
Your ill-omened catapults are set up

مجانيق شؤمك منصوبة

1. Your ill-omened catapults are set up
Against the family of Wahb, stirring up dust

١. مَجانيقُ شُؤمِكَ مَنصوبَةٌ
عَلى آلِ وَهبٍ تُثيرُ الغُبارا

2. You were their companion when they attained wealth
So you were their doom and their destruction

٢. صَحِبتَهُمُ حينَ نالوا الغِنى
فَكُنتُ الهَلاكَ وَكُنتَ الدَمارا

3. Whenever you come upon a blessing
It withers, its beauty destroyed

٣. إِذا ما دَلَفتَ إِلى نِعمَةٍ
عَصَفَت بِرَونَقِها فَاِستَطارا

4. Your enemy sleeps reassured
While your friend refuses all but misfortune

٤. يَبيتُ عَدُوُّكَ مُستَأنِساً
وَيَأبى صَديقُكَ إِلّا عِثارا

5. You scattered sincere friends like stray camels
And finished them off when they owned a house

٥. نَثَرتَ الأَخِلّاءَ نَثرَ الجُما
نِ وَأَنفَقتَهُم حينَ تَمّوا بِدارا

6. You took Ahmad to the depths of misery
So that his places of joy are now empty

٦. بَلَغتَ بِأَحمَدَ أَقصى الدُجَي
لِ فَأَمسَت مَغانيهِ مِنهُ قِفارا

7. Harthama died when he saw you
From fear, as the minaret was built over him

٧. وَهَرثَمَةٌ ماتَ لَمّا رَآكَ
مِنَ الخَوفِ تَبني عَلَيهِ المَنارا

8. You were enough of a war for the Hilalis
So he became poor and hoped for no peace

٨. كَفَيتَ الهِلالِيَّ حَربَ العِبا
دِ فَقَرَّ وَما كانَ يَرجو قَرارا

9. We found you nobler than him as a corpse
Farther from us than him in a cave

٩. وَجَدناكَ أَنبَلَ مِنهُ صَريعاً
لَدَينا وَأَبعَدَ مِنهُ مُغارا

10. My brother of the Bani Katan, he still roams
The graves and abandons the houses

١٠. أَخي مِن بَني قَطَنٍ لا يَزا
لُ يَميرُ القُبورَ وَيُخلي الدِيارا

11. When the people attained blessings
They avoided it, fleeing from it in haste

١١. إِذا نِعَمُ القَومِ عايَنَّهُ
تَوَلَّينَ يَهرُبنَ مِنهُ فِرارا