
١٦. بادٍ بِأَنعُمِهِ العافينَ يُزلِفُهُم
عَلى الأَشِقّاءِ فيها وَالقَرابينا
17. Forgetful of the generosity of deeds, trifling.
If there was not in their natures a little cognizance
١٧. نَيلٌ يُحَكَّمُ فيهِ المُجتَدونَ إِذا
شِئنا أَخَذنا اِحتِكاماً فيهِ ماشينا
18. Sufficient for us, abundant from it would suffice us.
One who buys praise through inclination sees it
١٨. وَمُملِقينَ مِنَ الأَحسابِ يَفجَؤُهُم
ساهينَ عَن كَرَمِ الأَفعالِ لاهينا
19. As the miser of the people, deprived.
Always we found his auspicious ascendant
١٩. إِن لَم يَكُن في جَداهُم نَزرُ عارِفَةٍ
تَكُفُّنا كانَ غُزرٌ مِنهُ يَكفينا
20. Like the stars of fortune and birds of good omen.
He ends the day close to the enemy as if they fell
٢٠. وَغابِنٍ إِن شَرى حَمداً بِمَرغَبَةٍ
رَآهُ فيها بَخيلُ القَومِ مَغبونا
21. In China in its remoteness, not distant is China!
He girded up the vigilant whose resolve did not cease
٢١. مُظَفَّرٌ لَم نَزَل نَلقى بِطَلعَتِهِ
كَواكِبَ السَعدِ وَالطَيرَ المَيامينا
22. To increase his enemies in humiliation and abasement.
I saw the armies of victory camped
٢٢. يُمسي قَريباً مِنَ الأَعداءِ لَو وَقَعوا
بِالصينِ في بُعدِها ما اِستَبعَدَ الصينا
23. Against the armies of Abul Jaysh ibn Tulun
The day of Thaniya when he folds in its expanse
٢٣. تَشميرَ يَقظانَ ما اِنفَكَّت عَزيمَتُهُ
تَزيدُ أَعداءَهُ ذُلّاً وَتَوهينا
24. Fifty thousand or more with his prowess.
And war blazed, its cauldrons boiling
٢٤. إِنّي رَأَيتُ جُيوشَ النَصرِ مُنزَلَةً
عَلى جُيوشِ أَبي الجَيشِ بنِ طولونا
25. At times, and the burning embers of it flare up at times.
The land becomes dark and they appear in his tents
٢٥. يَومَ الثَنِيَّةِ إِذ يَثني بِكَرَّتِهِ
في الرَوعِ خَمسينَ أَلفاً أَو يَزيدونا
26. Two types, concealing fear and hoping.
And the people between preceding victory evident through it
٢٦. وَالحَربُ مُشعَلَةٌ تَغلي مَراجِلُها
حيناً وَيَضرَمُ ذاكي جَمرِها حينا
27. And slackening from objectives, bending.
As I saw the Tuesdays humbled
٢٧. يَغدو الوَرى وَهُمُ غاشو سُرادِقِهِ
صِنفَينِ مِن مُضمِري خَوفٍ وَراجينا
28. In the rear, the heels of the weak.
May God grant you long life for the exalted which you populate
٢٨. وَالناسُ بَينَ أَخي سَبقٍ يَبينُ بِهِ
وَفاتِرينَ مِنَ الغاياتِ وانينا
29. And may God increase you in honor and enablement.
The Romans did not cease to be confused
٢٩. كَما رَأَيتُ الثَلاثاءاتِ واطِئَةً
مِنَ التَخَلُّفِ أَعقابَ الأَثانينا
30. Since the mighty and subtle settled near you.
They approach when they are far in their rage
٣٠. عَمَّرَكَ اللَهُ لِلعَلياءِ تَعمُرُها
وَزادَكَ اللَهُ إِعزازاً وَتَمكينا
31. And cunning, and distance themselves if they are near us.
Until you left them a day in which you erased
٣١. ما اِنفَكَّتِ الرومُ مِن هَمٍّ يُحَيِّرُها
مُذ جاوَرَت عِندَكَ العَزّاءَ وَاللينا
32. What the people relate from the history of Siffin.
Annals written on the interior of a pearl
٣٢. تَدنو إِذا بَعُدوا عِندَ اِشتِطاطِهُمُ
كَيداً وَتَبعُدُ إِن كانوا قَريبينا
33. From the back of the distant domes and pulses.
So prepare to exhaust them with raids and raid them with armies
٣٣. حَتّى تَرَكتَ لَهُم يَوماً نَسَختَ بِهِ
ما يَأثُرُ الناسُ مِن أَخبارِ صِفّينا
34. And make the awaited Talha ibn Musa al-Khadim follow them.
As for al-Husayn, he did not decline striving for you
٣٤. مَصارِعٌ كُتِبَت في بَطنِ لُؤلُؤَةٍ
مِن ظَهرِ أَنقَرَةِ القُصوى وَطِمّينا
35. And you do not seek to exalt and adorn him.
You are pleased with him when his governor does not please you
٣٥. فَاِسلَم لِتَجهَدَهُم غَزواً وَتُغزِيَهُم
جَيشاً وَتُتبِعَهُ المَأمولَ هارونا
36. Auspicious, truthful in resolve, secure.
He fulfilled the trust in the wealth of Syria, and none
٣٦. أَمّا الحُسَينُ فَما آلاكَ مُجتَهِداً
وَلَيسَ تَألوهُ تَفخيماً وَتَزيِينا
37. Encountered him except the Trustee of the Hidden, Trusted.
His virtues ascend to the highest rank
٣٧. تَرضى بِهِ حينَ لا يُرضيكَ مُدبِرُهُم
مُبارَكاً صادِقَ الإِقبالِ مَيمونا
38. And you do not see in them a middle or lower part.
٣٨. أَدّى الأَمانَةَ في مالِ الشَآمِ فَما
تَلقاهُ إِلّا أَمينَ الغَيبِ مَأمونا
٣٩. تَسمو إِلى الرُتبَةِ العُليا مَحاسِنُهُ
فَما تَرى وَسَطاً مِنها وَلا دونا