
Who can shield me from the sly gazelles

من عذيري من الظباء الغيد

1. Who can shield me from the sly gazelles
And protect me from their persistent darkness?

١. مَن عَذيري مِنَ الظِباءِ الغيدِ
وَمُجيري مِن ظُلمِهِنَّ العَتيدِ

2. The magic of eyes has led my heart astray
Passion has overcome me, and blushing cheeks.

٢. إِنَّ سِحرَ العُيونِ ضَلَّلَ لُبّي
وَحَماني الرُقادَ وَردَ الخُدودِ

3. Wishes still burden me
With the stinginess of fleeting joys and generosity.

٣. وَالأَمانِيُّ ماتَزالُ تُعَنّي
نا بِبُخلٍ مِنَ الغَواني وَجودِ

4. If life would only aid a life
Where union comes after separation.

٤. وَمِنَ العَيشِ لَو يُساعِدُ عَيشٌ
أَن يَجيءَ الوِصالُ بَعدَ الصُدودِ

5. By my soul that turned against itself
Then was miserly in attaining it, the ascetic.

٥. وَبِنَفسي الَّتي تَوَلَّت بِنَفسي
ثُمَّ ضَنَّت بِالنَيلِ مِنها الزَهيدِ

6. Her dwelling grew distant, so no meeting remains
Except an apparition that visits me in solitude.

٦. بَعُدَت دارُها فَما مِن تَلاقٍ
غَيرَ طَيفٍ يَزورُني في الهُجودِ

7. Do I see her keeping to the pact or is it
The wont of singing girls to break vows?

٧. أَتُراها دامَت عَلى العَهدِ أَم مِن
عادَةِ الغانِياتِ نَقضُ العُهودِ

8. Or will I soon meet a home
That I long for from afar?

٨. أَم تُراني مُلاقِياً مِن قَريبٍ
سَكَناً لي أَشتاقُهُ مِن بَعيدِ

9. The Imam al-Mu'tazz Billah, foremost
Of Hashim's descendants, victorious and supported.

٩. الإِمامُ المُعتَزُّ بِاللَهِ أَولى
هاشِمِيٍّ بِالنَصرِ وَالتَأييدِ

10. Heir of the Mantle and Staff, whose rule
No noble or commoner can oppose.

١٠. وارِثُ البُردِ وَالقَضيبِ وَحُكمِ ال
لَهِ في كُلِّ سَيِّدٍ وَمَسودِ

11. Pure of soul and mothers and fathers
And most virtuous in ancestry.

١١. طابَ نَفساً وَأُمَّهاتٍ وَآبا
ءً وَأَربى فَضيلَةً في الجُدودِ

12. Al-Mansur's resolves have turned
Toward him and al-Rashid's favors.

١٢. عَزَماتُ المَنصورِ مَصروفَةِ السَب
لِ إِلَيهِ وَمَكرُماتِ الرَشيدِ

13. In the sublime station of my ancestors
‘Abd Manaf and the excellent, rejected idols.

١٣. في المَحَلِّ الجَليلِ مِن سَلَفَي عَب
دِ مَنافٍ وَالسُؤدَدِ المَرفودِ

14. A king whose eyes are filled with splendor
When his jeweled crown is first seen.

١٤. مَلِكٌ تَملَأُ العُيونُ بَهاءً
حينَ يَبدو في تاجِهِ المَعقودِ

15. May God curse the violator of His sanctuary
And his house, however intended.

١٥. بَرِىءَ اللَهُ مِن مُحِلِّ حَريمِ ال
لَهِ كُفراً وَبَيتِهِ المَقصودِ

16. His effort there was not agreeable
Nor was his command considered judicious.

١٦. لَم يَكُن سَعيُهُ هُناكَ بِمَرضِي
يٍ وَلا كانَ أَمرُهُ بِرَشيدِ

17. Except that it calmed hearts
That he came to us shackled in irons.

١٧. غَيرَ أَنَّ القُلوبَ سَكَّنَ مِنها
أَن أَتانا مُصَفَّداً في الحَديدِ

18. Knowing that the banner of victory is not raised
Except with black standards.

١٨. عالِماً أَنَّ رايَةَ النَصرِ لا تُر
فَعَ إِلّا مَعَ البُنودِ السودِ

19. And admitting that the Caliph is supported
By a pillar of loyal, mighty men.

١٩. وَمُقِرّاً أَنَّ الخَليفَةَ مَنصو
رٌ بِرُكنٍ مِنَ المَوالي شَديدِ

20. Who fear no enemy, no arms, no multitude.
God bless the Caliph in the southern conquest

٢٠. لا يَهالونَ مِن عَدُوٍّ وَلا يُؤ
تونَ مِن عُدَّةٍ وَلا مِن عَديدِ

21. And the new construction.
A joyous tiding and the building of Yemen

٢١. بارَكَ اللَهُ لِلخَليفَةِ في الفَت
حِ الجَنوبِيِّ وَالبِناءِ الجَديدِ

22. In Munif by al-Simak, erected.
Above a lofty palace of wondrous composition and length

٢٢. خَبَرٌ مُبهِجٌ وَبُنيانُ يُمنٍ
في مُنيفٍ عِندَ السِماكِ مَشيدِ

23. That, were its beauty unveiled to Solomon's Jinn, they would fall prostrating.
We counted the day you came as too fair,

٢٣. فَوقَ صَرحٍ مُمَرَّدٍ مِن قَواري
رَ غَريبَ التَأليفِ وَالتَمديدِ

24. Marking it as a feast day.
I visited it after the new moon with auspicious stars

٢٤. لَو بَدا حُسنُهُ لِجِنِّ سُلَيما
نَ لَخَرّوا مِن رُكَّعٍ وَسُجودِ

25. In a time when its radiant narcissus is a dangling pearl and unique.
Between the light of spring greeting you

٢٥. قَد عَدَدنا اليَومَ الَّذي جِئتَهُ في
هِ لِإِفراطِهِ حُسنِهِ يَومَ عيدِ

26. And the pleasant season of winter.
So the chastity, forbearance, and surrender of Islam may endure

٢٦. زُرتُهُ تِلوَ غُرَّةِ الشَهرِ بِالطَي
رِ المَيامينِ وَالنُجومِ السُعودِ

27. And life be for the dew and generosity.
And God perpetuate your prosperity among us

٢٧. في زَمانٍ كَأَنَّ نَرجِسَهُ الغَض
ضَ سُموطٌ مِن لُؤلُؤٍ وَفَريدِ

28. With perfect bounty and excellent increase.

٢٨. بَينَ نورٍ مِنَ الرَبيعِ يُحَيِّ
يكَ وَعَهدٍ مِنَ الشِتاءِ حَميدِ

٢٩. فَاِبقَ يَبقَ العَفافُ وَالحِلمُ وَإِسلَم
يَسلَمِ العُمرُ لِلنَدى وَالجودِ

٣٠. وَعَلى اللَهِ أَن يُمِدَّكَ فينا
بِتَمامِ النُعمى وَحُسنِ المَزيدِ