
When the caravan set out alone,

إن سير الخليط حين استقلا

1. When the caravan set out alone,
It was a solace for tears till they subsided,

١. إِنَّ سَيرَ الخَليطِ حينَ اِستَقَلّا
كانَ عَوناً لِلدَمعِ حَتّى اِستَهَلّا

2. And the intention was a decree of fate however it flows,
So disentangle what makes a lover feel anguished and decay.

٢. وَالنَوى خُطَّةٌ مِنَ الدَهرِ ما يَن
فَكُّ يُشجى بِها المُحِبُّ وَيَبلى

3. So take the blame lightly, I am,
Excessive in passion if you don't reproach.

٣. فَأَقِلّا في عَلوَةَ اللَومِ إِنّي
زائِدٌ في الغَرامِ إِن لَم تُقِلّا

4. Those are her days that have passed,
Of the best life, now gone, and time has turned away.

٤. تِلكَ أَيّامُها الذَواهِبُ مِن أَح
سَنِ عَيشٍ مَضى وَدَهرٍ تَوَلّى

5. And an imagination that hurt me for a moment,
Of estrangement, so I said "welcome" and "farewell!"

٥. وَخَيالٍ أَلَمَّ مِنها عَلى سا
عَةِ هَجرٍ فَقُلتُ أَهلاً وَسَهلا

6. Love is not wasted, nor is the friend forgotten,
Who wasted love and turned away.

٦. ما أُضيعَ الهَوى وَلا نُسِيَ الخِل
لُ الَّذي ضَيَّعَ الهَوى وَتَخَلّى

7. May God protect him wherever he came to be,
And may He forsake him wherever he turned and settled.

٧. حاطَهُ اللَهُ حَيثُ أَضحى وَأَمسى
وَتَوَلّاهُ حَيثُ سارَ وَحَلّا

8. A lover is tranquilized by my estrangement, which increases
His coldness, even as I grow more affectionate.

٨. سَكَنٌ مُغرَمٌ بِهَجري يَزدا
دُ صُدوداً إِذا أَنا اِزدَدتُ وَصلا

9. If I could, I would have eased,
My beloved's burden when he turned away.

٩. وَبِوُدّي لَوِ اِستَطَعتُ فَخَفَّف
تُ بِصَبرٍ عَن سَيِّدي حينَ مَلّا

10. God forbid that I should find solace,
From him for long, or feel comforted!

١٠. وَمَعاذَ الإِلَهِ أَن أَتَعَزّى
عَنهُ طولَ الأَيّامِ أَو أَتَسَلّى

11. I have worn love, though it be painful,
Borne it, though heavy,

١١. وَقَد لَبِستُ الهَوى وَإِن كانَ ضُرّاً
وَتَحَمَّلتُهُ وَإِن كانَ ثِقلا

12. And surrendered to serve my master -
It is rare for a lover to be so humble.

١٢. وَتَذَلَّلتُ جاهِداً لِمَليكي
وَقَليلٌ مِن عاشِقٍ أَن يَذِلّا

13. The caliphate has been granted,
To the most pious servant of God, an abode and refuge.

١٣. أَصبَحَت رُتبَةُ الخِلافَةِ لِلمُع
تَزِّ بِاللَهِ مَنزِلاً وَمَحَلّا

14. May God unite its leadership in his hands,
And make it proper and fitting for him.

١٤. جَمَعَ اللَهُ شَملَها في يَدَيهِ
وَرَآهُ لَها مَكاناً وَأَهلا

15. And if only its loyalists would support him,
Giving him the height of the heavens, or he be higher!

١٥. وَلِيَت نَصرَهُ المَوالي فَأَعطَت
هُ عُلُوَّ السِماكِ أَو هُوَ أَعلى

16. A king whom, whenever he appeared to your eyes,
I said: "a turbulent sea", and "a rising full moon".

١٦. مَلِكٌ ما بَدا لِعَينَيكَ إِلّا
قُلتُ بَحرٌ طَما وَبَدرٌ تَجَلّى

17. Wearing the garment of dignity, and with the sword -
It befits him to be decorated.

١٧. لابِسٌ حُلَّةَ الوَقارِ وَمِن أُبَّ
هَةِ السَيفِ أَن يَكونَ مُحَلّى

18. O beauty of the world, glory and honor,
O fruits of the world, generosity and kindness!

١٨. يا جَمالَ الدُنيا سَناءَ وَمَجداً
وَثِمالَ الدُنيا عَطاءً وَبَذلا

19. Whenever the efforts of Quraish come to fruition,
You have flourished into its most perfect branch and origin.

١٩. كُلَّما حُصِّلَت مَساعي قُرَيشٍ
طِبتَ فَرعاً في مُنتَماها وَأَصلا

20. Yours is the purest share, undoubtedly,
And the most sublime lineage.

٢٠. لَكَ مَحضُ النِجارِ فيها المُصَفّى
غَيرَ شَكٍّ وَالقِدحُ مِنها المُعَلّى

21. O son of the Prophet's uncle, the devout and generous,
The perfect one whose merits have shone.

٢١. يا اِبنَ عَمِّ النَبِيِّ وَالحِبرِ وَالسَج
جادِ وَالكامِلِ الَّذي بانَ فَضلا

22. Theirs are Zamzam, and the courtyard of Kaaba,
The Black Stone, and Safa and Marwa.

٢٢. لَهُمُ زَمزَمٌ وَأَفنِيَةُ الكَع
بَةِ وَالحِجرُ وَالصَفا وَالمُصَلّى

23. Whoever refuses your love cannot be,
Of God, even if he fasts a thousand years and prays!

٢٣. مَن أَبى حُبَّكُم فَلَيسَ مِنَ اللَ
هِ وَلَو صامَ أَلفَ عامٍ وَصَلّى

24. Your undeniable right continues to erase,
The falsehood of the usurper until it fades away.

٢٤. لَم يَزَل حَقُّكَ المُقَدَّمُ يَمحو
باطِلَ المُستَعارِ حَتّى اِضمَحَلّا

25. We have sought but found no equal to you,
In generosity, glory, and nobility.

٢٥. قَد طَلَبنا فَلَم نَجِد لَكَ في السُؤ
دُدِ وَالمَجدِ وَالمَكارِمِ مِثلا

26. You are the most generous, noblest in manners,
Most truthful in words, and most benevolent in deeds.

٢٦. أَنتَ أَندى كَفّاً وَأَشرَفُ أَخلا
قاً وَأَزكى قَولاً وَأَكرَمُ فِعلا

27. Good fortune has dawned upon you, so rain has poured,
As drizzle in your field, and poured down.

٢٧. طالَعَتكَ السُعودُ فَاِنسَكَبَ الغَي
ثُ رَذاذاً في ساحَتَيكَ وَهَطلا

28. And Eid has come in thick clouds,
That followed the horizon's ailment till it recovered.

٢٨. وَأَتى العيدُ في دُجونٍ تَتَبَّع
نَ عَليلَ البَطحاءِ حَتّى اِستَبَلّا

29. It presented you with its boons,
And the sky spoke of you with rain and downpour.

٢٩. عارَضَتكَ الأَنواءُ فيها سَماحاً
وَحَكَتكَ السَماءُ سَحّاً وَوَبلا

30. That is a grace you were granted - you are indeed,
More deserving and worthy than all mankind.

٣٠. ذاكَ فَضلٌ أوتيتَهُ كُنتَ مِن بَي
نِ البَرايا بِهِ أَحَقَّ وَأَولى

31. And a gift from God - so you should never,
Cease being humble, upholding that gift.

٣١. وَعَطاءٌ مِنَ الإِلَهِ فَلا زِل
تَ مُهَنّاً ذاكَ العَطاءَ مُمَلّى