
I am not forgetful, though no more a youth,

ما أنس من شيء فلست بناس

1. I am not forgetful, though no more a youth,
When youth itself was once my very dress.

١. ما أَنسَ مِن شَيءٍ فَلَستُ بِناسِ
عَهدَ الشَبابِ إِذِ الشَبابُ لِباسي

2. Though fate has caused me grief and spread me wide,
Sporting, like speech, along the paper's edge,

٢. إِنَّ الخُطوبَ طَوَينَني وَنَشَرنَني
عَبَثَ الوَليدِ بِجانِبِ القِرطاسِ

3. I have not whitened through the length of years,
But long reproach of you has whitened my head.

٣. ما شِبتُ مِن طولِ السِنينَ وَإِنَّما
طولُ المَلامَةِ فيكَ شَيَّبَ راسي

4. My tears crept over what lay in my heart,
And sadness followed on my quickened breath.

٤. نَمَّت عَلى ما في ضَميري أَدمُعي
وَتَتابُعُ الصُعَداءِ مِن أَنفاسي

5. Truly I drank the cup from Abū Hawl's hand,
Shaking and swaying like a reed in the wind.

٥. وَلَقَد شَرِبتُ الكَأسَ مِن يَدِ أَحوَرٍ
مِثلِ القَضيبِ مُهَفهَفٍ مَيّاسِ

6. She circled among us, white as a flash of lightning,
Her cushions scented through the wine's bouquet.

٦. بَيضاءَ طافَ بِها عَلَينا أَبيَضٌ
باتَت مَراشِفُهُ مِزاجَ الكاسِ

7. Wine and magic mixed with the dew's pure draughts
From your cup's favor, O Abū al-ʿAbbās!

٧. خَمرٌ وَسِحرُ مازَجا ماءَ النَدى
مِن فَضلِ كَأسِكَ يا أَبا العَبّاسِ

8. Why should I not drink the dew of your wine, O son of Muhammad,
Since the wine of al-Kinda is not my habit?

٨. مالي وَشُربَ نَداكَ يا اِبنَ مُحَمَّدٍ
لَيسَ النَدى الكِندِيُّ مِن أَحلاسي

9. The beauty of your nature has dyed creation with its light,
My silvery idol, not the black deeds of slaves.

٩. صَبَغَت خَلائِقُكَ الحِسانُ بِنورِها ال
قَمَرِيِّ سودَ خَلائِقِ الجُلّاسِ

10. Forever the trembling of your wine reminds me
Of the movements of a slim shoot in storms.

١٠. أَبَداً يُذَكِّرُني اِهتِزازُكَ لِلنَدى
عَمَلَ الجَنائِبِ في قَضيبِ الآسِ

11. Happy, nothing is, but what the lofty ones build,
Beginning with your forebears among mankind.

١١. أَسَعيدُ ما العَلياءُ إِلّا ما بَنى
لَكَ أَوَّلٌ أَبناءُ أُمِّ أُناسِ

12. To you, House of the Emigrants, have emigrated
The beauties of all noble qualities from all men.

١٢. وَإِلَيكُمُ آلِ المُهاجِرِ هاجَرَت
جُمَلُ المَكارِمِ عَن جَميعِ الناسِ

13. Your father is eternal honor, your deeds
A halt where the wine and all mankind pause.

١٣. فَأَبوكُمُ المَجدُ القَديمُ وَفِعلُكُم
وَقفٌ أَقامَ عَلى النَدى وَالباسِ